import {expect} from "chai"; import {makeSuite, TestEnv} from "./helpers/make-suite"; import {ProtocolErrors} from "../helpers/types"; makeSuite("AToken: Modifiers", (testEnv: TestEnv) => { const {INVALID_POOL_CALLER_MSG_1} = ProtocolErrors; it("Tries to invoke mintOnDeposit not being the LendingPool", async () => { const {deployer, aDai} = testEnv; await expect(aDai.mintOnDeposit(deployer.address, "1")) INVALID_POOL_CALLER_MSG_1 ); }); it("Tries to invoke burnOnLiquidation not being the LendingPool", async () => { const {deployer, aDai} = testEnv; await expect( aDai.burnOnLiquidation(deployer.address, "1") ); }); it("Tries to invoke transferOnLiquidation not being the LendingPool", async () => { const {deployer, users, aDai} = testEnv; await expect( aDai.transferOnLiquidation(deployer.address, users[0].address, "1") ); }); });