mirror of
synced 2024-07-29 21:47:30 +00:00
Merge branch 'fix/120' into 'master'
Resolve "Remove unused tokenDistributor code" Closes #120 See merge request aave-tech/protocol-v2!130
This commit is contained in:
@ -53,17 +53,6 @@ export const getReservesConfigByPool = (pool: AavePools): iMultiPoolsAssets<IRes
export const getFeeDistributionParamsCommon = (
receiver: tEthereumAddress
): iBasicDistributionParams => {
const receivers = [receiver, ZERO_ADDRESS];
const percentages = ['2000', '8000'];
return {
export const getGenesisPoolAdmin = async (config: ICommonConfiguration) => {
const currentNetwork = DRE.network.name;
const targetAddress = getParamPerNetwork(config.PoolAdmin, <eEthereumNetwork>currentNetwork);
@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
// import {
// ITestEnv,
// ContractsInstancesOrigin,
// iBasicDistributionParams,
// iTokenBalances,
// iDistributionParams,
// } from '../utils/types';
// import {
// TokenDistributorInstance,
// MintableERC20Instance,
// } from '../utils/typechain-types/truffle-contracts';
// import {testEnvProvider} from '../utils/truffle/dlp-tests-env';
// import {
// } from '../utils/constants';
// import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
// import {expect} from 'chai';
// const testAndExecMintAndTransferTokens = async (
// tokenInstance: MintableERC20Instance,
// amount: string,
// minter: string,
// receiver: string
// ) => {
// const initialMinterBalance = new BigNumber(await tokenInstance.balanceOf(minter));
// const initialReceiverBalance = new BigNumber(await tokenInstance.balanceOf(receiver));
// await tokenInstance.mint(amount, {
// from: minter,
// });
// expect(initialMinterBalance.plus(amount).toFixed()).to.be.equal(
// new BigNumber(await tokenInstance.balanceOf(minter)).toFixed()
// );
// await tokenInstance.transfer(receiver, amount, {from: minter});
// expect(initialReceiverBalance.plus(amount).toFixed()).to.be.equal(
// new BigNumber(await tokenInstance.balanceOf(receiver)).toFixed()
// );
// };
// const testAndExecEthTransfer = async (
// amount: string,
// sender: string,
// receiver: string,
// web3: Web3
// ) => {
// const initialReceiverEthBalance = await web3.eth.getBalance(receiver);
// await web3.eth.sendTransaction({
// from: sender,
// to: receiver,
// value: amount,
// });
// expect(new BigNumber(initialReceiverEthBalance).plus(amount).toFixed()).to.be.equal(
// await web3.eth.getBalance(receiver)
// );
// };
// const testAndExecDistributeToken = async (
// tokenInstances: MintableERC20Instance[],
// tokenToBurnInstance: MintableERC20Instance,
// tokenDistributorInstance: TokenDistributorInstance,
// distributionParams: iBasicDistributionParams[]
// ) => {
// const tokenBalancesBefore: iTokenBalances[] = [];
// for (const [index, tokenInstance] of tokenInstances.entries()) {
// const {receivers} = distributionParams[index];
// const tokenBalancesReceiversBefore: string[][] = [[], []];
// for (const receiver of receivers) {
// if (receiver.toUpperCase() !== NIL_ADDRESS.toUpperCase()) {
// tokenBalancesReceiversBefore[index].push(
// (await tokenInstance.balanceOf(receiver)).toString()
// );
// } else {
// tokenBalancesReceiversBefore[index].push(
// (await tokenToBurnInstance.balanceOf(
// await tokenDistributorInstance.recipientBurn()
// )).toString()
// );
// }
// }
// tokenBalancesBefore.push({
// tokenDistributor: (await tokenInstance.balanceOf(
// tokenDistributorInstance.address
// )).toString(),
// receivers: tokenBalancesReceiversBefore[index],
// });
// }
// const tokenDistribution = await tokenDistributorInstance.getDistribution();
// await tokenDistributorInstance.distribute(
// tokenInstances.map(tokenInstance => tokenInstance.address)
// );
// const tokenBalanceOfDistributorAfter: string[] = [];
// for (const [indexToken, tokenInstance] of tokenInstances.entries()) {
// const newLength = tokenBalanceOfDistributorAfter.push(
// (await tokenInstance.balanceOf(tokenDistributorInstance.address)).toString()
// );
// const receivers = distributionParams[indexToken].receivers;
// expect(parseInt(tokenBalanceOfDistributorAfter[newLength - 1])).to.be.within(
// 0,
// receivers.length - 1
// );
// for (const [indexReceiver, receiver] of receivers.entries()) {
// const receiverPercentage = new BigNumber(tokenDistribution[1][indexReceiver]).toFixed();
// const tokenAmountToReceiver = new BigNumber(tokenBalancesBefore[indexToken].tokenDistributor)
// .multipliedBy(receiverPercentage)
// .toFixed(0, BigNumber.ROUND_DOWN);
// const tokenBalanceOfReceiverAfter = (await tokenInstance.balanceOf(receiver)).toString();
// const recipientBurnBalanceAfter = (await tokenToBurnInstance.balanceOf(
// await tokenDistributorInstance.recipientBurn()
// )).toString();
// if (receiver.toUpperCase() !== NIL_ADDRESS.toUpperCase()) {
// expect(tokenBalanceOfReceiverAfter).to.be.equal(
// new BigNumber(tokenBalancesBefore[indexToken].receivers[indexReceiver])
// .plus(tokenAmountToReceiver)
// .toFixed()
// );
// } else {
// // 1 ether received from "burning" DAI and 264 AAVE wei received from the 34% of the 777 AAVE amount sent to the token distributor
// expect(recipientBurnBalanceAfter).to.be.equal('1000000000000000264');
// }
// }
// }
// };
// const testAndExecDistributeEth = async (
// tokenDistributorInstance: TokenDistributorInstance,
// tokenToBurnInstance: MintableERC20Instance,
// distributionParams: iBasicDistributionParams,
// web3: Web3
// ) => {
// const {receivers} = distributionParams;
// const ethBalancesReceiversBefore = [];
// for (const receiver of receivers) {
// if (receiver.toUpperCase() !== NIL_ADDRESS.toUpperCase()) {
// ethBalancesReceiversBefore.push(await web3.eth.getBalance(receiver));
// } else {
// ethBalancesReceiversBefore.push(await web3.eth.getBalance(ONE_ADDRESS));
// }
// }
// const ethBalancesBefore: iTokenBalances = {
// tokenDistributor: await web3.eth.getBalance(tokenDistributorInstance.address),
// receivers: ethBalancesReceiversBefore,
// };
// const ethDistribution = await tokenDistributorInstance.getDistribution();
// await tokenDistributorInstance.distribute([ETHEREUM_ADDRESS]);
// const ethBalanceOfDistributorAfter = await web3.eth.getBalance(tokenDistributorInstance.address);
// expect(parseInt(ethBalanceOfDistributorAfter)).to.be.within(0, receivers.length - 1);
// for (const [index, receiver] of receivers.entries()) {
// const receiverPercentage = new BigNumber(ethDistribution[1][index]).toFixed();
// const ethAmountToReceiver = new BigNumber(ethBalancesBefore.tokenDistributor)
// .multipliedBy(receiverPercentage)
// .toFixed(0, BigNumber.ROUND_DOWN);
// const ethBalanceOfReceiverAfter = await web3.eth.getBalance(receiver);
// const recipientBurnBalanceAfter = (await tokenToBurnInstance.balanceOf(
// await tokenDistributorInstance.recipientBurn()
// )).toString();
// if (receiver.toUpperCase() !== NIL_ADDRESS.toUpperCase()) {
// expect(ethBalanceOfReceiverAfter).to.be.equal(
// new BigNumber(ethBalancesBefore.receivers[index]).plus(ethAmountToReceiver).toFixed()
// );
// } else {
// // 1 ether received from "burning" DAI, 1 ether from ETH and 264 AAVE wei received from the 34% of the 777 AAVE amount sent to the token distributor
// expect(recipientBurnBalanceAfter).to.be.equal('2000000000000000264');
// }
// }
// };
// contract('TokenDistributor', async ([deployer, ...users]) => {
// // let _testEnvProvider: ITestEnv;
// // let _tokenDistributorInstance: TokenDistributorInstance;
// // let _tokenInstances: iAavePoolAssets<MintableERC20Instance>;
// // let _web3: Web3;
// // let _depositorAddress: string;
// // let _daiDistributionParams: iDistributionParams;
// // let _lendDistributionParams: iDistributionParams;
// // let _ethDistributionParams: iDistributionParams;
// // before('Initializing LendingPoolConfigurator test variables', async () => {
// // _testEnvProvider = await testEnvProvider(
// // artifacts,
// // [deployer, ...users],
// // ContractsInstancesOrigin.TruffleArtifacts
// // );
// // const {
// // deployedInstances: {tokenDistributorInstance},
// // getAllAssetsInstances,
// // getWeb3,
// // getFirstDepositorAddressOnTests,
// // getFeeDistributionParams,
// // } = _testEnvProvider;
// // _tokenDistributorInstance = tokenDistributorInstance;
// // _tokenInstances = await getAllAssetsInstances();
// // _web3 = await getWeb3();
// // _depositorAddress = await getFirstDepositorAddressOnTests();
// // const {receivers, percentages} = await getFeeDistributionParams();
// // _daiDistributionParams = {
// // amountToDistribute: '333',
// // receivers,
// // percentages,
// // };
// // _lendDistributionParams = {
// // amountToDistribute: '777',
// // receivers,
// // percentages,
// // };
// // _ethDistributionParams = {
// // amountToDistribute: '2534',
// // receivers,
// // percentages,
// // };
// // });
// // it('Transfers ETH to the TokenDistributor', async () => {
// // await testAndExecEthTransfer(
// // _ethDistributionParams.amountToDistribute,
// // deployer,
// // _tokenDistributorInstance.address,
// // _web3
// // );
// // });
// // it('Mints and transfers DAI to the TokenDistributor', async () => {
// // await testAndExecMintAndTransferTokens(
// // _tokenInstances.DAI,
// // _daiDistributionParams.amountToDistribute,
// // _depositorAddress,
// // _tokenDistributorInstance.address
// // );
// // });
// // it('Mints and transfers AAVE to the TokenDistributor', async () => {
// // await testAndExecMintAndTransferTokens(
// // _tokenInstances.AAVE,
// // _lendDistributionParams.amountToDistribute,
// // _depositorAddress,
// // _tokenDistributorInstance.address
// // );
// // });
// // it('distribute() for the receivers', async () => {
// // await testAndExecDistributeToken(
// // [_tokenInstances.DAI, _tokenInstances.AAVE],
// // _tokenInstances.AAVE,
// // _tokenDistributorInstance,
// // [_daiDistributionParams, _lendDistributionParams]
// // );
// // });
// // it('Distributes the ETH to the receivers', async () => {
// // await testAndExecDistributeEth(
// // _tokenDistributorInstance,
// // _tokenInstances.AAVE,
// // _ethDistributionParams,
// // _web3
// // );
// // });
// });
Reference in New Issue
Block a user