import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'; export enum eEthereumNetwork { buidlerevm = 'buidlerevm', kovan = 'kovan', ropsten = 'ropsten', main = 'main', } export enum AavePools { proto = 'proto', secondary = 'secondary', } export enum eContractid { Example = 'Example', LendingPoolAddressesProvider = 'LendingPoolAddressesProvider', MintableERC20 = 'MintableERC20', LendingPoolAddressesProviderRegistry = 'LendingPoolAddressesProviderRegistry', LendingPoolParametersProvider = 'LendingPoolParametersProvider', LendingPoolConfigurator = 'LendingPoolConfigurator', ValidationLogic = 'ValidationLogic', ReserveLogic = 'ReserveLogic', GenericLogic = 'GenericLogic', LendingPool = 'LendingPool', PriceOracle = 'PriceOracle', Proxy = 'Proxy', MockAggregator = 'MockAggregator', LendingRateOracle = 'LendingRateOracle', ChainlinkProxyPriceProvider = 'ChainlinkProxyPriceProvider', DefaultReserveInterestRateStrategy = 'DefaultReserveInterestRateStrategy', LendingPoolLiquidationManager = 'LendingPoolLiquidationManager', InitializableAdminUpgradeabilityProxy = 'InitializableAdminUpgradeabilityProxy', MockFlashLoanReceiver = 'MockFlashLoanReceiver', WalletBalanceProvider = 'WalletBalanceProvider', AToken = 'AToken', MockAToken = 'MockAToken', MockStableDebtToken = 'MockStableDebtToken', MockVariableDebtToken = 'MockVariableDebtToken', AaveProtocolTestHelpers = 'AaveProtocolTestHelpers', IERC20Detailed = 'IERC20Detailed', StableDebtToken = 'StableDebtToken', VariableDebtToken = 'VariableDebtToken', } export enum ProtocolErrors { INVALID_CONFIGURATOR_CALLER_MSG = 'The caller must be a lending pool configurator contract', INVALID_POOL_CALLER_MSG = 'The caller must be a lending pool contract', INVALID_POOL_CALLER_MSG_1 = 'The caller of this function must be a lending pool', INVALID_POOL_MANAGER_CALLER_MSG = 'The caller must be a lending pool manager', INVALID_FROM_BALANCE_AFTER_TRANSFER = 'Invalid from balance after transfer', INVALID_TO_BALANCE_AFTER_TRANSFER = 'Invalid from balance after transfer', INVALID_OWNER_REVERT_MSG = 'Ownable: caller is not the owner', INVALID_REDIRECTED_BALANCE_BEFORE_TRANSFER = 'Invalid redirected balance before transfer', INVALID_REDIRECTED_BALANCE_AFTER_TRANSFER = 'Invalid redirected balance after transfer', INVALID_REDIRECTION_ADDRESS = 'Invalid redirection address', TRANSFERRED_AMOUNT_GT_ZERO = 'Transferred amount needs to be greater than zero', ZERO_COLLATERAL = 'The collateral balance is 0', TRANSFER_AMOUNT_EXCEEDS_BALANCE = 'ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance', TOO_SMALL_FLASH_LOAN = 'The requested amount is too small for a FlashLoan.', NOT_ENOUGH_LIQUIDITY_TO_BORROW = 'There is not enough liquidity available to borrow', HF_IS_NOT_BELLOW_THRESHOLD = 'Health factor is not below the threshold', INVALID_HF = 'Invalid health factor', USER_DID_NOT_BORROW_SPECIFIED = 'User did not borrow the specified currency', THE_COLLATERAL_CHOSEN_CANNOT_BE_LIQUIDATED = 'The collateral chosen cannot be liquidated', COLLATERAL_BALANCE_IS_0 = 'The collateral balance is 0' } export type tEthereumAddress = string; export type tStringTokenBigUnits = string; // 1 ETH, or 10e6 USDC or 10e18 DAI export type tBigNumberTokenBigUnits = BigNumber; export type tStringTokenSmallUnits = string; // 1 wei, or 1 basic unit of USDC, or 1 basic unit of DAI export type tBigNumberTokenSmallUnits = BigNumber; export interface iAssetBase { WETH: T; DAI: T; TUSD: T; USDC: T; USDT: T; SUSD: T; LEND: T; BAT: T; REP: T; MKR: T; LINK: T; KNC: T; WBTC: T; MANA: T; ZRX: T; SNX: T; BUSD: T; USD: T; UNI_DAI_ETH: T; UNI_USDC_ETH: T; UNI_SETH_ETH: T; UNI_LEND_ETH: T; UNI_MKR_ETH: T; UNI_LINK_ETH: T; } export type iAssetsWithoutETH = Omit, 'ETH'>; export type iAssetsWithoutUSD = Omit, 'USD'>; export type iAavePoolAssets = Pick< iAssetsWithoutUSD, | 'WETH' | 'DAI' | 'TUSD' | 'USDC' | 'USDT' | 'SUSD' | 'LEND' | 'BAT' | 'REP' | 'MKR' | 'LINK' | 'KNC' | 'WBTC' | 'MANA' | 'ZRX' | 'SNX' | 'BUSD' | 'WETH' >; export type iUniAssets = Pick< iAssetBase, 'UNI_DAI_ETH' | 'UNI_USDC_ETH' | 'UNI_SETH_ETH' | 'UNI_LEND_ETH' | 'UNI_MKR_ETH' | 'UNI_LINK_ETH' >; export type iAaveSecondPoolAssets = Pick< iAssetBase, | 'WETH' | 'DAI' | 'USDC' | 'USDT' | 'UNI_DAI_ETH' | 'UNI_USDC_ETH' | 'UNI_SETH_ETH' | 'UNI_LEND_ETH' | 'UNI_MKR_ETH' | 'UNI_LINK_ETH' >; export type iMultiPoolsAssets = iAavePoolAssets | iAaveSecondPoolAssets; export type iAavePoolTokens = Omit, 'ETH'>; export type iAssetAggregatorBase = iAssetsWithoutETH; export enum TokenContractId { DAI = 'DAI', LEND = 'LEND', TUSD = 'TUSD', BAT = 'BAT', WETH = 'WETH', USDC = 'USDC', USDT = 'USDT', SUSD = 'SUSD', ZRX = 'ZRX', MKR = 'MKR', WBTC = 'WBTC', LINK = 'LINK', KNC = 'KNC', MANA = 'MANA', REP = 'REP', SNX = 'SNX', BUSD = 'BUSD', USD = 'USD', UNI_DAI_ETH = 'UNI_DAI_ETH', UNI_USDC_ETH = 'UNI_USDC_ETH', UNI_SETH_ETH = 'UNI_SETH_ETH', UNI_LINK_ETH = 'UNI_LINK_ETH', UNI_MKR_ETH = 'UNI_MKR_ETH', UNI_LEND_ETH = 'UNI_LEND_ETH', } export interface IReserveParams extends IReserveBorrowParams, IReserveCollateralParams {} export interface IReserveBorrowParams { baseVariableBorrowRate: string; variableRateSlope1: string; variableRateSlope2: string; stableRateSlope1: string; stableRateSlope2: string; borrowingEnabled: boolean; stableBorrowRateEnabled: boolean; reserveDecimals: string; } export interface IReserveCollateralParams { baseLTVAsCollateral: string; liquidationThreshold: string; liquidationBonus: string; } export interface IMarketRates { borrowRate: string; } export interface iParamsPerNetwork { [eEthereumNetwork.kovan]: T; [eEthereumNetwork.ropsten]: T; [eEthereumNetwork.main]: T; } export interface iParamsPerPool { [AavePools.proto]: T; [AavePools.secondary]: T; } export interface iBasicDistributionParams { receivers: string[]; percentages: string[]; } export enum RateMode { None = '0', Stable = '1', Variable = '2', }