import {TestEnv, makeSuite} from "./helpers/make-suite"; import { MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS, RAY, APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL, } from "../helpers/constants"; import {convertToCurrencyDecimals} from "../helpers/contracts-helpers"; import {ProtocolErrors} from "../helpers/types"; const {expect} = require("chai"); makeSuite("LendingPoolConfigurator", (testEnv: TestEnv) => { const {INVALID_POOL_MANAGER_CALLER_MSG} = ProtocolErrors; it("Deactivates the ETH reserve", async () => { const {configurator, pool} = testEnv; await configurator.deactivateReserve(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS); const {isActive} = await pool.getReserveConfigurationData(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS); expect(isActive); }); it("Rectivates the ETH reserve", async () => { const {configurator, pool} = testEnv; await configurator.activateReserve(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS); const {isActive} = await pool.getReserveConfigurationData(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS); expect(isActive); }); it("Check the onlyLendingPoolManager on deactivateReserve ", async () => { const {configurator, users} = testEnv; await expect( configurator.connect(users[2].signer).deactivateReserve(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS), INVALID_POOL_MANAGER_CALLER_MSG ); }); it("Check the onlyLendingPoolManager on activateReserve ", async () => { const {configurator, users} = testEnv; await expect( configurator.connect(users[2].signer).activateReserve(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS), INVALID_POOL_MANAGER_CALLER_MSG ); }); it("Freezes the ETH reserve", async () => { const {configurator, pool} = testEnv; await configurator.freezeReserve(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS); const {isFreezed} = await pool.getReserveConfigurationData(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS); expect(isFreezed); }); it("Unfreezes the ETH reserve", async () => { const {configurator, pool} = testEnv; await configurator.unfreezeReserve(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS); const {isFreezed} = await pool.getReserveConfigurationData(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS); expect(isFreezed); }); it("Check the onlyLendingPoolManager on freezeReserve ", async () => { const {configurator, users} = testEnv; await expect( configurator.connect(users[2].signer).freezeReserve(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS), INVALID_POOL_MANAGER_CALLER_MSG ); }); it("Check the onlyLendingPoolManager on unfreezeReserve ", async () => { const {configurator, users} = testEnv; await expect( configurator.connect(users[2].signer).unfreezeReserve(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS), INVALID_POOL_MANAGER_CALLER_MSG ); }); it("Deactivates the ETH reserve for borrowing", async () => { const {configurator, pool} = testEnv; await configurator.disableBorrowingOnReserve(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS); const {borrowingEnabled} = await pool.getReserveConfigurationData(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS); expect(borrowingEnabled); }); it("Activates the ETH reserve for borrowing", async () => { const {configurator, pool} = testEnv; await configurator.enableBorrowingOnReserve(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS, true); const {borrowingEnabled} = await pool.getReserveConfigurationData(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS); const {variableBorrowIndex} = await pool.getReserveData( MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS ) expect(borrowingEnabled); expect(variableBorrowIndex.toString()); }); it("Check the onlyLendingPoolManager on disableBorrowingOnReserve ", async () => { const {configurator, users} = testEnv; await expect( configurator .connect(users[2].signer) .disableBorrowingOnReserve(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS), INVALID_POOL_MANAGER_CALLER_MSG ); }); it("Check the onlyLendingPoolManager on enableBorrowingOnReserve ", async () => { const {configurator, users} = testEnv; await expect( configurator .connect(users[2].signer) .enableBorrowingOnReserve(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS, true), INVALID_POOL_MANAGER_CALLER_MSG ); }); it("Deactivates the ETH reserve as collateral", async () => { const {configurator, pool} = testEnv; await configurator.disableReserveAsCollateral(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS); const {usageAsCollateralEnabled} = await pool.getReserveConfigurationData( MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS ); expect(usageAsCollateralEnabled); }); it("Activates the ETH reserve as collateral", async () => { const {configurator, pool} = testEnv; await configurator.enableReserveAsCollateral( MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS, "75", "80", "105" ); const {usageAsCollateralEnabled} = await pool.getReserveConfigurationData( MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS ); expect(usageAsCollateralEnabled); }); it("Check the onlyLendingPoolManager on disableReserveAsCollateral ", async () => { const {configurator, users} = testEnv; await expect( configurator .connect(users[2].signer) .disableReserveAsCollateral(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS), INVALID_POOL_MANAGER_CALLER_MSG ); }); it("Check the onlyLendingPoolManager on enableReserveAsCollateral ", async () => { const {configurator, users} = testEnv; await expect( configurator .connect(users[2].signer) .enableReserveAsCollateral(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS, "75", "80", "105"), INVALID_POOL_MANAGER_CALLER_MSG ); }); it("Disable stable borrow rate on the ETH reserve", async () => { const {configurator, pool} = testEnv; await configurator.disableReserveStableRate(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS); const {stableBorrowRateEnabled} = await pool.getReserveConfigurationData( MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS ); expect(stableBorrowRateEnabled); }); it("Enables stable borrow rate on the ETH reserve", async () => { const {configurator, pool} = testEnv; await configurator.enableReserveStableRate(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS); const {stableBorrowRateEnabled} = await pool.getReserveConfigurationData( MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS ); expect(stableBorrowRateEnabled); }); it("Check the onlyLendingPoolManager on disableReserveStableRate", async () => { const {configurator, users} = testEnv; await expect( configurator .connect(users[2].signer) .disableReserveStableRate(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS), INVALID_POOL_MANAGER_CALLER_MSG ); }); it("Check the onlyLendingPoolManager on enableReserveStableRate", async () => { const {configurator, users} = testEnv; await expect( configurator .connect(users[2].signer) .enableReserveStableRate(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS), INVALID_POOL_MANAGER_CALLER_MSG ); }); it("Changes LTV of the reserve", async () => { const {configurator, pool} = testEnv; await configurator.setReserveBaseLTVasCollateral(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS, "60"); const {ltv}: any = await pool.getReserveConfigurationData(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS); expect(ltv)"60", "Invalid LTV"); }); it("Check the onlyLendingPoolManager on setReserveBaseLTVasCollateral", async () => { const {configurator, users} = testEnv; await expect( configurator .connect(users[2].signer) .setReserveBaseLTVasCollateral(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS, "75"), INVALID_POOL_MANAGER_CALLER_MSG ); }); it("Changes liquidation threshold of the reserve", async () => { const {configurator, pool} = testEnv; await configurator.setReserveLiquidationThreshold(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS, "75"); const {liquidationThreshold}: any = await pool.getReserveConfigurationData( MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS ); expect(liquidationThreshold) "75", "Invalid Liquidation threshold" ); }); it("Check the onlyLendingPoolManager on setReserveLiquidationThreshold", async () => { const {configurator, users} = testEnv; await expect( configurator .connect(users[2].signer) .setReserveLiquidationThreshold(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS, "80"), INVALID_POOL_MANAGER_CALLER_MSG ); }); it("Changes liquidation bonus of the reserve", async () => { const {configurator, pool} = testEnv; await configurator.setReserveLiquidationBonus(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS, "110"); const {liquidationBonus} = await pool.getReserveConfigurationData( MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS ); expect(liquidationBonus) "110", "Invalid Liquidation discount" ); }); it("Check the onlyLendingPoolManager on setReserveLiquidationBonus", async () => { const {configurator, users} = testEnv; await expect( configurator .connect(users[2].signer) .setReserveLiquidationBonus(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS, "80"), INVALID_POOL_MANAGER_CALLER_MSG ); }); it("Check the onlyLendingPoolManager on setReserveDecimals", async () => { const {configurator, users} = testEnv; await expect( configurator .connect(users[2].signer) .setReserveDecimals(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS, "80"), INVALID_POOL_MANAGER_CALLER_MSG ); }); it("Check the onlyLendingPoolManager on setReserveLiquidationBonus", async () => { const {configurator, users} = testEnv; await expect( configurator .connect(users[2].signer) .setReserveLiquidationBonus(MOCK_ETH_ADDRESS, "80"), INVALID_POOL_MANAGER_CALLER_MSG ); }); it("Reverts when trying to disable the DAI reserve with liquidity on it", async () => { const {dai, pool, configurator} = testEnv; await convertToCurrencyDecimals(dai.address, "1000")); //approve protocol to access depositor wallet await dai.approve(pool.address, APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL); const amountDAItoDeposit = await convertToCurrencyDecimals( dai.address, "1000" ); //user 1 deposits 1000 DAI await pool.deposit(dai.address, amountDAItoDeposit, "0"); await expect( configurator.deactivateReserve(dai.address), "The liquidity of the reserve needs to be 0" )"The liquidity of the reserve needs to be 0"); }); });