stringpublicconstantCOLLATERAL_BALANCE_IS_0='9';// 'The collateral balance is 0'
stringpublicconstantHEALTH_FACTOR_LOWER_THAN_LIQUIDATION_THRESHOLD='10';// 'Health factor is lesser than the liquidation threshold'
stringpublicconstantCOLLATERAL_CANNOT_COVER_NEW_BORROW='11';// 'There is not enough collateral to cover a new borrow'
stringpublicconstantSTABLE_BORROWING_NOT_ENABLED='12';// stable borrowing not enabled
stringpublicconstantCALLATERAL_SAME_AS_BORROWING_CURRENCY='13';// collateral is (mostly) the same currency that is being borrowed
stringpublicconstantAMOUNT_BIGGER_THAN_MAX_LOAN_SIZE_STABLE='14';// 'The requested amount is greater than the max loan size in stable rate mode
stringpublicconstantNO_DEBT_OF_SELECTED_TYPE='15';// 'for repayment of stable debt, the user needs to have stable debt, otherwise, he needs to have variable debt'
stringpublicconstantNO_EXPLICIT_AMOUNT_TO_REPAY_ON_BEHALF='16';// 'To repay on behalf of an user an explicit amount to repay is needed'
stringpublicconstantNO_STABLE_RATE_LOAN_IN_RESERVE='17';// 'User does not have a stable rate loan in progress on this reserve'
stringpublicconstantNO_VARIABLE_RATE_LOAN_IN_RESERVE='18';// 'User does not have a variable rate loan in progress on this reserve'
stringpublicconstantUNDERLYING_BALANCE_NOT_GREATER_THAN_0='19';// 'The underlying balance needs to be greater than 0'
stringpublicconstantDEPOSIT_ALREADY_IN_USE='20';// 'User deposit is already being used as collateral'
// require error messages - LendingPool
stringpublicconstantNOT_ENOUGH_STABLE_BORROW_BALANCE='21';// 'User does not have any stable rate loan for this reserve'
stringpublicconstantINTEREST_RATE_REBALANCE_CONDITIONS_NOT_MET='22';// 'Interest rate rebalance conditions were not met'
stringpublicconstantINVALID_ATOKEN_POOL_ADDRESS='63';// the lending pool in the aToken implementation is not configured correctly
stringpublicconstantINVALID_STABLE_DEBT_TOKEN_POOL_ADDRESS='64';// the lending pool in the stable debt token implementation is not configured correctly
stringpublicconstantINVALID_VARIABLE_DEBT_TOKEN_POOL_ADDRESS='65';// the lending pool in the variable debt token implementation is not configured correctly
stringpublicconstantINVALID_STABLE_DEBT_TOKEN_UNDERLYING_ADDRESS='66';// the underlying asset in the stable debt token implementation is not configured correctly
stringpublicconstantINVALID_VARIABLE_DEBT_TOKEN_UNDERLYING_ADDRESS='67';// the underlying asset in the variable debt token implementation is not configured correctly