import { task } from 'hardhat/config'; import { deployStaticAToken, deployStaticATokenLM } from '../../helpers/contracts-deployments'; import { getFirstSigner } from '../../helpers/contracts-getters'; import { IERC20Detailed } from '../../types/IERC20Detailed'; import { IERC20DetailedFactory } from '../../types/IERC20DetailedFactory'; task( `deploy-atoken-wrapper`, `Deploy AToken Wrapper proxied with InitializableImmutableAdminUpgradeabilityProxy` ) .addParam('pool', 'Lending Pool address') .addParam('aTokenAddress', 'AToken proxy address') .addParam('proxyAdmin', 'Ethereum address of the proxy admin') .addFlag('verify', 'Verify UiPoolDataProvider contract via Etherscan API.') .setAction( async ( { pool, aTokenAddress, proxyAdmin, verify, }: { pool: string; aTokenAddress: string; verify: boolean; proxyAdmin: string; }, localBRE ) => { await'set-DRE'); // Load symbol from AToken proxy contract const symbol = await IERC20DetailedFactory.connect( aTokenAddress, await getFirstSigner() ).symbol(); const { proxy, implementation } = await deployStaticATokenLM( [pool, aTokenAddress, symbol, proxyAdmin], verify ); console.log('- Deployed Static Wrapper for', symbol); console.log(' - Proxy: ', proxy); console.log(' - Impl : ', implementation); } );