import { exit } from 'process'; import fs from 'fs'; import { file } from 'tmp-promise'; import { DRE } from './misc-utils'; const fatalErrors = [ `The address provided as argument contains a contract, but its bytecode`, `Daily limit of 100 source code submissions reached`, `has no bytecode. Is the contract deployed to this network`, `The constructor for`, ]; const okErrors = [`Contract source code already verified`]; const unableVerifyError = 'Fail - Unable to verify'; export const SUPPORTED_ETHERSCAN_NETWORKS = ['main', 'ropsten', 'kovan']; function delay(ms: number) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } export const verifyEtherscanContract = async ( address: string, constructorArguments: (string | string[])[], libraries?: string ) => { const currentNetwork =; if (!process.env.ETHERSCAN_KEY) { throw Error('Missing process.env.ETHERSCAN_KEY.'); } if (!SUPPORTED_ETHERSCAN_NETWORKS.includes(currentNetwork)) { throw Error( `Current network ${currentNetwork} not supported. Please change to one of the next networks: ${SUPPORTED_ETHERSCAN_NETWORKS.toString()}` ); } try { console.log( '[ETHERSCAN][WARNING] Delaying Etherscan verification due their API can not find newly deployed contracts' ); const msDelay = 3000; const times = 4; // Write a temporal file to host complex parameters for buidler-etherscan const { fd, path, cleanup } = await file({ prefix: 'verify-params-', postfix: '.js', }); fs.writeSync(fd, `module.exports = ${JSON.stringify([...constructorArguments])};`); const params = { address: address, libraries, constructorArgs: path, relatedSources: true, }; await runTaskWithRetry('verify', params, times, msDelay, cleanup); } catch (error) {} }; export const runTaskWithRetry = async ( task: string, params: any, times: number, msDelay: number, cleanup: () => void ) => { let counter = times; await delay(msDelay); try { if (times > 1) { await, params); cleanup(); } else if (times === 1) { console.log('[ETHERSCAN][WARNING] Trying to verify via uploading all sources.'); delete params.relatedSources; await, params); cleanup(); } else { cleanup(); console.error( '[ETHERSCAN][ERROR] Errors after all the retries, check the logs for more information.' ); } } catch (error) { counter--; if (okErrors.some((okReason) => error.message.includes(okReason))) {'[ETHERSCAN][INFO] Skipping due OK response: ', error.message); return; } if (fatalErrors.some((fatalError) => error.message.includes(fatalError))) { console.error( '[ETHERSCAN][ERROR] Fatal error detected, skip retries and resume deployment.', error.message ); return; } console.error('[ETHERSCAN][ERROR]', error.message); console.log();`[ETHERSCAN][[INFO] Retrying attemps: ${counter}.`); if (error.message.includes(unableVerifyError)) { console.log('[ETHERSCAN][WARNING] Trying to verify via uploading all sources.'); delete params.relatedSources; } await runTaskWithRetry(task, params, counter, msDelay, cleanup); } }; export const checkVerification = () => { const currentNetwork =; if (!process.env.ETHERSCAN_KEY) { console.error('Missing process.env.ETHERSCAN_KEY.'); exit(3); } if (!SUPPORTED_ETHERSCAN_NETWORKS.includes(currentNetwork)) { console.error( `Current network ${currentNetwork} not supported. Please change to one of the next networks: ${SUPPORTED_ETHERSCAN_NETWORKS.toString()}` ); exit(5); } };