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// import {
// LendingPoolInstance,
// LendingPoolCoreInstance,
// IPriceOracleInstance,
// ATokenInstance,
// LendingPoolAddressesProviderInstance,
// MintableERC20Instance,
// } from '../utils/typechain-types/truffle-contracts';
// import {
// ContractId,
// IReserveParams,
// iATokenBase,
// iAavePoolAssets,
// iAssetsWithoutETH,
// ITestEnvWithoutInstances,
// RateMode,
// } from '../utils/types';
// import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
// import {
// oneEther,
// } from '../utils/constants';
// import {testEnvProviderWithoutInstances} from '../utils/truffle/dlp-tests-env';
// import {convertToCurrencyDecimals} from '../utils/misc-utils';
// import {getTruffleContractInstance} from '../utils/truffle/truffle-core-utils';
// const expectRevert = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers').expectRevert;
// const {expect} = require('chai');
// const almostEqual: any = function(this: any, expected: any, actual: any): any {
// this.assert(
// expected.plus(new BigNumber(1)).eq(actual) ||
// expected.plus(new BigNumber(2)).eq(actual) ||
// actual.plus(new BigNumber(1)).eq(expected) ||
// actual.plus(new BigNumber(2)).eq(expected) ||
// expected.eq(actual),
// 'expected #{act} to be almost equal #{exp}',
// 'expected #{act} to be different from #{exp}',
// expected.toString(),
// actual.toString()
// );
// };
// require('chai').use(function(chai: any, utils: any) {
// chai.Assertion.overwriteMethod('almostEqual', function(original: any) {
// return function(this: any, value: any) {
// if (utils.flag(this, 'bignumber')) {
// var expected = new BigNumber(value);
// var actual = new BigNumber(this._obj);
// almostEqual.apply(this, [expected, actual]);
// } else {
// original.apply(this, arguments);
// }
// };
// });
// });
// contract('LendingPool liquidation - liquidator receiving aToken', async ([deployer, ...users]) => {
// let _testEnvProvider: ITestEnvWithoutInstances;
// let _lendingPoolInstance: LendingPoolInstance;
// let _lendingPoolCoreInstance: LendingPoolCoreInstance;
// let _lendingPoolAddressesProviderInstance: LendingPoolAddressesProviderInstance;
// let _priceOracleInstance: IPriceOracleInstance;
// let _aTokenInstances: iATokenBase<ATokenInstance>;
// let _tokenInstances: iAssetsWithoutETH<MintableERC20Instance>;
// let _daiAddress: string;
// let _reservesParams: iAavePoolAssets<IReserveParams>;
// let _depositorAddress: string;
// let _borrowerAddress: string;
// let _web3: Web3;
// let _initialDepositorETHBalance: string;
// before('Initializing LendingPool test variables', async () => {
// console.time('setup-test');
// _testEnvProvider = await testEnvProviderWithoutInstances(artifacts, [deployer, ...users]);
// const {
// getWeb3,
// getAllAssetsInstances,
// getFirstBorrowerAddressOnTests,
// getFirstDepositorAddressOnTests,
// getAavePoolReservesParams,
// getLendingPoolInstance,
// getLendingPoolCoreInstance,
// getPriceOracleInstance,
// getATokenInstances,
// getLendingPoolAddressesProviderInstance,
// } = _testEnvProvider;
// const instances = await Promise.all([
// getLendingPoolInstance(),
// getLendingPoolCoreInstance(),
// getPriceOracleInstance(),
// getATokenInstances(),
// getLendingPoolAddressesProviderInstance(),
// getAllAssetsInstances(),
// ]);
// _reservesParams = await getAavePoolReservesParams();
// _lendingPoolInstance = instances[0];
// _lendingPoolCoreInstance = instances[1];
// _priceOracleInstance = instances[2];
// _aTokenInstances = instances[3];
// _lendingPoolAddressesProviderInstance = instances[4];
// _tokenInstances = instances[5];
// _daiAddress = _tokenInstances.DAI.address;
// _depositorAddress = await getFirstDepositorAddressOnTests();
// _borrowerAddress = await getFirstBorrowerAddressOnTests();
// _web3 = await getWeb3();
// _initialDepositorETHBalance = await _web3.eth.getBalance(_depositorAddress);
// console.timeEnd('setup-test');
// });
// it('LIQUIDATION - Deposits ETH, borrows DAI/Check liquidation fails because health factor is above 1', async () => {
// const {DAI: daiInstance} = _tokenInstances;
// const aEthInstance: ATokenInstance = await getTruffleContractInstance(
// artifacts,
// ContractId.AToken,
// await _lendingPoolCoreInstance.getReserveATokenAddress(ETHEREUM_ADDRESS)
// );
// //mints DAI to depositor
// await daiInstance.mint(await convertToCurrencyDecimals(daiInstance.address, '1000'), {
// from: _depositorAddress,
// });
// //approve protocol to access depositor wallet
// await daiInstance.approve(_lendingPoolCoreInstance.address, APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL_CORE, {
// from: _depositorAddress,
// });
// //user 1 deposits 1000 DAI
// const amountDAItoDeposit = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(_daiAddress, '1000');
// await _lendingPoolInstance.deposit(_daiAddress, amountDAItoDeposit, '0', {
// from: _depositorAddress,
// });
// //user 2 deposits 1 ETH
// const amountETHtoDeposit = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(ETHEREUM_ADDRESS, '1');
// await _lendingPoolInstance.deposit(ETHEREUM_ADDRESS, amountETHtoDeposit, '0', {
// from: _borrowerAddress,
// value: amountETHtoDeposit,
// });
// //user 2 borrows
// const userGlobalData: any = await _lendingPoolInstance.getUserAccountData(_borrowerAddress);
// const daiPrice = await _priceOracleInstance.getAssetPrice(_daiAddress);
// const amountDAIToBorrow = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(
// _daiAddress,
// new BigNumber(userGlobalData.availableBorrowsETH)
// .div(daiPrice)
// .multipliedBy(0.95)
// .toFixed(0)
// );
// await _lendingPoolInstance.borrow(_daiAddress, amountDAIToBorrow, RateMode.Stable, '0', {
// from: _borrowerAddress,
// });
// const userGlobalDataAfter: any = await _lendingPoolInstance.getUserAccountData(
// _borrowerAddress
// );
// expect(userGlobalDataAfter.currentLiquidationThreshold).to.be.bignumber.equal(
// '80',
// 'Invalid liquidation threshold'
// );
// //user 2 tries to borrow
// await expectRevert(
// _lendingPoolInstance.liquidationCall(
// _daiAddress,
// _borrowerAddress,
// amountDAIToBorrow,
// true
// ),
// 'Health factor is not below the threshold'
// );
// });
// it('LIQUIDATION - Drop the health factor below 1', async () => {
// const daiPrice = await _priceOracleInstance.getAssetPrice(_daiAddress);
// //halving the price of ETH - means doubling the DAIETH exchange rate
// await _priceOracleInstance.setAssetPrice(
// _daiAddress,
// new BigNumber(daiPrice).multipliedBy(1.15).toFixed(0)
// );
// const userGlobalData: any = await _lendingPoolInstance.getUserAccountData(_borrowerAddress);
// expect(userGlobalData.healthFactor).to.be.bignumber.lt(
// oneEther.toFixed(0),
// 'Invalid health factor'
// );
// });
// it('LIQUIDATION - Tries to liquidate a different currency than the loan principal', async () => {
// //user 2 tries to borrow
// await expectRevert(
// _lendingPoolInstance.liquidationCall(
// _borrowerAddress,
// oneEther,
// true
// ),
// 'User did not borrow the specified currency'
// );
// });
// it('LIQUIDATION - Tries to liquidate a different collateral than the borrower collateral', async () => {
// //user 2 tries to borrow
// await expectRevert(
// _lendingPoolInstance.liquidationCall(
// _daiAddress,
// _daiAddress,
// _borrowerAddress,
// oneEther,
// true
// ),
// 'Invalid collateral to liquidate'
// );
// });
// it('LIQUIDATION - Liquidates the borrow', async () => {
// const {DAI: daiInstance} = _tokenInstances;
// //mints dai to the caller
// await daiInstance.mint(await convertToCurrencyDecimals(daiInstance.address, '1000'));
// //approve protocol to access depositor wallet
// await daiInstance.approve(_lendingPoolCoreInstance.address, APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL_CORE);
// const userReserveDataBefore: any = await _lendingPoolInstance.getUserReserveData(
// _daiAddress,
// _borrowerAddress
// );
// const daiReserveDataBefore: any = await _lendingPoolInstance.getReserveData(_daiAddress);
// const ethReserveDataBefore: any = await _lendingPoolInstance.getReserveData(ETHEREUM_ADDRESS);
// const amountToLiquidate = new BigNumber(userReserveDataBefore.currentBorrowBalance)
// .div(2)
// .toFixed(0);
// await _lendingPoolInstance.liquidationCall(
// _daiAddress,
// _borrowerAddress,
// amountToLiquidate,
// true
// );
// const userReserveDataAfter: any = await _lendingPoolInstance.getUserReserveData(
// _daiAddress,
// _borrowerAddress
// );
// const userGlobalDataAfter: any = await _lendingPoolInstance.getUserAccountData(
// _borrowerAddress
// );
// const daiReserveDataAfter: any = await _lendingPoolInstance.getReserveData(_daiAddress);
// const ethReserveDataAfter: any = await _lendingPoolInstance.getReserveData(ETHEREUM_ADDRESS);
// const feeAddress = await _lendingPoolAddressesProviderInstance.getTokenDistributor();
// const feeAddressBalance = await web3.eth.getBalance(feeAddress);
// const collateralPrice = await _priceOracleInstance.getAssetPrice(ETHEREUM_ADDRESS);
// const principalPrice = await _priceOracleInstance.getAssetPrice(_daiAddress);
// const collateralDecimals = await _lendingPoolCoreInstance.getReserveDecimals(ETHEREUM_ADDRESS);
// const principalDecimals = await _lendingPoolCoreInstance.getReserveDecimals(_daiAddress);
// const expectedCollateralLiquidated = new BigNumber(principalPrice)
// .times(new BigNumber(amountToLiquidate).times(105))
// .times(new BigNumber(10).pow(collateralDecimals))
// .div(new BigNumber(collateralPrice).times(new BigNumber(10).pow(principalDecimals)))
// .decimalPlaces(0, BigNumber.ROUND_DOWN);
// const expectedFeeLiquidated = new BigNumber(principalPrice)
// .times(new BigNumber(userReserveDataBefore.originationFee).times(105))
// .times(new BigNumber(10).pow(collateralDecimals))
// .div(new BigNumber(collateralPrice).times(new BigNumber(10).pow(principalDecimals)))
// .div(100)
// .decimalPlaces(0, BigNumber.ROUND_DOWN);
// expect(userGlobalDataAfter.healthFactor).to.be.bignumber.gt(
// oneEther.toFixed(0),
// 'Invalid health factor'
// );
// expect(userReserveDataAfter.originationFee).to.be.bignumber.eq(
// '0',
// 'Origination fee should be repaid'
// );
// expect(feeAddressBalance).to.be.bignumber.gt('0');
// expect(userReserveDataAfter.principalBorrowBalance).to.be.bignumber.almostEqual(
// new BigNumber(userReserveDataBefore.currentBorrowBalance).minus(amountToLiquidate).toFixed(0),
// 'Invalid user borrow balance after liquidation'
// );
// expect(daiReserveDataAfter.availableLiquidity).to.be.bignumber.almostEqual(
// new BigNumber(daiReserveDataBefore.availableLiquidity).plus(amountToLiquidate).toFixed(0),
// 'Invalid principal available liquidity'
// );
// expect(ethReserveDataAfter.availableLiquidity).to.be.bignumber.almostEqual(
// new BigNumber(ethReserveDataBefore.availableLiquidity)
// .minus(expectedFeeLiquidated)
// .toFixed(0),
// 'Invalid collateral available liquidity'
// );
// });
// it('User 3 deposits 1000 USDC, user 4 1 ETH, user 4 borrows - drops HF, liquidates the borrow', async () => {
// const {USDC: usdcInstance} = _tokenInstances;
// //mints USDC to depositor
// await usdcInstance.mint(await convertToCurrencyDecimals(usdcInstance.address, '1000'), {
// from: users[3],
// });
// //approve protocol to access depositor wallet
// await usdcInstance.approve(
// _lendingPoolCoreInstance.address,
// {
// from: users[3],
// }
// );
// //user 3 deposits 1000 USDC
// const amountUSDCtoDeposit = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(usdcInstance.address, '1000');
// await _lendingPoolInstance.deposit(usdcInstance.address, amountUSDCtoDeposit, '0', {
// from: users[3],
// });
// //user 4 deposits 1 ETH
// const amountETHtoDeposit = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(ETHEREUM_ADDRESS, '1');
// await _lendingPoolInstance.deposit(ETHEREUM_ADDRESS, amountETHtoDeposit, '0', {
// from: users[4],
// value: amountETHtoDeposit,
// });
// //user 4 borrows
// const userGlobalData: any = await _lendingPoolInstance.getUserAccountData(users[4]);
// const usdcPrice = await _priceOracleInstance.getAssetPrice(usdcInstance.address);
// const amountUSDCToBorrow = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(
// usdcInstance.address,
// new BigNumber(userGlobalData.availableBorrowsETH)
// .div(usdcPrice)
// .multipliedBy(0.95)
// .toFixed(0)
// );
// await _lendingPoolInstance.borrow(
// usdcInstance.address,
// amountUSDCToBorrow,
// RateMode.Stable,
// '0',
// {
// from: users[4],
// }
// );
// //drops HF below 1
// await _priceOracleInstance.setAssetPrice(
// usdcInstance.address,
// new BigNumber(usdcPrice).multipliedBy(1.2).toFixed(0)
// );
// //mints dai to the liquidator
// await usdcInstance.mint(await convertToCurrencyDecimals(usdcInstance.address, '1000'));
// //approve protocol to access depositor wallet
// await usdcInstance.approve(_lendingPoolCoreInstance.address, APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL_CORE);
// const userReserveDataBefore: any = await _lendingPoolInstance.getUserReserveData(
// usdcInstance.address,
// users[4]
// );
// const usdcReserveDataBefore: any = await _lendingPoolInstance.getReserveData(
// usdcInstance.address
// );
// const ethReserveDataBefore: any = await _lendingPoolInstance.getReserveData(ETHEREUM_ADDRESS);
// const amountToLiquidate = new BigNumber(userReserveDataBefore.currentBorrowBalance)
// .div(2)
// .toFixed(0);
// await _lendingPoolInstance.liquidationCall(
// usdcInstance.address,
// users[4],
// amountToLiquidate,
// true
// );
// const userReserveDataAfter: any = await _lendingPoolInstance.getUserReserveData(
// usdcInstance.address,
// users[4]
// );
// const userGlobalDataAfter: any = await _lendingPoolInstance.getUserAccountData(users[4]);
// const usdcReserveDataAfter: any = await _lendingPoolInstance.getReserveData(
// usdcInstance.address
// );
// const ethReserveDataAfter: any = await _lendingPoolInstance.getReserveData(ETHEREUM_ADDRESS);
// const feeAddress = await _lendingPoolAddressesProviderInstance.getTokenDistributor();
// const feeAddressBalance = await web3.eth.getBalance(feeAddress);
// const collateralPrice = await _priceOracleInstance.getAssetPrice(ETHEREUM_ADDRESS);
// const principalPrice = await _priceOracleInstance.getAssetPrice(usdcInstance.address);
// const collateralDecimals = await _lendingPoolCoreInstance.getReserveDecimals(ETHEREUM_ADDRESS);
// const principalDecimals = await _lendingPoolCoreInstance.getReserveDecimals(
// usdcInstance.address
// );
// const expectedCollateralLiquidated = new BigNumber(principalPrice)
// .times(new BigNumber(amountToLiquidate).times(105))
// .times(new BigNumber(10).pow(collateralDecimals))
// .div(new BigNumber(collateralPrice).times(new BigNumber(10).pow(principalDecimals)))
// .decimalPlaces(0, BigNumber.ROUND_DOWN);
// const expectedFeeLiquidated = new BigNumber(principalPrice)
// .times(new BigNumber(userReserveDataBefore.originationFee).times(105))
// .times(new BigNumber(10).pow(collateralDecimals))
// .div(new BigNumber(collateralPrice).times(new BigNumber(10).pow(principalDecimals)))
// .div(100)
// .decimalPlaces(0, BigNumber.ROUND_DOWN);
// expect(userGlobalDataAfter.healthFactor).to.be.bignumber.gt(
// oneEther.toFixed(0),
// 'Invalid health factor'
// );
// expect(userReserveDataAfter.originationFee).to.be.bignumber.eq(
// '0',
// 'Origination fee should be repaid'
// );
// expect(feeAddressBalance).to.be.bignumber.gt('0');
// expect(userReserveDataAfter.principalBorrowBalance).to.be.bignumber.almostEqual(
// new BigNumber(userReserveDataBefore.currentBorrowBalance).minus(amountToLiquidate).toFixed(0),
// 'Invalid user borrow balance after liquidation'
// );
// expect(usdcReserveDataAfter.availableLiquidity).to.be.bignumber.almostEqual(
// new BigNumber(usdcReserveDataBefore.availableLiquidity).plus(amountToLiquidate).toFixed(0),
// 'Invalid principal available liquidity'
// );
// expect(ethReserveDataAfter.availableLiquidity).to.be.bignumber.almostEqual(
// new BigNumber(ethReserveDataBefore.availableLiquidity)
// .minus(expectedFeeLiquidated)
// .toFixed(0),
// 'Invalid collateral available liquidity'
// );
// });
// });