import path from 'path'; import fs from 'fs'; import { HardhatUserConfig } from 'hardhat/types'; // @ts-ignore import { accounts } from './test-wallets.js'; import { eEthereumNetwork } from './helpers/types'; import { BUIDLEREVM_CHAINID, COVERAGE_CHAINID } from './helpers/buidler-constants'; import '@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers'; import '@nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle'; import 'temp-hardhat-etherscan'; import 'hardhat-gas-reporter'; import 'hardhat-typechain'; import '@tenderly/hardhat-tenderly'; const SKIP_LOAD = process.env.SKIP_LOAD === 'true'; const DEFAULT_BLOCK_GAS_LIMIT = 12450000; const DEFAULT_GAS_MUL = 5; const DEFAULT_GAS_PRICE = 2000000000; const HARDFORK = 'istanbul'; const INFURA_KEY = process.env.INFURA_KEY || ''; const ALCHEMY_KEY = process.env.ALCHEMY_KEY || ''; const ETHERSCAN_KEY = process.env.ETHERSCAN_KEY || ''; const MNEMONIC_PATH = "m/44'/60'/0'/0"; const MNEMONIC = process.env.MNEMONIC || ''; const MAINNET_FORK = process.env.MAINNET_FORK === 'true'; // Prevent to load scripts before compilation and typechain if (!SKIP_LOAD) { ['misc', 'migrations', 'dev', 'full', 'verifications'].forEach((folder) => { const tasksPath = path.join(__dirname, 'tasks', folder); fs.readdirSync(tasksPath) .filter((pth) => pth.includes('.ts')) .forEach((task) => { require(`${tasksPath}/${task}`); }); }); } require(`${path.join(__dirname, 'tasks/misc')}/set-bre.ts`); const getCommonNetworkConfig = (networkName: eEthereumNetwork, networkId: number) => { return { url: ALCHEMY_KEY ? `https://eth-${ networkName === 'main' ? 'mainnet' : networkName }${ALCHEMY_KEY}` : `https://${networkName}${INFURA_KEY}`, hardfork: HARDFORK, blockGasLimit: DEFAULT_BLOCK_GAS_LIMIT, gasMultiplier: DEFAULT_GAS_MUL, gasPrice: DEFAULT_GAS_PRICE, chainId: networkId, accounts: { mnemonic: MNEMONIC, path: MNEMONIC_PATH, initialIndex: 0, count: 20, }, }; }; const mainnetFork = MAINNET_FORK ? { blockNumber: 11361132, url: ALCHEMY_KEY ? `${ALCHEMY_KEY}` : `${INFURA_KEY}`, } : undefined; const buidlerConfig: HardhatUserConfig = { solidity: { version: '0.6.12', settings: { optimizer: { enabled: true, runs: 200 }, evmVersion: 'istanbul', }, }, typechain: { outDir: 'types', target: 'ethers-v5', }, etherscan: { apiKey: ETHERSCAN_KEY, }, mocha: { timeout: 0, }, tenderly: { project: process.env.TENDERLY_PROJECT || '', username: process.env.TENDERLY_USERNAME || '', forkNetwork: '1', //Network id of the network we want to fork }, networks: { coverage: { url: 'http://localhost:8555', chainId: COVERAGE_CHAINID, }, kovan: getCommonNetworkConfig(eEthereumNetwork.kovan, 42), ropsten: getCommonNetworkConfig(eEthereumNetwork.ropsten, 3), main: getCommonNetworkConfig(eEthereumNetwork.main, 1), tenderlyMain: getCommonNetworkConfig(eEthereumNetwork.main, 1), hardhat: { hardfork: 'istanbul', blockGasLimit: DEFAULT_BLOCK_GAS_LIMIT, gas: DEFAULT_BLOCK_GAS_LIMIT, gasPrice: 8000000000, chainId: BUIDLEREVM_CHAINID, throwOnTransactionFailures: true, throwOnCallFailures: true, accounts:{ secretKey, balance }: { secretKey: string; balance: string }) => ({ privateKey: secretKey, balance, })), forking: mainnetFork, }, buidlerevm_docker: { hardfork: 'istanbul', blockGasLimit: 9500000, gas: 9500000, gasPrice: 8000000000, chainId: BUIDLEREVM_CHAINID, throwOnTransactionFailures: true, throwOnCallFailures: true, url: 'http://localhost:8545', }, ganache: { url: 'http://ganache:8545', accounts: { mnemonic: 'fox sight canyon orphan hotel grow hedgehog build bless august weather swarm', path: "m/44'/60'/0'/0", initialIndex: 0, count: 20, }, }, }, }; export default buidlerConfig;