import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'; import { oneEther, oneRay, RAY, ZERO_ADDRESS, MOCK_CHAINLINK_AGGREGATORS_PRICES } from '../../helpers/constants'; import { ICommonConfiguration, eXDaiNetwork } from '../../helpers/types'; // ---------------- // PROTOCOL GLOBAL PARAMS // ---------------- export const CommonsConfig: ICommonConfiguration = { MarketId: 'Commons', ATokenNamePrefix: 'Aave XDAI Market', StableDebtTokenNamePrefix: 'Aave XDAI Market stable debt', VariableDebtTokenNamePrefix: 'Aave XDAI Market variable debt', SymbolPrefix: 'm', ProviderId: 0, // Overriden in index.ts ProtocolGlobalParams: { TokenDistributorPercentageBase: '10000', MockUsdPriceInWei: '5848466240000000', UsdAddress: '0x10F7Fc1F91Ba351f9C629c5947AD69bD03C05b96', NilAddress: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', OneAddress: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001', AaveReferral: '0', }, // ---------------- // COMMON PROTOCOL PARAMS ACROSS POOLS AND NETWORKS // ---------------- Mocks: { AllAssetsInitialPrices: { ...MOCK_CHAINLINK_AGGREGATORS_PRICES, }, }, // TODO: reorg alphabetically, checking the reason of tests failing LendingRateOracleRatesCommon: { WETH: { borrowRate: oneRay.multipliedBy(0.03).toFixed(), }, DAI: { borrowRate: oneRay.multipliedBy(0.039).toFixed(), }, USDC: { borrowRate: oneRay.multipliedBy(0.039).toFixed(), }, USDT: { borrowRate: oneRay.multipliedBy(0.035).toFixed(), }, WBTC: { borrowRate: oneRay.multipliedBy(0.03).toFixed(), }, STAKE: { borrowRate: oneRay.multipliedBy(0.05).toFixed(), // TEMP }, }, // ---------------- // COMMON PROTOCOL ADDRESSES ACROSS POOLS // ---------------- // If PoolAdmin/emergencyAdmin is set, will take priority over PoolAdminIndex/emergencyAdminIndex PoolAdmin: { [eXDaiNetwork.xdai]: undefined, }, PoolAdminIndex: 0, EmergencyAdmin: { [eXDaiNetwork.xdai]: undefined, }, EmergencyAdminIndex: 1, ProviderRegistry: { [eXDaiNetwork.xdai]: '', }, ProviderRegistryOwner: { [eXDaiNetwork.xdai]: '', }, LendingPoolConfigurator: { [eXDaiNetwork.xdai]: '0', }, LendingPool: { [eXDaiNetwork.xdai]: '0', }, LendingRateOracle: { [eXDaiNetwork.xdai]: '', }, LendingPoolCollateralManager: { [eXDaiNetwork.xdai]: '', }, TokenDistributor: { [eXDaiNetwork.xdai]: '', }, WethGateway: { [eXDaiNetwork.xdai]: '', }, AaveOracle: { [eXDaiNetwork.xdai]: '', }, FallbackOracle: { [eXDaiNetwork.xdai]: ZERO_ADDRESS, }, ChainlinkAggregator: { [eXDaiNetwork.xdai]: { DAI: ZERO_ADDRESS, USDC: ZERO_ADDRESS, USDT: ZERO_ADDRESS, WBTC: ZERO_ADDRESS, STAKE: ZERO_ADDRESS, }, }, ReserveAssets: { [eXDaiNetwork.xdai]: {}, }, ReservesConfig: {}, ATokenDomainSeparator: { [eXDaiNetwork.xdai]: '', }, WETH: { [eXDaiNetwork.xdai]: '', // DAI: xDAI is the base token, DAI is also there, We need WXDAI }, ReserveFactorTreasuryAddress: { [eXDaiNetwork.xdai]: '', // TEMP }, };