import { makeSuite, TestEnv } from './helpers/make-suite'; import { ProtocolErrors, RateMode } from '../../helpers/types'; import { APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL, MAX_UINT_AMOUNT, oneEther } from '../../helpers/constants'; import { convertToCurrencyDecimals } from '../../helpers/contracts-helpers'; import { parseEther, parseUnits } from 'ethers/lib/utils'; import { BigNumber } from 'bignumber.js'; import { MockFlashLoanReceiver } from '../../types/MockFlashLoanReceiver'; import { getMockFlashLoanReceiver } from '../../helpers/contracts-getters'; import { domainToUnicode } from 'url'; const { expect } = require('chai'); makeSuite('Drop Reserve', (testEnv: TestEnv) => { let _mockFlashLoanReceiver = {} as MockFlashLoanReceiver; const { RL_ATOKEN_SUPPLY_NOT_ZERO, RL_STABLE_DEBT_NOT_ZERO, RL_VARIABLE_DEBT_SUPPLY_NOT_ZERO } = ProtocolErrors; before(async () => { _mockFlashLoanReceiver = await getMockFlashLoanReceiver(); }); it('User 1 deposits Dai, User 2 borrow Dai stable and variable, should fail to drop Dai reserve', async () => { const { deployer, users: [user1], pool, dai, aDai, weth, configurator, } = testEnv; const depositedAmount = parseEther('1000'); const borrowedAmount = parseEther('100'); // setting reserve factor to 0 to ease tests, no aToken accrued in reserve await configurator.setReserveFactor(dai.address, 0); await; await dai.approve(pool.address, depositedAmount); await dai.connect(user1.signer).mint(depositedAmount); await dai.connect(user1.signer).approve(pool.address, depositedAmount); await weth.connect(user1.signer).mint(depositedAmount); await weth.connect(user1.signer).approve(pool.address, depositedAmount); await pool.deposit(dai.address, depositedAmount, deployer.address, 0); await expect(configurator.dropReserve(dai.address)) RL_ATOKEN_SUPPLY_NOT_ZERO ); await pool.connect(user1.signer).deposit(weth.address, depositedAmount, user1.address, 0); await pool.connect(user1.signer).borrow(dai.address, borrowedAmount, 2, 0, user1.address); await expect(configurator.dropReserve(dai.address)) RL_VARIABLE_DEBT_SUPPLY_NOT_ZERO ); await pool.connect(user1.signer).borrow(dai.address, borrowedAmount, 1, 0, user1.address); await expect(configurator.dropReserve(dai.address)); }); it('User 2 repays debts, drop Dai reserve should fail', async () => { const { deployer, users: [user1], pool, dai, weth, configurator, } = testEnv; await pool.connect(user1.signer).repay(dai.address, MAX_UINT_AMOUNT, 1, user1.address); await expect(configurator.dropReserve(dai.address)) RL_VARIABLE_DEBT_SUPPLY_NOT_ZERO ); await pool.connect(user1.signer).repay(dai.address, MAX_UINT_AMOUNT, 2, user1.address); await expect(configurator.dropReserve(dai.address)) RL_ATOKEN_SUPPLY_NOT_ZERO ); }); it('User 1 withdraw Dai, drop Dai reserve should succeed', async () => { const { deployer, users: [user1], pool, dai, aDai, weth, configurator, helpersContract, } = testEnv; await pool.withdraw(dai.address, MAX_UINT_AMOUNT, deployer.address); await configurator.dropReserve(dai.address); const tokens = await pool.getReservesList(); expect(tokens.includes(dai.address)); const { isActive } = await helpersContract.getReserveConfigurationData(dai.address); expect(isActive); }); });