import {Contract, Signer, utils, ethers} from 'ethers';
import {signTypedData_v4} from 'eth-sig-util';
import {fromRpcSig, ECDSASignature} from 'ethereumjs-util';
import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
import {getDb, BRE, waitForTx} from './misc-utils';
import {
} from './types';
import {MintableErc20 as MintableERC20} from '../types/MintableErc20';
import {Artifact} from '@nomiclabs/buidler/types';
import {verifyContract} from './etherscan-verification';
import {getIErc20Detailed} from './contracts-getters';

export type MockTokenMap = {[symbol: string]: MintableERC20};

export const registerContractInJsonDb = async (contractId: string, contractInstance: Contract) => {
  const currentNetwork =;
  if (currentNetwork !== 'buidlerevm' && !currentNetwork.includes('coverage')) {
    console.log(`*** ${contractId} ***\n`);
    console.log(`Network: ${currentNetwork}`);
    console.log(`tx: ${contractInstance.deployTransaction.hash}`);
    console.log(`contract address: ${contractInstance.address}`);
    console.log(`deployer address: ${contractInstance.deployTransaction.from}`);
    console.log(`gas price: ${contractInstance.deployTransaction.gasPrice}`);
    console.log(`gas used: ${contractInstance.deployTransaction.gasLimit}`);

  await getDb()
    .set(`${contractId}.${currentNetwork}`, {
      address: contractInstance.address,
      deployer: contractInstance.deployTransaction.from,

export const insertContractAddressInDb = async (id: eContractid, address: tEthereumAddress) =>
  await getDb()
    .set(`${id}.${}`, {

export const getEthersSigners = async (): Promise<Signer[]> =>
  await Promise.all(await BRE.ethers.getSigners());

export const getEthersSignersAddresses = async (): Promise<tEthereumAddress[]> =>
  await Promise.all((await BRE.ethers.getSigners()).map((signer) => signer.getAddress()));

export const getCurrentBlock = async () => {
  return BRE.ethers.provider.getBlockNumber();

export const decodeAbiNumber = (data: string): number =>
  parseInt(utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode(['uint256'], data).toString());

export const deployContract = async <ContractType extends Contract>(
  contractName: string,
  args: any[]
): Promise<ContractType> => {
  const contract = (await (await BRE.ethers.getContractFactory(contractName)).deploy(
  )) as ContractType;
  await waitForTx(contract.deployTransaction);
  await registerContractInJsonDb(<eContractid>contractName, contract);
  return contract;

export const withSaveAndVerify = async <ContractType extends Contract>(
  instance: ContractType,
  id: string,
  args: (string | string[])[],
  verify?: boolean
): Promise<ContractType> => {
  await waitForTx(instance.deployTransaction);
  await registerContractInJsonDb(id, instance);
  if (verify) {
    await verifyContract(id, instance.address, args);
  return instance;

export const getContract = async <ContractType extends Contract>(
  contractName: string,
  address: string
): Promise<ContractType> => (await BRE.ethers.getContractAt(contractName, address)) as ContractType;

export const linkBytecode = (artifact: Artifact, libraries: any) => {
  let bytecode = artifact.bytecode;

  for (const [fileName, fileReferences] of Object.entries(artifact.linkReferences)) {
    for (const [libName, fixups] of Object.entries(fileReferences)) {
      const addr = libraries[libName];

      if (addr === undefined) {

      for (const fixup of fixups) {
        bytecode =
          bytecode.substr(0, 2 + fixup.start * 2) +
          addr.substr(2) +
          bytecode.substr(2 + (fixup.start + fixup.length) * 2);

  return bytecode;

export const getParamPerNetwork = <T>(
  {kovan, ropsten, main, buidlerevm, coverage}: iParamsPerNetwork<T>,
  network: eEthereumNetwork
) => {
  switch (network) {
    case eEthereumNetwork.coverage:
      return coverage;
    case eEthereumNetwork.buidlerevm:
      return buidlerevm;
    case eEthereumNetwork.kovan:
      return kovan;
    case eEthereumNetwork.ropsten:
      return ropsten;
    case eEthereumNetwork.main:
      return main;
      return main;

export const getParamPerPool = <T>({proto, secondary}: iParamsPerPool<T>, pool: AavePools) => {
  switch (pool) {
    case AavePools.proto:
      return proto;
    case AavePools.secondary:
      return secondary;
      return proto;

export const convertToCurrencyDecimals = async (tokenAddress: tEthereumAddress, amount: string) => {
  const token = await getIErc20Detailed(tokenAddress);
  let decimals = (await token.decimals()).toString();

  return ethers.utils.parseUnits(amount, decimals);

export const convertToCurrencyUnits = async (tokenAddress: string, amount: string) => {
  const token = await getIErc20Detailed(tokenAddress);
  let decimals = new BigNumber(await token.decimals());
  const currencyUnit = new BigNumber(10).pow(decimals);
  const amountInCurrencyUnits = new BigNumber(amount).div(currencyUnit);
  return amountInCurrencyUnits.toFixed();

export const buildPermitParams = (
  chainId: number,
  token: tEthereumAddress,
  revision: string,
  tokenName: string,
  owner: tEthereumAddress,
  spender: tEthereumAddress,
  nonce: number,
  deadline: string,
  value: tStringTokenSmallUnits
) => ({
  types: {
    EIP712Domain: [
      {name: 'name', type: 'string'},
      {name: 'version', type: 'string'},
      {name: 'chainId', type: 'uint256'},
      {name: 'verifyingContract', type: 'address'},
    Permit: [
      {name: 'owner', type: 'address'},
      {name: 'spender', type: 'address'},
      {name: 'value', type: 'uint256'},
      {name: 'nonce', type: 'uint256'},
      {name: 'deadline', type: 'uint256'},
  primaryType: 'Permit' as const,
  domain: {
    name: tokenName,
    version: revision,
    chainId: chainId,
    verifyingContract: token,
  message: {

export const getSignatureFromTypedData = (
  privateKey: string,
  typedData: any // TODO: should be TypedData, from eth-sig-utils, but TS doesn't accept it
): ECDSASignature => {
  const signature = signTypedData_v4(Buffer.from(privateKey.substring(2, 66), 'hex'), {
    data: typedData,
  return fromRpcSig(signature);