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// import {
// IReserveParams,
// iAavePoolAssets,
// iAssetsWithoutETH,
// ITestEnvWithoutInstances,
// } from "../utils/types"
// import {
// LendingPoolAddressesProviderInstance,
// DefaultReserveInterestRateStrategyInstance,
// MintableERC20Instance,
// } from "../utils/typechain-types/truffle-contracts"
// import { testEnvProviderWithoutInstances} from "../utils/truffle/dlp-tests-env"
// import {RAY} from "../utils/constants"
// import BigNumber from "bignumber.js"
// const {expect} = require("chai")
// contract("Interest rate strategy", async ([deployer, ...users]) => {
// let _testEnvProvider: ITestEnvWithoutInstances
// let _strategyInstance: DefaultReserveInterestRateStrategyInstance
// let _tokenInstances: iAssetsWithoutETH<MintableERC20Instance>
// let _addressesProviderInstance: LendingPoolAddressesProviderInstance
// let _reservesParams: iAavePoolAssets<IReserveParams>
// before("Initializing test variables", async () => {
// console.time('setup-test');
// _testEnvProvider = await testEnvProviderWithoutInstances(
// artifacts,
// [deployer, ...users],
// )
// const {
// getAllAssetsInstances,
// getLendingPoolAddressesProviderInstance,
// getAavePoolReservesParams,
// } = _testEnvProvider
// const instances = await Promise.all([
// getAllAssetsInstances(),
// getLendingPoolAddressesProviderInstance()
// ])
// _tokenInstances = instances[0]
// _addressesProviderInstance = instances[1]
// _reservesParams = await getAavePoolReservesParams()
// console.timeEnd('setup-test');
// })
// it("Deploys a new instance of a DefaultReserveInterestRateStrategy contract", async () => {
// const {DAI: daiInstance} = _tokenInstances
// const {DAI: daiConfiguration} = _reservesParams
// const contract: any = await artifacts.require("DefaultReserveInterestRateStrategy")
// const mathLibrary = await artifacts.require("WadRayMath")
// const mathLibraryInstance = await mathLibrary.new()
// await contract.link("WadRayMath", mathLibraryInstance.address)
// _strategyInstance = await contract.new(
// daiInstance.address,
// _addressesProviderInstance.address,
// daiConfiguration.baseVariableBorrowRate,
// daiConfiguration.variableRateSlope1,
// daiConfiguration.variableRateSlope2,
// daiConfiguration.stableRateSlope1,
// daiConfiguration.stableRateSlope2,
// )
// })
// it("Checks rates at 0% utilization rate", async () => {
// const {DAI: daiInstance} = _tokenInstances
// const {DAI: daiConfiguration} = _reservesParams
// const data: any = await _strategyInstance.calculateInterestRates(
// daiInstance.address,
// "1000000000000000000",
// "0",
// "0",
// "0",
// )
// expect(data.currentLiquidityRate.toString()).to.be.equal("0", "Invalid liquidity rate")
// expect(data.currentStableBorrowRate.toString()).to.be.equal(
// new BigNumber(0.039).times(RAY).toFixed(0),
// "Invalid stable rate",
// )
// expect(data.currentVariableBorrowRate.toString()).to.be.equal(
// daiConfiguration.baseVariableBorrowRate,
// "Invalid variable rate",
// )
// })
// it("Checks rates at 80% utilization rate", async () => {
// const {DAI: daiInstance} = _tokenInstances
// const {DAI: daiConfiguration} = _reservesParams
// const data: any = await _strategyInstance.calculateInterestRates(
// daiInstance.address,
// "200000000000000000",
// "0",
// "800000000000000000",
// "0",
// )
// const expectedVariableRate = new BigNumber(daiConfiguration.baseVariableBorrowRate)
// .plus(daiConfiguration.variableRateSlope1)
// expect(data.currentLiquidityRate.toString()).to.be.equal(
// expectedVariableRate.times(0.8).toFixed(0),
// "Invalid liquidity rate",
// )
// expect(data.currentVariableBorrowRate.toString()).to.be.equal(
// new BigNumber(daiConfiguration.baseVariableBorrowRate)
// .plus(daiConfiguration.variableRateSlope1)
// .toFixed(0),
// "Invalid variable rate",
// )
// expect(data.currentStableBorrowRate.toString()).to.be.equal(
// new BigNumber(0.039)
// .times(RAY)
// .plus(daiConfiguration.stableRateSlope1)
// .toFixed(0),
// "Invalid stable rate",
// )
// })
// it("Checks rates at 100% utilization rate", async () => {
// const {DAI: daiInstance} = _tokenInstances
// const {DAI: daiConfiguration} = _reservesParams
// const data: any = await _strategyInstance.calculateInterestRates(
// daiInstance.address,
// "0",
// "0",
// "1000000000000000000",
// "0",
// )
// const expectedVariableRate = new BigNumber(daiConfiguration.baseVariableBorrowRate)
// .plus(daiConfiguration.variableRateSlope1)
// .plus(daiConfiguration.variableRateSlope2)
// .toFixed(0)
// expect(data.currentLiquidityRate.toString()).to.be.equal(
// expectedVariableRate,
// "Invalid liquidity rate",
// )
// expect(data.currentVariableBorrowRate.toString()).to.be.equal(
// expectedVariableRate,
// "Invalid variable rate",
// )
// expect(data.currentStableBorrowRate.toString()).to.be.equal(
// new BigNumber(0.039)
// .times(RAY)
// .plus(daiConfiguration.stableRateSlope1)
// .plus(daiConfiguration.stableRateSlope2)
// .toFixed(0),
// "Invalid stable rate",
// )
// })
// })