Test emergency Ether withdrawal via self-destruct

This commit is contained in:
David Racero 2020-11-03 21:04:48 +01:00
parent 4b511188c7
commit 46a42233c6

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@ -275,33 +275,36 @@ makeSuite('Use native ETH at LendingPool via WETHGateway', (testEnv: TestEnv) =>
xit('Owner can do emergency native ETH recovery', async () => {
it('Owner can do emergency native ETH recovery', async () => {
const {users, wethGateway, deployer} = testEnv;
const user = users[0];
const amount = parseEther('1');
const userBalancePriorCall = await user.signer.getBalance();
// Deploy contract with payable selfdestruct contract
const selfdestructContract = await deploySelfdestructTransferMock();
const userBalancePriorCall = await user.signer.getBalance();
const callTx = await selfdestructContract.destroyAndTransfer(wethGateway.address, {
value: amount,
// Selfdestruct the mock, pointing to WETHGateway address
const callTx = await selfdestructContract
.destroyAndTransfer(wethGateway.address, {value: amount});
const {gasUsed} = await waitForTx(callTx);
const gasFees = gasUsed.mul(callTx.gasPrice);
const userBalanceAfterCall = await user.signer.getBalance();
expect(userBalanceAfterCall).to.be.eq(userBalancePriorCall.sub(amount).sub(gasFees), '');
'User should have lost the funds';
// Recover the funds from the contract and sends back to the user
await wethGateway.connect(deployer.signer).emergencyEtherTransfer(user.address, amount);
const userBalanceAfterRecovery = await user.signer.getBalance();
const wethGatewayAfterRecovery = await BRE.ethers.provider.getBalance(wethGateway.address);
'User should recover the funds due emergency eth transfer'
'User should recover the funds due emergency eth transfer.'
expect(wethGatewayAfterRecovery).to.be.eq('0', 'WETHGateway ether balance should be zero.');