Initial refactor commit

This commit is contained in:
The3D 2020-09-07 17:55:47 +02:00
parent 027a7e11e8
commit a7b6beef48
3 changed files with 138 additions and 257 deletions

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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ library Errors {
string public constant TRANSFER_AMOUNT_NOT_GT_0 = '31'; // 'Transferred amount needs to be greater than zero'
string public constant INTEREST_ALREADY_REDIRECTED = '32'; // 'Interest is already redirected to the user'
string public constant NO_VALID_BALANCE_FOR_REDIRECTION = '33'; // 'Interest stream can only be redirected if there is a valid balance'
string public constant INVALID_ATOKEN_BALANCE = '52'; // burn balannce not valid
// require error messages - ReserveLogic
string public constant RESERVE_ALREADY_INITIALIZED = '34'; // 'Reserve has already been initialized'
string public constant LIQUIDITY_INDEX_OVERFLOW = '47'; // Liquidity index overflows uint128

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@ -27,8 +27,10 @@ contract AToken is VersionedInitializable, ERC20, IAToken {
address public immutable UNDERLYING_ASSET_ADDRESS;
mapping(address => address) private _interestRedirectionAddresses;
mapping(address => uint256) private _interestRedirectionIndexes;
mapping(address => uint256) private _redirectedBalances;
mapping(address => uint256) private _redirectionIndexes;
mapping(address => uint256) private _redirectedBalanceIndexes;
mapping(address => address) private _interestRedirectionAllowances;
@ -41,11 +43,6 @@ contract AToken is VersionedInitializable, ERC20, IAToken {
modifier whenTransferAllowed(address from, uint256 amount) {
require(isTransferAllowed(from, amount), Errors.TRANSFER_NOT_ALLOWED);
LendingPool pool,
address underlyingAssetAddress,
@ -72,14 +69,35 @@ contract AToken is VersionedInitializable, ERC20, IAToken {
* @notice ERC20 implementation internal function backing transfer() and transferFrom()
* @dev validates the transfer before allowing it. NOTE: This is not standard ERC20 behavior
function _transfer(
address from,
address to,
uint256 amount
) internal override whenTransferAllowed(from, amount) {
_executeTransfer(from, to, amount);
uint256 amount,
bool validate
) internal {
require(isTransferAllowed(from, amount), Errors.TRANSFER_NOT_ALLOWED);
uint256 index = _pool.getReserveNormalizedIncome(UNDERLYING_ASSET_ADDRESS);
uint256 scaledAmount = amount.rayDiv(index);
super._transfer(from, to, scaledAmount);
//if the sender is redirecting his interest towards someone else,
//adds to the redirected balance the accrued interest and removes the amount
//being transferred
_updateRedirectedBalanceOfRedirectionAddress(from, from, 0, scaledAmount, index);
//if the receiver is redirecting his interest towards someone else,
//adds to the redirected balance the accrued interest and the amount
//being transferred
_updateRedirectedBalanceOfRedirectionAddress(to, to, scaledAmount, 0, index);
emit BalanceTransfer(from, to, amount, index);
@ -127,37 +145,35 @@ contract AToken is VersionedInitializable, ERC20, IAToken {
function burn(
address user,
address underlyingTarget,
address receiverOfUnderlying,
uint256 amount
) external override onlyLendingPool {
//cumulates the balance of the user
(, uint256 currentBalance, uint256 balanceIncrease) = _calculateBalanceIncrease(user);
uint256 currentBalance = balanceOf(user);
require(currentBalance <= amount, Errors.INVALID_ATOKEN_BALANCE);
uint256 index = _pool.getReserveNormalizedIncome(UNDERLYING_ASSET_ADDRESS);
uint256 scaledAmount = amount.rayDiv(index);
_burn(user, scaledAmount);
if(amount == currentBalance){
//if the user is redirecting his interest towards someone else,
//we update the redirected balance of the redirection address by adding the accrued interest,
//and removing the amount to redeem
_updateRedirectedBalanceOfRedirectionAddress(user, balanceIncrease, amount);
if (balanceIncrease > amount) {
_mint(user, balanceIncrease.sub(amount));
} else {
_burn(user, amount.sub(balanceIncrease));
uint256 userIndex = 0;
//reset the user data if the remaining balance is 0
if (currentBalance.sub(amount) == 0) {
} else {
//updates the user index
userIndex = _userIndexes[user] = _pool.getReserveNormalizedIncome(UNDERLYING_ASSET_ADDRESS);
_updateRedirectedBalanceOfRedirectionAddress(user, user, scaledAmount, 0, index);
//transfers the underlying to the target
ERC20(UNDERLYING_ASSET_ADDRESS).safeTransfer(underlyingTarget, amount);
ERC20(UNDERLYING_ASSET_ADDRESS).safeTransfer(receiverOfUnderlying, amount);
emit Burn(msg.sender, underlyingTarget, amount, balanceIncrease, userIndex);
emit Burn(msg.sender, receiverOfUnderlying, amount, index);
@ -167,21 +183,20 @@ contract AToken is VersionedInitializable, ERC20, IAToken {
* @param amount the amount of tokens to mint
function mint(address user, uint256 amount) external override onlyLendingPool {
//cumulates the balance of the user
(, , uint256 balanceIncrease) = _calculateBalanceIncrease(user);
//updates the user index
uint256 index = _userIndexes[user] = _pool.getReserveNormalizedIncome(UNDERLYING_ASSET_ADDRESS);
uint256 index = _pool.getReserveNormalizedIncome(UNDERLYING_ASSET_ADDRESS);
uint256 scaledAmount = amount.rayDiv(index);
//mint an equivalent amount of tokens to cover the new deposit
//if the user is redirecting his interest towards someone else,
//we update the redirected balance of the redirection address by adding the accrued interest
//and the amount deposited
_updateRedirectedBalanceOfRedirectionAddress(user, balanceIncrease.add(amount), 0);
_updateRedirectedBalanceOfRedirectionAddress(user, user, amount, 0, index);
//mint an equivalent amount of tokens to cover the new deposit
_mint(user, amount.add(balanceIncrease));
emit Mint(user, amount, balanceIncrease, index);
emit Mint(user, amount, index);
@ -198,7 +213,7 @@ contract AToken is VersionedInitializable, ERC20, IAToken {
) external override onlyLendingPool {
//being a normal transfer, the Transfer() and BalanceTransfer() are emitted
//so no need to emit a specific event here
_executeTransfer(from, to, value);
_transfer(from, to, value, false);
@ -208,42 +223,26 @@ contract AToken is VersionedInitializable, ERC20, IAToken {
* @return the total balance of the user
function balanceOf(address user) public override(ERC20, IERC20) view returns (uint256) {
//current principal balance of the user
uint256 currentPrincipalBalance = super.balanceOf(user);
//current scaled balance of the user
uint256 currentScaledBalance = super.balanceOf(user);
//balance redirected by other users to user for interest rate accrual
uint256 redirectedBalance = _redirectedBalances[user];
if (currentPrincipalBalance == 0 && redirectedBalance == 0) {
if (currentScaledBalance == 0 && redirectedBalance == 0) {
return 0;
//if the user is not redirecting the interest to anybody, accrues
//the interest for himself
if (_interestRedirectionAddresses[user] == address(0)) {
//accruing for himself means that both the principal balance and
//the redirected balance partecipate in the interest
_calculateCumulatedBalance(user, currentPrincipalBalance.add(redirectedBalance)).sub(
} else {
//if the user redirected the interest, then only the redirected
//balance generates interest. In that case, the interest generated
//by the redirected balance is added to the current principal balance.
_calculateCumulatedBalance(user, redirectedBalance).sub(redirectedBalance)
return _calculateCumulatedBalance(user, currentScaledBalance, redirectedBalance);
* @dev returns the principal balance of the user. The principal balance is the last
* updated stored balance, which does not consider the perpetually accruing interest.
* @dev returns the scaled balance of the user. The scaled balance is the sum of all the
* updated stored balance divided the reserve index at the moment of the update
* @param user the address of the user
* @return the principal balance of the user
* @return the scaled balance of the user
function principalBalanceOf(address user) external override view returns (uint256) {
function scaledBalanceOf(address user) external override view returns (uint256) {
return super.balanceOf(user);
@ -254,14 +253,14 @@ contract AToken is VersionedInitializable, ERC20, IAToken {
* @return the current total supply
function totalSupply() public override(ERC20, IERC20) view returns (uint256) {
uint256 currentSupplyPrincipal = super.totalSupply();
uint256 currentSupplyScaled = super.totalSupply();
if (currentSupplyPrincipal == 0) {
if (currentSupplyScaled == 0) {
return 0;
@ -277,15 +276,6 @@ contract AToken is VersionedInitializable, ERC20, IAToken {
return _pool.balanceDecreaseAllowed(UNDERLYING_ASSET_ADDRESS, user, amount);
* @dev returns the last index of the user, used to calculate the balance of the user
* @param user address of the user
* @return the last user index
function getUserIndex(address user) external override view returns (uint256) {
return _userIndexes[user];
* @dev returns the address to which the interest is redirected
* @param user address of the user
@ -305,73 +295,20 @@ contract AToken is VersionedInitializable, ERC20, IAToken {
return _redirectedBalances[user];
* @dev calculates the increase in balance since the last user action
* @param user the address of the user
* @return the last user principal balance, the current balance and the balance increase
function _calculateBalanceIncrease(address user)
returns (
uint256 currentBalance = balanceOf(user);
uint256 balanceIncrease = 0;
uint256 previousBalance = 0;
if (currentBalance != 0) {
previousBalance = super.balanceOf(user);
//calculate the accrued interest since the last accumulation
balanceIncrease = currentBalance.sub(previousBalance);
return (previousBalance, currentBalance, balanceIncrease);
* @dev accumulates the accrued interest of the user to the principal balance
* @param user the address of the user for which the interest is being accumulated
* @return the previous principal balance, the new principal balance, the balance increase
* and the new user index
function _cumulateBalance(address user)
returns (
uint256 previousBalance,
uint256 currentBalance,
uint256 balanceIncrease
) = _calculateBalanceIncrease(user);
_mint(user, balanceIncrease);
//updates the user index
uint256 index = _userIndexes[user] = _pool.getReserveNormalizedIncome(UNDERLYING_ASSET_ADDRESS);
return (previousBalance, currentBalance, balanceIncrease, index);
* @dev updates the redirected balance of the user. If the user is not redirecting his
* interest, nothing is executed.
* @param user the address of the user for which the interest is being accumulated
* @param balanceToAdd the amount to add to the redirected balance
* @param balanceToRemove the amount to remove from the redirected balance
* @param scaledBalanceToAdd the amount to add to the redirected balance
* @param scaledBalanceToRemove the amount to remove from the redirected balance
function _updateRedirectedBalanceOfRedirectionAddress(
address origin,
address user,
uint256 balanceToAdd,
uint256 balanceToRemove
uint256 scaledBalanceToAdd,
uint256 scaledBalanceToRemove,
uint256 index
) internal {
address redirectionAddress = _interestRedirectionAddresses[user];
//if there isn't any redirection, nothing to be done
@ -379,101 +316,72 @@ contract AToken is VersionedInitializable, ERC20, IAToken {
//compound balances of the redirected address
(, , uint256 balanceIncrease, uint256 index) = _cumulateBalance(redirectionAddress);
//updating the interest redirection index of the user
_interestRedirectionIndexes[user] = index;
//updating the redirected balance
_redirectedBalances[redirectionAddress] = _redirectedBalances[redirectionAddress]
//updating the redirected balance index of the redirection target
_redirectedBalanceIndexes[redirectionAddress] = index;
//if the interest of redirectionAddress is also being redirected, we need to update
//the redirected balance of the redirection target by adding the balance increase
address targetOfRedirectionAddress = _interestRedirectionAddresses[redirectionAddress];
// if the redirection address is also redirecting the interest, we accumulate his balance
// and update his chain of redirection
if (targetOfRedirectionAddress != address(0)) {
_updateRedirectedBalanceOfRedirectionAddress(redirectionAddress, balanceIncrease, 0);
// if the redirection address is also redirecting the interest, we update his index to
// accumulate the interest until now
// note: if the next address of redirection is the same as the one who originated the update,
// it means a loop of redirection has been formed: in this case, we break the recursion as no
// further updates are needed
if (targetOfRedirectionAddress != address(0) && targetOfRedirectionAddress != origin) {
_updateRedirectedBalanceOfRedirectionAddress(origin, redirectionAddress, 0, 0, index);
emit RedirectedBalanceUpdated(
* @dev calculate the interest accrued by user on a specific balance
* @param user the address of the user for which the interest is being accumulated
* @param balance the balance on which the interest is calculated
* @param scaledBalance the balance on which the interest is calculated
* @param redirectedBalance the balance redirected to the user
* @return the interest rate accrued
function _calculateCumulatedBalance(address user, uint256 balance)
function _calculateCumulatedBalance(address user, uint256 scaledBalance, uint256 redirectedBalance)
returns (uint256)
uint256 scaledRedirectedBalance = redirectedBalance.wadToRay().rayDiv(_interestRedirectionIndexes[user]).rayToWad();
* @dev executes the transfer of aTokens, invoked by both _transfer() and
* transferOnLiquidation()
* @param from the address from which transfer the aTokens
* @param to the destination address
* @param value the amount to transfer
function _executeTransfer(
address from,
address to,
uint256 value
) internal {
require(value > 0, Errors.TRANSFER_AMOUNT_NOT_GT_0);
uint256 index = _pool.getReserveNormalizedIncome(UNDERLYING_ASSET_ADDRESS);
//cumulate the balance of the sender
(, uint256 fromBalance, uint256 fromBalanceIncrease, uint256 fromIndex) = _cumulateBalance(
if(_interestRedirectionAddresses[user] == address(0)){
//if the user is not redirecting the interest, his balance is the result of
//the interest accrued by his current scaled balance and the interest accrued by his
//scaled redirected balance
//cumulate the balance of the receiver
(, , uint256 toBalanceIncrease, uint256 toIndex) = _cumulateBalance(to);
//if the sender is redirecting his interest towards someone else,
//adds to the redirected balance the accrued interest and removes the amount
//being transferred
_updateRedirectedBalanceOfRedirectionAddress(from, fromBalanceIncrease, value);
//if the receiver is redirecting his interest towards someone else,
//adds to the redirected balance the accrued interest and the amount
//being transferred
_updateRedirectedBalanceOfRedirectionAddress(to, toBalanceIncrease.add(value), 0);
//performs the transfer
super._transfer(from, to, value);
bool fromIndexReset = false;
//reset the user data if the remaining balance is 0
if (fromBalance.sub(value) == 0 && from != to) {
fromIndexReset = _resetDataOnZeroBalance(from);
return scaledBalance.add(scaledRedirectedBalance).rayMul(index).sub(scaledRedirectedBalance);
emit BalanceTransfer(
fromIndexReset ? 0 : fromIndex,
//if the user is redirecting, his balance only increases by the balance he is being redirected
uint256 lastRedirectedBalance = scaledBalance.rayDiv(_interestRedirectionIndexes[user]);
@ -483,42 +391,42 @@ contract AToken is VersionedInitializable, ERC20, IAToken {
* @param to the destination address
function _redirectInterestStream(address from, address to) internal {
address currentRedirectionAddress = _interestRedirectionAddresses[from];
require(to != currentRedirectionAddress, Errors.INTEREST_ALREADY_REDIRECTED);
//accumulates the accrued interest to the principal
uint256 previousPrincipalBalance,
uint256 fromBalance,
uint256 balanceIncrease,
uint256 fromIndex
) = _cumulateBalance(from);
uint256 fromBalance = balanceOf(from);
require(fromBalance > 0, Errors.NO_VALID_BALANCE_FOR_REDIRECTION);
uint256 index = _pool.getReserveNormalizedIncome(UNDERLYING_ASSET_ADDRESS);
uint256 scaledBalance = fromBalance.rayDiv(index);
//if the user is already redirecting the interest to someone, before changing
//the redirection address we substract the redirected balance of the previous
if (currentRedirectionAddress != address(0)) {
_updateRedirectedBalanceOfRedirectionAddress(from, 0, previousPrincipalBalance);
_updateRedirectedBalanceOfRedirectionAddress(from, from, 0, scaledBalance, index);
//if the user is redirecting the interest back to himself,
//we simply set to 0 the interest redirection address
if (to == from) {
_interestRedirectionAddresses[from] = address(0);
emit InterestStreamRedirected(from, address(0), fromBalance, balanceIncrease, fromIndex);
emit InterestStreamRedirected(from, address(0), scaledBalance, index);
//first set the redirection address to the new recipient
_interestRedirectionAddresses[from] = to;
_interestRedirectionIndexes[from] = index;
//adds the user balance to the redirected balance of the destination
_updateRedirectedBalanceOfRedirectionAddress(from, fromBalance, 0);
_updateRedirectedBalanceOfRedirectionAddress(from, from, fromBalance, 0, index);
emit InterestStreamRedirected(from, to, fromBalance, balanceIncrease, fromIndex);
emit InterestStreamRedirected(from, to, fromBalance, index);
@ -532,15 +440,7 @@ contract AToken is VersionedInitializable, ERC20, IAToken {
_interestRedirectionAddresses[user] = address(0);
//emits a InterestStreamRedirected event to notify that the redirection has been reset
emit InterestStreamRedirected(user, address(0), 0, 0, 0);
//if the redirected balance is also 0, we clear up the user index
if (_redirectedBalances[user] == 0) {
_userIndexes[user] = 0;
return true;
} else {
return false;
emit InterestStreamRedirected(user, address(0), 0, 0);

View File

@ -8,44 +8,35 @@ interface IAToken is IERC20 {
* @dev emitted after aTokens are burned
* @param from the address performing the redeem
* @param value the amount to be redeemed
* @param fromBalanceIncrease the cumulated balance since the last update of the user
* @param fromIndex the last index of the user
* @param index the last index of the reserve
event Burn(
address indexed from,
address indexed target,
uint256 value,
uint256 fromBalanceIncrease,
uint256 fromIndex
uint256 index
* @dev emitted after the mint action
* @param from the address performing the mint
* @param value the amount to be minted
* @param fromBalanceIncrease the cumulated balance since the last update of the user
* @param fromIndex the last index of the user
* @param index the last index of the reserve
event Mint(address indexed from, uint256 value, uint256 fromBalanceIncrease, uint256 fromIndex);
event Mint(address indexed from, uint256 value, uint256 index);
* @dev emitted during the transfer action
* @param from the address from which the tokens are being transferred
* @param to the adress of the destination
* @param value the amount to be minted
* @param fromBalanceIncrease the cumulated balance since the last update of the user
* @param toBalanceIncrease the cumulated balance since the last update of the destination
* @param fromIndex the last index of the user
* @param toIndex the last index of the liquidator
* @param index the last index of the reserve
event BalanceTransfer(
address indexed from,
address indexed to,
uint256 value,
uint256 fromBalanceIncrease,
uint256 toBalanceIncrease,
uint256 fromIndex,
uint256 toIndex
uint256 index
@ -53,31 +44,28 @@ interface IAToken is IERC20 {
* by an user is redirected to another user
* @param from the address from which the interest is being redirected
* @param to the adress of the destination
* @param fromBalanceIncrease the cumulated balance since the last update of the user
* @param fromIndex the last index of the user
* @param redirectedBalance the scaled balance being redirected
* @param index the last index of the reserve
event InterestStreamRedirected(
address indexed from,
address indexed to,
uint256 redirectedBalance,
uint256 fromBalanceIncrease,
uint256 fromIndex
uint256 index
* @dev emitted when the redirected balance of an user is being updated
* @param targetAddress the address of which the balance is being updated
* @param targetBalanceIncrease the cumulated balance since the last update of the target
* @param targetIndex the last index of the user
* @param redirectedBalanceAdded the redirected balance being added
* @param redirectedBalanceRemoved the redirected balance being removed
* @param index the last index of the reserve
event RedirectedBalanceUpdated(
address indexed targetAddress,
uint256 targetBalanceIncrease,
uint256 targetIndex,
uint256 redirectedBalanceAdded,
uint256 redirectedBalanceRemoved
uint256 redirectedBalanceRemoved,
uint256 index
event InterestRedirectionAllowanceChanged(address indexed from, address indexed to);
@ -146,7 +134,7 @@ interface IAToken is IERC20 {
* @param user the address of the user
* @return the principal balance of the user
function principalBalanceOf(address user) external view returns (uint256);
function scaledBalanceOf(address user) external view returns (uint256);
* @dev Used to validate transfers before actually executing them.
@ -156,13 +144,6 @@ interface IAToken is IERC20 {
function isTransferAllowed(address user, uint256 amount) external view returns (bool);
* @dev returns the last index of the user, used to calculate the balance of the user
* @param user address of the user
* @return the last user index
function getUserIndex(address user) external view returns (uint256);
* @dev returns the address to which the interest is redirected
* @param user address of the user