import { TestEnv, makeSuite } from './helpers/make-suite'; import { APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL, MAX_UINT_AMOUNT, RAY, MAX_BORROW_CAP, } from '../../helpers/constants'; import { ProtocolErrors } from '../../helpers/types'; import { MintableERC20, WETH9, WETH9Mocked } from '../../types'; import { parseEther } from '@ethersproject/units'; import { BigNumber } from '@ethersproject/bignumber'; const { expect } = require('chai'); makeSuite('Borrow Cap', (testEnv: TestEnv) => { const { VL_BORROW_CAP_EXCEEDED, RC_INVALID_BORROW_CAP } = ProtocolErrors; const miliUnitToPrecision = async (token: WETH9Mocked | MintableERC20, nb: string) => BigNumber.from(nb).mul(BigNumber.from('10').pow((await token.decimals()) - 3)); it('Sets the borrow cap for Weth and DAI to 0 Units, deposits weth', async () => { const { configurator, weth, pool, dai, usdc, deployer, helpersContract, users: [user1], } = testEnv; const mintedAmount = parseEther('1000000000'); await; await; await; await dai.connect(user1.signer).mint(mintedAmount); await weth.connect(user1.signer).mint(mintedAmount); await usdc.connect(user1.signer).mint(mintedAmount); await dai.approve(pool.address, MAX_UINT_AMOUNT); await weth.approve(pool.address, MAX_UINT_AMOUNT); await usdc.approve(pool.address, MAX_UINT_AMOUNT); await dai.connect(user1.signer).approve(pool.address, MAX_UINT_AMOUNT); await weth.connect(user1.signer).approve(pool.address, MAX_UINT_AMOUNT); await usdc.connect(user1.signer).approve(pool.address, MAX_UINT_AMOUNT); let usdcBorrowCap = (await helpersContract.getReserveCaps(usdc.address)).borrowCap; let daiBorrowCap = (await helpersContract.getReserveCaps(dai.address)).borrowCap; expect(usdcBorrowCap); expect(daiBorrowCap); const depositedMiliAmount = (1e9).toString(); await configurator.setBorrowCap(usdc.address, 0); await configurator.setBorrowCap(dai.address, 0); usdcBorrowCap = (await helpersContract.getReserveCaps(usdc.address)).borrowCap; daiBorrowCap = (await helpersContract.getReserveCaps(dai.address)).borrowCap; expect(usdcBorrowCap); expect(daiBorrowCap); await pool.deposit( weth.address, await miliUnitToPrecision(weth, depositedMiliAmount), deployer.address, 0 ); await pool.connect(user1.signer).deposit(weth.address, mintedAmount, user1.address, 0); await pool.connect(user1.signer).deposit(dai.address, mintedAmount, user1.address, 0); await pool.connect(user1.signer).deposit(usdc.address, mintedAmount, user1.address, 0); }); it('should fail to borrow any dai or usdc, stable or variable', async () => { const { usdc, pool, dai, deployer, helpersContract } = testEnv; const borrowedAmount = 10; const borrowedMilimount = (borrowedAmount * 1000).toString(); await expect( pool.borrow( usdc.address, await miliUnitToPrecision(usdc, borrowedMilimount), 2, 0, deployer.address ) ); await expect( pool.borrow( dai.address, await miliUnitToPrecision(dai, borrowedMilimount), 2, 0, deployer.address ) ); }); it('Should fail to set the borrow cap for usdc and DAI to max cap + 1 Units', async () => { const { configurator, usdc, pool, dai, deployer, helpersContract } = testEnv; const newCap = Number(MAX_BORROW_CAP) + 1; let usdcBorrowCap = (await helpersContract.getReserveCaps(usdc.address)).borrowCap; let daiBorrowCap = (await helpersContract.getReserveCaps(dai.address)).borrowCap; expect(usdcBorrowCap); expect(daiBorrowCap); await expect(configurator.setBorrowCap(usdc.address, newCap)) RC_INVALID_BORROW_CAP ); await expect(configurator.setBorrowCap(dai.address, newCap)) RC_INVALID_BORROW_CAP ); usdcBorrowCap = (await helpersContract.getReserveCaps(usdc.address)).borrowCap; daiBorrowCap = (await helpersContract.getReserveCaps(dai.address)).borrowCap; }); it('Sets the borrow cap for usdc and DAI to 110 Units', async () => { const { configurator, usdc, pool, dai, deployer, helpersContract } = testEnv; const newCap = '110'; let usdcBorrowCap = (await helpersContract.getReserveCaps(usdc.address)).borrowCap; let daiBorrowCap = (await helpersContract.getReserveCaps(dai.address)).borrowCap; expect(usdcBorrowCap); expect(daiBorrowCap); await configurator.setBorrowCap(usdc.address, newCap); await configurator.setBorrowCap(dai.address, newCap); usdcBorrowCap = (await helpersContract.getReserveCaps(usdc.address)).borrowCap; daiBorrowCap = (await helpersContract.getReserveCaps(dai.address)).borrowCap; expect(usdcBorrowCap); expect(daiBorrowCap); }); it('Should succeed to borrow 10 stable dai and 10 variable usdc', async () => { const { usdc, pool, dai, deployer, helpersContract } = testEnv; const borrowedAmount = 10; const borrowedMilimount = (borrowedAmount * 1000).toString(); await pool.borrow( usdc.address, await miliUnitToPrecision(usdc, borrowedMilimount), 2, 0, deployer.address ); await pool.borrow( dai.address, await miliUnitToPrecision(dai, borrowedMilimount), 1, 0, deployer.address ); }); it('should fail to borrow 100 variable dai and 100 stable usdc', async () => { const { usdc, pool, dai, deployer, helpersContract } = testEnv; const borrowedAmount = 100; const borrowedMilimount = (borrowedAmount * 1000).toString(); await expect( pool.borrow( usdc.address, await miliUnitToPrecision(usdc, borrowedMilimount), 1, 0, deployer.address ) ); await expect( pool.borrow( dai.address, await miliUnitToPrecision(dai, borrowedMilimount), 2, 0, deployer.address ) ); }); it('Should succeed to borrow 99 variable dai and 99 stable usdc', async () => { const { usdc, pool, dai, deployer, helpersContract } = testEnv; const borrowedAmount = 99; const borrowedMilimount = (borrowedAmount * 1000).toString(); await pool.borrow( usdc.address, await miliUnitToPrecision(usdc, borrowedMilimount), 2, 0, deployer.address ); await pool.borrow( dai.address, await miliUnitToPrecision(dai, borrowedMilimount), 1, 0, deployer.address ); }); it('Raises the borrow cap for usdc and DAI to 1000 Units', async () => { const { configurator, usdc, pool, dai, deployer, helpersContract } = testEnv; const newCap = '1000'; let usdcBorrowCap = (await helpersContract.getReserveCaps(usdc.address)).borrowCap; let daiBorrowCap = (await helpersContract.getReserveCaps(dai.address)).borrowCap; await configurator.setBorrowCap(usdc.address, newCap); await configurator.setBorrowCap(dai.address, newCap); usdcBorrowCap = (await helpersContract.getReserveCaps(usdc.address)).borrowCap; daiBorrowCap = (await helpersContract.getReserveCaps(dai.address)).borrowCap; expect(usdcBorrowCap); expect(daiBorrowCap); }); it('should succeed to borrow 100 variable dai and 100 stable usdc', async () => { const { usdc, pool, dai, deployer, helpersContract } = testEnv; const borrowedAmount = 100; const borrowedMilimount = (borrowedAmount * 1000).toString(); await pool.borrow( usdc.address, await miliUnitToPrecision(usdc, borrowedMilimount), 1, 0, deployer.address ); await pool.borrow( dai.address, await miliUnitToPrecision(dai, borrowedMilimount), 2, 0, deployer.address ); }); it('Lowers the borrow cap for usdc and DAI to 200 Units', async () => { const { configurator, usdc, pool, dai, deployer, helpersContract } = testEnv; const newCap = '200'; let usdcBorrowCap = (await helpersContract.getReserveCaps(usdc.address)).borrowCap; let daiBorrowCap = (await helpersContract.getReserveCaps(dai.address)).borrowCap; await configurator.setBorrowCap(usdc.address, newCap); await configurator.setBorrowCap(dai.address, newCap); usdcBorrowCap = (await helpersContract.getReserveCaps(usdc.address)).borrowCap; daiBorrowCap = (await helpersContract.getReserveCaps(dai.address)).borrowCap; expect(usdcBorrowCap); expect(daiBorrowCap); }); it('should fail to borrow 100 variable dai and 100 stable usdc', async () => { const { usdc, pool, dai, deployer, helpersContract } = testEnv; const borrowedAmount = 100; const borrowedMilimount = (borrowedAmount * 1000).toString(); await expect( pool.borrow( usdc.address, await miliUnitToPrecision(usdc, borrowedMilimount), 1, 0, deployer.address ) ); await expect( pool.borrow( dai.address, await miliUnitToPrecision(dai, borrowedMilimount), 2, 0, deployer.address ) ); }); it('Raises the borrow cap for usdc and DAI to max cap Units', async () => { const { configurator, usdc, pool, dai, deployer, helpersContract } = testEnv; const newCap = MAX_BORROW_CAP; let usdcBorrowCap = (await helpersContract.getReserveCaps(usdc.address)).borrowCap; let daiBorrowCap = (await helpersContract.getReserveCaps(dai.address)).borrowCap; await configurator.setBorrowCap(usdc.address, newCap); await configurator.setBorrowCap(dai.address, newCap); usdcBorrowCap = (await helpersContract.getReserveCaps(usdc.address)).borrowCap; daiBorrowCap = (await helpersContract.getReserveCaps(dai.address)).borrowCap; expect(usdcBorrowCap); expect(daiBorrowCap); }); it('should succeed to borrow 100 variable dai and 100 stable usdc', async () => { const { usdc, pool, dai, deployer, helpersContract } = testEnv; const borrowedAmount = 100; const borrowedMilimount = (borrowedAmount * 1000).toString(); await pool.borrow( usdc.address, await miliUnitToPrecision(usdc, borrowedMilimount), 1, 0, deployer.address ); await pool.borrow( dai.address, await miliUnitToPrecision(dai, borrowedMilimount), 2, 0, deployer.address ); }); });