import { task } from 'hardhat/config'; import { DRE, setDRE } from '../../helpers/misc-utils'; import { EthereumNetworkNames } from '../../helpers/types'; import { usingTenderly } from '../../helpers/tenderly-utils'; import { HardhatRuntimeEnvironment } from 'hardhat/types'; import { getFirstSigner } from '../../helpers/contracts-getters'; import { formatEther } from 'ethers/lib/utils'; import { fork } from 'child_process'; import { env } from 'process'; task(`set-DRE`, `Inits the DRE, to have access to all the plugins' objects`).setAction( async (_, _DRE) => { if (DRE) { return; } if ( (_DRE as HardhatRuntimeEnvironment)'tenderly') || process.env.TENDERLY === 'true' ) { console.log('- Setting up Tenderly provider'); if (process.env.TENDERLY_FORK_ID && process.env.TENDERLY_HEAD_ID) { console.log('- Connecting to a Tenderly Fork'); _DRE.tenderlyRPC.setFork(process.env.TENDERLY_FORK_ID); _DRE.tenderlyRPC.setHead(process.env.TENDERLY_HEAD_ID); } else { console.log('- Creating a new Tenderly Fork'); await _DRE.tenderlyRPC.initializeFork(); } const provider = new _DRE.ethers.providers.Web3Provider(_DRE.tenderlyRPC as any); _DRE.ethers.provider = provider; console.log('- Initialized Tenderly fork:'); console.log(' - Fork: ', _DRE.tenderlyRPC.getFork()); console.log(' - Head: ', _DRE.tenderlyRPC.getHead()); console.log(' - First account:', await (await _DRE.ethers.getSigners())[0].getAddress()); console.log( ' - Balance:', formatEther(await (await _DRE.ethers.getSigners())[0].getBalance()) ); } console.log('- Enviroment'); if (process.env.FORK) { console.log(' - Fork Mode activated at network: ', process.env.FORK); if (_DRE?.config?.networks?.hardhat?.forking?.url) { console.log(' - Provider URL:', _DRE.config.networks.hardhat.forking?.url?.split('/')[2]); } else { console.error( `[FORK][Error], missing Provider URL for "${}" network. Fill the URL at './helper-hardhat-config.ts' file` ); } } console.log(' - Network :',; setDRE(_DRE); return _DRE; } );