import {makeSuite, TestEnv} from './helpers/make-suite'; import {MockSwapAdapter} from '../types/MockSwapAdapter'; import {getMockSwapAdapter} from '../helpers/contracts-helpers'; import {ProtocolErrors} from '../helpers/types'; import {ethers} from 'ethers'; import {APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL} from '../helpers/constants'; import {getContractsData, getTxCostAndTimestamp} from './helpers/actions'; import {calcExpectedATokenBalance} from './helpers/utils/calculations'; import {waitForTx} from '../helpers/misc-utils'; import {advanceBlock, timeLatest} from '../helpers/misc-utils'; const {expect} = require('chai'); makeSuite('LendingPool SwapDeposit function', (testEnv: TestEnv) => { let _mockSwapAdapter = {} as MockSwapAdapter; const { HEALTH_FACTOR_LOWER_THAN_LIQUIDATION_THRESHOLD, NO_UNFREEZED_RESERVE, NO_ACTIVE_RESERVE, INVALID_EQUAL_ASSETS_TO_SWAP, } = ProtocolErrors; before(async () => { _mockSwapAdapter = await getMockSwapAdapter(); }); it('Should not allow to swap if from equal to', async () => { const {pool, weth} = testEnv; await expect( pool.swapLiquidity( _mockSwapAdapter.address, weth.address, weth.address, '1'.toString(), '0x10' ) ); }); it('Should not allow to swap if from or to reserves are not active', async () => { const {pool, weth, dai, configurator} = testEnv; await configurator.deactivateReserve(weth.address); await expect( pool.swapLiquidity( _mockSwapAdapter.address, weth.address, dai.address, '1'.toString(), '0x10' ) ); await configurator.activateReserve(weth.address); await configurator.deactivateReserve(dai.address); await expect( pool.swapLiquidity( _mockSwapAdapter.address, weth.address, dai.address, '1'.toString(), '0x10' ) ); //cleanup state await configurator.activateReserve(dai.address); }); it('Deposits WETH into the reserve', async () => { const {pool, weth, users} = testEnv; const amountToDeposit = ethers.utils.parseEther('1'); for (const signer of [weth.signer, users[2].signer]) { const connectedWETH = weth.connect(signer); await; await connectedWETH.approve(pool.address, APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL); await pool .connect(signer) .deposit(weth.address, amountToDeposit, await signer.getAddress(), '0'); } }); it('User tries to swap more then he can, revert expected', async () => { const {pool, weth, dai} = testEnv; await expect( pool.swapLiquidity( _mockSwapAdapter.address, weth.address, dai.address, ethers.utils.parseEther('1.1'), '0x10' ) )'55'); }); it('User tries to swap more then available on the reserve', async () => { const {pool, weth, dai, users, aEth, deployer} = testEnv; await pool.borrow(weth.address, ethers.utils.parseEther('0.1'), 1, 0, deployer.address); await pool.connect(users[2].signer).withdraw(weth.address, ethers.utils.parseEther('1')); await expect( pool.swapLiquidity( _mockSwapAdapter.address, weth.address, dai.address, ethers.utils.parseEther('1'), '0x10' ) )'55'); }); it('User tries to swap correct amount', async () => { const {pool, weth, dai, aEth, aDai} = testEnv; const userAddress = await pool.signer.getAddress(); const amountToSwap = ethers.utils.parseEther('0.25'); const amountToReturn = ethers.utils.parseEther('0.5'); await _mockSwapAdapter.setAmountToReturn(amountToReturn); const { reserveData: wethReserveDataBefore, userData: wethUserDataBefore, } = await getContractsData(weth.address, userAddress, testEnv); const {reserveData: daiReserveDataBefore, userData: daiUserDataBefore} = await getContractsData( dai.address, userAddress, testEnv ); const reserveBalanceWETHBefore = await weth.balanceOf(aEth.address); const reserveBalanceDAIBefore = await dai.balanceOf(aDai.address); const txReceipt = await waitForTx( await pool.swapLiquidity( _mockSwapAdapter.address, weth.address, dai.address, amountToSwap, '0x10' ) ); const {txTimestamp} = await getTxCostAndTimestamp(txReceipt); const userATokenBalanceWETHAfter = await aEth.balanceOf(userAddress); const userATokenBalanceDAIAfter = await aDai.balanceOf(userAddress); const reserveBalanceWETHAfter = await weth.balanceOf(aEth.address); const reserveBalanceDAIAfter = await dai.balanceOf(aDai.address); expect(userATokenBalanceWETHAfter.toString()) calcExpectedATokenBalance(wethReserveDataBefore, wethUserDataBefore, txTimestamp) .minus(amountToSwap.toString()) .toString(), 'was burned incorrect amount of user funds' ); expect(userATokenBalanceDAIAfter.toString()) calcExpectedATokenBalance(daiReserveDataBefore, daiUserDataBefore, txTimestamp) .plus(amountToReturn.toString()) .toString(), 'was minted incorrect amount of user funds' ); expect(reserveBalanceWETHAfter.toString()) reserveBalanceWETHBefore.sub(amountToSwap).toString(), 'was sent incorrect amount if reserve funds' ); expect(reserveBalanceDAIAfter.toString()) reserveBalanceDAIBefore.add(amountToReturn).toString(), 'was received incorrect amount if reserve funds' ); expect( (await pool.getUserReserveData(dai.address, userAddress)).usageAsCollateralEnabled ), 'usage as collateral was not enabled on destination reserve for the user'); }); it('User tries to drop HF below one', async () => { const {pool, weth, dai, deployer} = testEnv; const amountToSwap = ethers.utils.parseEther('0.3'); const amountToReturn = ethers.utils.parseEther('0.5'); await _mockSwapAdapter.setAmountToReturn(amountToReturn); await pool.borrow(weth.address, ethers.utils.parseEther('0.3'), 1, 0, deployer.address); await expect( pool.swapLiquidity(_mockSwapAdapter.address, weth.address, dai.address, amountToSwap, '0x10') ); }); it('Should set usage as collateral to false if no leftovers after swap', async () => { const {pool, weth, dai, users} = testEnv; const userAddress = await pool.signer.getAddress(); // add more liquidity to allow user 0 to swap everything he has await weth.connect(users[2].signer).mint(ethers.utils.parseEther('1')); await pool .connect(users[2].signer) .deposit(weth.address, ethers.utils.parseEther('1'), users[2].address, '0'); // cleanup borrowings, to be abe to swap whole weth const amountToRepay = ethers.utils.parseEther('0.5'); await; await pool.repay(weth.address, amountToRepay, '1', userAddress); const txTimestamp = (await timeLatest()).plus(100); const { reserveData: wethReserveDataBefore, userData: wethUserDataBefore, } = await getContractsData(weth.address, userAddress, testEnv); const amountToSwap = calcExpectedATokenBalance( wethReserveDataBefore, wethUserDataBefore,'1') ); await advanceBlock(txTimestamp.toNumber()); await pool.swapLiquidity( _mockSwapAdapter.address, weth.address, dai.address, amountToSwap.toString(), '0x10' ); const {userData: wethUserDataAfter} = await getContractsData( weth.address, userAddress, testEnv ); expect(wethUserDataAfter.usageAsCollateralEnabled) false, 'usageAsCollateralEnabled are not set to false' ); }); it('Should not allow to swap if to reserve are freezed', async () => { const {pool, weth, dai, configurator} = testEnv; await configurator.freezeReserve(dai.address); await expect( pool.swapLiquidity( _mockSwapAdapter.address, weth.address, dai.address, '1'.toString(), '0x10' ) ); //cleanup state await configurator.unfreezeReserve(dai.address); }); });