// SPDX-License-Identifier: agpl-3.0 pragma solidity ^0.6.8; import {SafeMath} from '@openzeppelin/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol'; import {IERC20} from '@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol'; import {CoreLibrary} from './CoreLibrary.sol'; import {ReserveLogic} from './ReserveLogic.sol'; import {UserLogic} from './UserLogic.sol'; import {GenericLogic} from './GenericLogic.sol'; import {WadRayMath} from './WadRayMath.sol'; import {UniversalERC20} from './UniversalERC20.sol'; import {IPriceOracleGetter} from '../interfaces/IPriceOracleGetter.sol'; import {IFeeProvider} from '../interfaces/IFeeProvider.sol'; import '@nomiclabs/buidler/console.sol'; /** * @title ReserveLogic library * @author Aave * @notice Implements functions to validate specific action on the protocol. */ library ValidationLogic { using ReserveLogic for CoreLibrary.ReserveData; using UserLogic for CoreLibrary.UserReserveData; using SafeMath for uint256; using WadRayMath for uint256; using UniversalERC20 for IERC20; /** * @dev validates a deposit. * @param _reserve the reserve state on which the user is depositing * @param _amount the amount to be deposited */ function validateDeposit(CoreLibrary.ReserveData storage _reserve, uint256 _amount) external view { internalValidateReserveStateAndAmount(_reserve, _amount); } /** * @dev validates a redeem. * @param _reserve the reserve state from which the user is redeeming * @param _reserveAddress the address of the reserve * @param _amount the amount to be redeemed */ function validateRedeem( CoreLibrary.ReserveData storage _reserve, address _reserveAddress, uint256 _amount ) external view { internalValidateReserveStateAndAmount(_reserve, _amount); require(msg.sender == _reserve.aTokenAddress, '31'); uint256 currentAvailableLiquidity = IERC20(_reserveAddress).universalBalanceOf(address(this)); require(currentAvailableLiquidity >= _amount, '4'); } struct ValidateBorrowLocalVars { uint256 principalBorrowBalance; uint256 currentLtv; uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold; uint256 requestedBorrowAmountETH; uint256 amountOfCollateralNeededETH; uint256 userCollateralBalanceETH; uint256 userBorrowBalanceETH; uint256 userTotalFeesETH; uint256 borrowBalanceIncrease; uint256 currentReserveStableRate; uint256 availableLiquidity; uint256 finalUserBorrowRate; uint256 healthFactor; CoreLibrary.InterestRateMode rateMode; bool healthFactorBelowThreshold; } /** * @dev validates a borrow. * @param _reserve the reserve state from which the user is borrowing * @param _user the state of the user for the specific reserve * @param _reserveAddress the address of the reserve * @param _amount the amount to be borrowed * @param _amountInETH the amount to be borrowed, in ETH * @param _interestRateMode the interest rate mode at which the user is borrowing * @param _maxStableLoanPercent the max amount of the liquidity that can be borrowed at stable rate, in percentage * @param _reservesData the state of all the reserves * @param _usersData the state of all the users for all the reserves * @param _reserves the addresses of all the active reserves * @param _oracle the price oracle */ function validateBorrow( CoreLibrary.ReserveData storage _reserve, CoreLibrary.UserReserveData storage _user, address _reserveAddress, uint256 _amount, uint256 _amountInETH, uint256 _interestRateMode, uint256 _maxStableLoanPercent, mapping(address => CoreLibrary.ReserveData) storage _reservesData, mapping(address => mapping(address => CoreLibrary.UserReserveData)) storage _usersData, address[] calldata _reserves, address _oracle ) external view { ValidateBorrowLocalVars memory vars; internalValidateReserveStateAndAmount(_reserve, _amount); require(_reserve.borrowingEnabled, '5'); //validate interest rate mode require( uint256(CoreLibrary.InterestRateMode.VARIABLE) == _interestRateMode || uint256(CoreLibrary.InterestRateMode.STABLE) == _interestRateMode, 'Invalid interest rate mode selected' ); //check that the amount is available in the reserve vars.availableLiquidity = IERC20(_reserveAddress).universalBalanceOf(address(this)); require(vars.availableLiquidity >= _amount, '7'); ( vars.userCollateralBalanceETH, vars.userBorrowBalanceETH, vars.userTotalFeesETH, vars.currentLtv, vars.currentLiquidationThreshold, vars.healthFactor ) = GenericLogic.calculateUserAccountData( msg.sender, _reservesData, _usersData, _reserves, _oracle ); require(vars.userCollateralBalanceETH > 0, 'The collateral balance is 0'); require(vars.healthFactor > GenericLogic.HEALTH_FACTOR_LIQUIDATION_THRESHOLD, '8'); //add the current already borrowed amount to the amount requested to calculate the total collateral needed. vars.amountOfCollateralNeededETH = vars .userBorrowBalanceETH .add(vars.userTotalFeesETH) .add(_amountInETH) .mul(100) .div(vars.currentLtv); //LTV is calculated in percentage require( vars.amountOfCollateralNeededETH <= vars.userCollateralBalanceETH, 'There is not enough collateral to cover a new borrow' ); /** * Following conditions need to be met if the user is borrowing at a stable rate: * 1. Reserve must be enabled for stable rate borrowing * 2. Users cannot borrow from the reserve if their collateral is (mostly) the same currency * they are borrowing, to prevent abuses. * 3. Users will be able to borrow only a relatively small, configurable amount of the total * liquidity **/ if (vars.rateMode == CoreLibrary.InterestRateMode.STABLE) { //check if the borrow mode is stable and if stable rate borrowing is enabled on this reserve require(_reserve.isStableBorrowRateEnabled, '11'); require( !_user.useAsCollateral || !_reserve.usageAsCollateralEnabled || _amount > IERC20(_reserve.aTokenAddress).balanceOf(msg.sender), '12' ); //calculate the max available loan size in stable rate mode as a percentage of the //available liquidity uint256 maxLoanSizeStable = vars.availableLiquidity.mul(_maxStableLoanPercent).div(100); require(_amount <= maxLoanSizeStable, '13'); } } /** * @dev validates a repay. * @param _reserve the reserve state from which the user is repaying * @param _reserveAddress the address of the reserve * @param _amountSent the amount sent for the repayment. Can be an actual value or uint(-1) * @param _onBehalfOf the address of the user msg.sender is repaying for * @param _stableBorrowBalance the borrow balance of the user * @param _variableBorrowBalance the borrow balance of the user * @param _actualPaybackAmount the actual amount being repaid * @param _msgValue the value passed to the repay() function */ function validateRepay( CoreLibrary.ReserveData storage _reserve, address _reserveAddress, uint256 _amountSent, CoreLibrary.InterestRateMode _rateMode, address _onBehalfOf, uint256 _stableBorrowBalance, uint256 _variableBorrowBalance, uint256 _actualPaybackAmount, uint256 _msgValue ) external view { require(_reserve.isActive, 'Action requires an active reserve'); require(_amountSent > 0, 'Amount must be greater than 0'); require( (_stableBorrowBalance > 0 && CoreLibrary.InterestRateMode(_rateMode) == CoreLibrary.InterestRateMode.STABLE) || (_variableBorrowBalance > 0 && CoreLibrary.InterestRateMode(_rateMode) == CoreLibrary.InterestRateMode.VARIABLE), '16' ); require( _amountSent != uint256(-1) || msg.sender == _onBehalfOf, 'To repay on behalf of an user an explicit amount to repay is needed' ); require( !IERC20(_reserveAddress).isETH() || _msgValue >= _actualPaybackAmount, 'Invalid msg.value sent for the repayment' ); } /** * @dev validates a swap of borrow rate mode. * @param _reserve the reserve state on which the user is swapping the rate * @param _user the user state for the reserve on which user is swapping the rate * @param _borrowBalance the borrow balance of the user * @param _currentRateMode the rate mode of the borrow */ function validateSwapRateMode( CoreLibrary.ReserveData storage _reserve, CoreLibrary.UserReserveData storage _user, uint256 _borrowBalance, CoreLibrary.InterestRateMode _currentRateMode ) external view { require(_reserve.isActive, 'Action requires an active reserve'); require(!_reserve.isFreezed, 'Action requires an unfreezed reserve'); require(_borrowBalance > 0, 'User does not have a borrow in progress on this reserve'); if (_currentRateMode == CoreLibrary.InterestRateMode.VARIABLE) { /** * user wants to swap to stable, before swapping we need to ensure that * 1. stable borrow rate is enabled on the reserve * 2. user is not trying to abuse the reserve by depositing * more collateral than he is borrowing, artificially lowering * the interest rate, borrowing at variable, and switching to stable **/ require(_reserve.isStableBorrowRateEnabled, '11'); require( !_user.useAsCollateral || !_reserve.usageAsCollateralEnabled || _borrowBalance > IERC20(_reserve.aTokenAddress).balanceOf(msg.sender), '12' ); } } /** * @dev validates the choice of a user of setting (or not) an asset as collateral * @param _reserve the state of the reserve that the user is enabling or disabling as collateral * @param _reserveAddress the address of the reserve * @param _reservesData the data of all the reserves * @param _usersData the data of all the users */ function validateSetUseReserveAsCollateral( CoreLibrary.ReserveData storage _reserve, address _reserveAddress, mapping(address => CoreLibrary.ReserveData) storage _reservesData, mapping(address => mapping(address => CoreLibrary.UserReserveData)) storage _usersData, address[] calldata _reserves, address _oracle ) external view { uint256 underlyingBalance = IERC20(_reserve.aTokenAddress).balanceOf(msg.sender); require(underlyingBalance > 0, '22'); require( GenericLogic.balanceDecreaseAllowed( _reserveAddress, msg.sender, underlyingBalance, _reservesData, _usersData, _reserves, _oracle ), 'User deposit is already being used as collateral' ); } /** * @dev validates that the reserve is active and the amount is greater than 0 * @param _reserve the state of the reserve being validated * @param _amount the amount being validated */ function internalValidateReserveStateAndAmount( CoreLibrary.ReserveData storage _reserve, uint256 _amount ) internal view { require(_reserve.isActive, 'Action requires an active reserve'); require(!_reserve.isFreezed, 'Action requires an unfreezed reserve'); require(_amount > 0, 'Amount must be greater than 0'); } }