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synced 2024-07-29 21:47:30 +00:00
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// import { makeSuite, TestEnv } from './helpers/make-suite';
// import {
// convertToCurrencyDecimals,
// buildFlashLiquidationAdapterParams,
// } from '../../helpers/contracts-helpers';
// import { getMockUniswapRouter } from '../../helpers/contracts-getters';
// import { deployFlashLiquidationAdapter } from '../../helpers/contracts-deployments';
// import { MockUniswapV2Router02 } from '../../types/MockUniswapV2Router02';
// import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
// import { DRE, evmRevert, evmSnapshot, increaseTime, waitForTx } from '../../helpers/misc-utils';
// import { ethers } from 'ethers';
// import { ProtocolErrors, RateMode } from '../../helpers/types';
// import { APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL, MAX_UINT_AMOUNT, oneEther } from '../../helpers/constants';
// import { getUserData } from './helpers/utils/helpers';
// import { calcExpectedStableDebtTokenBalance } from './helpers/utils/calculations';
// const { expect } = require('chai');
// makeSuite('Uniswap adapters', (testEnv: TestEnv) => {
// let mockUniswapRouter: MockUniswapV2Router02;
// let evmSnapshotId: string;
// const { INVALID_HF, LP_LIQUIDATION_CALL_FAILED } = ProtocolErrors;
// before(async () => {
// mockUniswapRouter = await getMockUniswapRouter();
// });
// const depositAndHFBelowOne = async () => {
// const { dai, weth, users, pool, oracle } = testEnv;
// const depositor = users[0];
// const borrower = users[1];
// //mints DAI to depositor
// await dai.connect(depositor.signer).mint(await convertToCurrencyDecimals(dai.address, '1000'));
// //approve protocol to access depositor wallet
// await dai.connect(depositor.signer).approve(pool.address, APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL);
// //user 1 deposits 1000 DAI
// const amountDAItoDeposit = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(dai.address, '1000');
// await pool
// .connect(depositor.signer)
// .deposit(dai.address, amountDAItoDeposit, depositor.address, '0');
// //user 2 deposits 1 ETH
// const amountETHtoDeposit = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(weth.address, '1');
// //mints WETH to borrower
// await weth.connect(borrower.signer).mint(await convertToCurrencyDecimals(weth.address, '1000'));
// //approve protocol to access the borrower wallet
// await weth.connect(borrower.signer).approve(pool.address, APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL);
// await pool
// .connect(borrower.signer)
// .deposit(weth.address, amountETHtoDeposit, borrower.address, '0');
// //user 2 borrows
// const userGlobalDataBefore = await pool.getUserAccountData(borrower.address);
// const daiPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(dai.address);
// const amountDAIToBorrow = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(
// dai.address,
// new BigNumber(userGlobalDataBefore.availableBorrowsETH.toString())
// .div(daiPrice.toString())
// .multipliedBy(0.95)
// .toFixed(0)
// );
// await pool
// .connect(borrower.signer)
// .borrow(dai.address, amountDAIToBorrow, RateMode.Stable, '0', borrower.address);
// const userGlobalDataAfter = await pool.getUserAccountData(borrower.address);
// expect(userGlobalDataAfter.currentLiquidationThreshold.toString()).to.be.equal(
// '8250',
// );
// await oracle.setAssetPrice(
// dai.address,
// new BigNumber(daiPrice.toString()).multipliedBy(1.18).toFixed(0)
// );
// const userGlobalData = await pool.getUserAccountData(borrower.address);
// expect(userGlobalData.healthFactor.toString()).to.be.bignumber.lt(
// oneEther.toFixed(0),
// );
// };
// const depositSameAssetAndHFBelowOne = async () => {
// const { dai, weth, users, pool, oracle } = testEnv;
// const depositor = users[0];
// const borrower = users[1];
// //mints DAI to depositor
// await dai.connect(depositor.signer).mint(await convertToCurrencyDecimals(dai.address, '1000'));
// //approve protocol to access depositor wallet
// await dai.connect(depositor.signer).approve(pool.address, APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL);
// //user 1 deposits 1000 DAI
// const amountDAItoDeposit = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(dai.address, '1000');
// await pool
// .connect(depositor.signer)
// .deposit(dai.address, amountDAItoDeposit, depositor.address, '0');
// //user 2 deposits 1 ETH
// const amountETHtoDeposit = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(weth.address, '1');
// //mints WETH to borrower
// await weth.connect(borrower.signer).mint(await convertToCurrencyDecimals(weth.address, '1000'));
// //approve protocol to access the borrower wallet
// await weth.connect(borrower.signer).approve(pool.address, APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL);
// await pool
// .connect(borrower.signer)
// .deposit(weth.address, amountETHtoDeposit, borrower.address, '0');
// //user 2 borrows
// const userGlobalDataBefore = await pool.getUserAccountData(borrower.address);
// const daiPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(dai.address);
// const amountDAIToBorrow = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(
// dai.address,
// new BigNumber(userGlobalDataBefore.availableBorrowsETH.toString())
// .div(daiPrice.toString())
// .multipliedBy(0.8)
// .toFixed(0)
// );
// await waitForTx(
// await pool
// .connect(borrower.signer)
// .borrow(dai.address, amountDAIToBorrow, RateMode.Stable, '0', borrower.address)
// );
// const userGlobalDataBefore2 = await pool.getUserAccountData(borrower.address);
// const amountWETHToBorrow = new BigNumber(userGlobalDataBefore2.availableBorrowsETH.toString())
// .multipliedBy(0.8)
// .toFixed(0);
// await pool
// .connect(borrower.signer)
// .borrow(weth.address, amountWETHToBorrow, RateMode.Variable, '0', borrower.address);
// const userGlobalDataAfter = await pool.getUserAccountData(borrower.address);
// expect(userGlobalDataAfter.currentLiquidationThreshold.toString()).to.be.equal(
// '8250',
// );
// await oracle.setAssetPrice(
// dai.address,
// new BigNumber(daiPrice.toString()).multipliedBy(1.18).toFixed(0)
// );
// const userGlobalData = await pool.getUserAccountData(borrower.address);
// expect(userGlobalData.healthFactor.toString()).to.be.bignumber.lt(
// oneEther.toFixed(0),
// );
// };
// beforeEach(async () => {
// evmSnapshotId = await evmSnapshot();
// });
// afterEach(async () => {
// await evmRevert(evmSnapshotId);
// });
// describe('Flash Liquidation Adapter', () => {
// before('Before LendingPool liquidation: set config', () => {
// BigNumber.config({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 0, ROUNDING_MODE: BigNumber.ROUND_DOWN });
// });
// after('After LendingPool liquidation: reset config', () => {
// BigNumber.config({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 20, ROUNDING_MODE: BigNumber.ROUND_HALF_UP });
// });
// describe('constructor', () => {
// it('should deploy with correct parameters', async () => {
// const { addressesProvider, weth } = testEnv;
// await deployFlashLiquidationAdapter([
// addressesProvider.address,
// mockUniswapRouter.address,
// weth.address,
// ]);
// });
// it('should revert if not valid addresses provider', async () => {
// const { weth } = testEnv;
// expect(
// deployFlashLiquidationAdapter([
// mockUniswapRouter.address,
// mockUniswapRouter.address,
// weth.address,
// ])
// ).to.be.reverted;
// });
// });
// describe('executeOperation: succesfully liquidateCall and swap via Flash Loan with profits', () => {
// it('Liquidates the borrow with profit', async () => {
// await depositAndHFBelowOne();
// await increaseTime(100);
// const {
// dai,
// weth,
// users,
// pool,
// oracle,
// helpersContract,
// flashLiquidationAdapter,
// } = testEnv;
// const liquidator = users[3];
// const borrower = users[1];
// const expectedSwap = ethers.utils.parseEther('0.4');
// const liquidatorWethBalanceBefore = await weth.balanceOf(liquidator.address);
// // Set how much ETH will be sold and swapped for DAI at Uniswap mock
// await (await mockUniswapRouter.setAmountToSwap(weth.address, expectedSwap)).wait();
// const collateralPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(weth.address);
// const principalPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(dai.address);
// const daiReserveDataBefore = await helpersContract.getReserveData(dai.address);
// const ethReserveDataBefore = await helpersContract.getReserveData(weth.address);
// const userReserveDataBefore = await getUserData(
// pool,
// helpersContract,
// dai.address,
// borrower.address
// );
// const collateralDecimals = (
// await helpersContract.getReserveConfigurationData(weth.address)
// ).decimals.toString();
// const principalDecimals = (
// await helpersContract.getReserveConfigurationData(dai.address)
// ).decimals.toString();
// const amountToLiquidate = userReserveDataBefore.currentStableDebt.div(2).toFixed(0);
// const expectedCollateralLiquidated = new BigNumber(principalPrice.toString())
// .times(new BigNumber(amountToLiquidate).times(105))
// .times(new BigNumber(10).pow(collateralDecimals))
// .div(
// new BigNumber(collateralPrice.toString()).times(
// new BigNumber(10).pow(principalDecimals)
// )
// )
// .div(100)
// .decimalPlaces(0, BigNumber.ROUND_DOWN);
// const flashLoanDebt = new BigNumber(amountToLiquidate.toString())
// .multipliedBy(1.0009)
// .toFixed(0);
// const expectedProfit = ethers.BigNumber.from(expectedCollateralLiquidated.toString()).sub(
// expectedSwap
// );
// const params = buildFlashLiquidationAdapterParams(
// weth.address,
// dai.address,
// borrower.address,
// amountToLiquidate,
// false
// );
// const tx = await pool
// .connect(liquidator.signer)
// .flashLoan(
// flashLiquidationAdapter.address,
// [dai.address],
// [amountToLiquidate],
// [0],
// borrower.address,
// params,
// 0
// );
// // Expect Swapped event
// await expect(Promise.resolve(tx)).to.emit(flashLiquidationAdapter, 'Swapped');
// // Expect LiquidationCall event
// await expect(Promise.resolve(tx)).to.emit(pool, 'LiquidationCall');
// const userReserveDataAfter = await getUserData(
// pool,
// helpersContract,
// dai.address,
// borrower.address
// );
// const liquidatorWethBalanceAfter = await weth.balanceOf(liquidator.address);
// const daiReserveDataAfter = await helpersContract.getReserveData(dai.address);
// const ethReserveDataAfter = await helpersContract.getReserveData(weth.address);
// if (!tx.blockNumber) {
// expect(false, 'Invalid block number');
// return;
// }
// const txTimestamp = new BigNumber(
// (await DRE.ethers.provider.getBlock(tx.blockNumber)).timestamp
// );
// const stableDebtBeforeTx = calcExpectedStableDebtTokenBalance(
// userReserveDataBefore.principalStableDebt,
// userReserveDataBefore.stableBorrowRate,
// userReserveDataBefore.stableRateLastUpdated,
// txTimestamp
// );
// const collateralAssetContractBalance = await weth.balanceOf(
// flashLiquidationAdapter.address
// );
// const borrowAssetContractBalance = await dai.balanceOf(flashLiquidationAdapter.address);
// expect(collateralAssetContractBalance).to.be.equal(
// '0',
// 'Contract address should not keep any balance.'
// );
// expect(borrowAssetContractBalance).to.be.equal(
// '0',
// 'Contract address should not keep any balance.'
// );
// expect(userReserveDataAfter.currentStableDebt.toString()).to.be.bignumber.almostEqual(
// stableDebtBeforeTx.minus(amountToLiquidate).toFixed(0),
// 'Invalid user debt after liquidation'
// );
// //the liquidity index of the principal reserve needs to be bigger than the index before
// expect(daiReserveDataAfter.liquidityIndex.toString()).to.be.bignumber.gte(
// daiReserveDataBefore.liquidityIndex.toString(),
// 'Invalid liquidity index'
// );
// //the principal APY after a liquidation needs to be lower than the APY before
// expect(daiReserveDataAfter.liquidityRate.toString()).to.be.bignumber.lt(
// daiReserveDataBefore.liquidityRate.toString(),
// 'Invalid liquidity APY'
// );
// expect(daiReserveDataAfter.availableLiquidity.toString()).to.be.bignumber.almostEqual(
// new BigNumber(daiReserveDataBefore.availableLiquidity.toString())
// .plus(flashLoanDebt)
// .toFixed(0),
// 'Invalid principal available liquidity'
// );
// expect(ethReserveDataAfter.availableLiquidity.toString()).to.be.bignumber.almostEqual(
// new BigNumber(ethReserveDataBefore.availableLiquidity.toString())
// .minus(expectedCollateralLiquidated)
// .toFixed(0),
// 'Invalid collateral available liquidity'
// );
// // Profit after flash loan liquidation
// expect(liquidatorWethBalanceAfter).to.be.equal(
// liquidatorWethBalanceBefore.add(expectedProfit),
// 'Invalid expected WETH profit'
// );
// });
// });
// describe('executeOperation: succesfully liquidateCall with same asset via Flash Loan, but no swap needed', () => {
// it('Liquidates the borrow with profit', async () => {
// await depositSameAssetAndHFBelowOne();
// await increaseTime(100);
// const { weth, users, pool, oracle, helpersContract, flashLiquidationAdapter } = testEnv;
// const liquidator = users[3];
// const borrower = users[1];
// const liquidatorWethBalanceBefore = await weth.balanceOf(liquidator.address);
// const assetPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(weth.address);
// const ethReserveDataBefore = await helpersContract.getReserveData(weth.address);
// const userReserveDataBefore = await getUserData(
// pool,
// helpersContract,
// weth.address,
// borrower.address
// );
// const assetDecimals = (
// await helpersContract.getReserveConfigurationData(weth.address)
// ).decimals.toString();
// const amountToLiquidate = userReserveDataBefore.currentVariableDebt.div(2).toFixed(0);
// const expectedCollateralLiquidated = new BigNumber(assetPrice.toString())
// .times(new BigNumber(amountToLiquidate).times(105))
// .times(new BigNumber(10).pow(assetDecimals))
// .div(new BigNumber(assetPrice.toString()).times(new BigNumber(10).pow(assetDecimals)))
// .div(100)
// .decimalPlaces(0, BigNumber.ROUND_DOWN);
// const flashLoanDebt = new BigNumber(amountToLiquidate.toString())
// .multipliedBy(1.0009)
// .toFixed(0);
// const params = buildFlashLiquidationAdapterParams(
// weth.address,
// weth.address,
// borrower.address,
// amountToLiquidate,
// false
// );
// const tx = await pool
// .connect(liquidator.signer)
// .flashLoan(
// flashLiquidationAdapter.address,
// [weth.address],
// [amountToLiquidate],
// [0],
// borrower.address,
// params,
// 0
// );
// // Dont expect Swapped event due is same asset
// await expect(Promise.resolve(tx)).to.not.emit(flashLiquidationAdapter, 'Swapped');
// // Expect LiquidationCall event
// await expect(Promise.resolve(tx))
// .to.emit(pool, 'LiquidationCall')
// .withArgs(
// weth.address,
// weth.address,
// borrower.address,
// amountToLiquidate.toString(),
// expectedCollateralLiquidated.toString(),
// flashLiquidationAdapter.address,
// false
// );
// const borrowAssetContractBalance = await weth.balanceOf(flashLiquidationAdapter.address);
// expect(borrowAssetContractBalance).to.be.equal(
// '0',
// 'Contract address should not keep any balance.'
// );
// });
// });
// describe('executeOperation: succesfully liquidateCall and swap via Flash Loan without profits', () => {
// it('Liquidates the borrow', async () => {
// await depositAndHFBelowOne();
// await increaseTime(100);
// const {
// dai,
// weth,
// users,
// pool,
// oracle,
// helpersContract,
// flashLiquidationAdapter,
// } = testEnv;
// const liquidator = users[3];
// const borrower = users[1];
// const liquidatorWethBalanceBefore = await weth.balanceOf(liquidator.address);
// const collateralPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(weth.address);
// const principalPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(dai.address);
// const daiReserveDataBefore = await helpersContract.getReserveData(dai.address);
// const ethReserveDataBefore = await helpersContract.getReserveData(weth.address);
// const userReserveDataBefore = await getUserData(
// pool,
// helpersContract,
// dai.address,
// borrower.address
// );
// const collateralDecimals = (
// await helpersContract.getReserveConfigurationData(weth.address)
// ).decimals.toString();
// const principalDecimals = (
// await helpersContract.getReserveConfigurationData(dai.address)
// ).decimals.toString();
// const amountToLiquidate = userReserveDataBefore.currentStableDebt.div(2).toFixed(0);
// const expectedCollateralLiquidated = new BigNumber(principalPrice.toString())
// .times(new BigNumber(amountToLiquidate).times(105))
// .times(new BigNumber(10).pow(collateralDecimals))
// .div(
// new BigNumber(collateralPrice.toString()).times(
// new BigNumber(10).pow(principalDecimals)
// )
// )
// .div(100)
// .decimalPlaces(0, BigNumber.ROUND_DOWN);
// const flashLoanDebt = new BigNumber(amountToLiquidate.toString())
// .multipliedBy(1.0009)
// .toFixed(0);
// // Set how much ETH will be sold and swapped for DAI at Uniswap mock
// await (
// await mockUniswapRouter.setAmountToSwap(
// weth.address,
// expectedCollateralLiquidated.toString()
// )
// ).wait();
// const params = buildFlashLiquidationAdapterParams(
// weth.address,
// dai.address,
// borrower.address,
// amountToLiquidate,
// false
// );
// const tx = await pool
// .connect(liquidator.signer)
// .flashLoan(
// flashLiquidationAdapter.address,
// [dai.address],
// [flashLoanDebt],
// [0],
// borrower.address,
// params,
// 0
// );
// // Expect Swapped event
// await expect(Promise.resolve(tx)).to.emit(flashLiquidationAdapter, 'Swapped');
// // Expect LiquidationCall event
// await expect(Promise.resolve(tx)).to.emit(pool, 'LiquidationCall');
// const userReserveDataAfter = await getUserData(
// pool,
// helpersContract,
// dai.address,
// borrower.address
// );
// const liquidatorWethBalanceAfter = await weth.balanceOf(liquidator.address);
// const daiReserveDataAfter = await helpersContract.getReserveData(dai.address);
// const ethReserveDataAfter = await helpersContract.getReserveData(weth.address);
// if (!tx.blockNumber) {
// expect(false, 'Invalid block number');
// return;
// }
// const txTimestamp = new BigNumber(
// (await DRE.ethers.provider.getBlock(tx.blockNumber)).timestamp
// );
// const stableDebtBeforeTx = calcExpectedStableDebtTokenBalance(
// userReserveDataBefore.principalStableDebt,
// userReserveDataBefore.stableBorrowRate,
// userReserveDataBefore.stableRateLastUpdated,
// txTimestamp
// );
// const collateralAssetContractBalance = await dai.balanceOf(flashLiquidationAdapter.address);
// const borrowAssetContractBalance = await weth.balanceOf(flashLiquidationAdapter.address);
// expect(collateralAssetContractBalance).to.be.equal(
// '0',
// 'Contract address should not keep any balance.'
// );
// expect(borrowAssetContractBalance).to.be.equal(
// '0',
// 'Contract address should not keep any balance.'
// );
// expect(userReserveDataAfter.currentStableDebt.toString()).to.be.bignumber.almostEqual(
// stableDebtBeforeTx.minus(amountToLiquidate).toFixed(0),
// 'Invalid user debt after liquidation'
// );
// //the liquidity index of the principal reserve needs to be bigger than the index before
// expect(daiReserveDataAfter.liquidityIndex.toString()).to.be.bignumber.gte(
// daiReserveDataBefore.liquidityIndex.toString(),
// 'Invalid liquidity index'
// );
// //the principal APY after a liquidation needs to be lower than the APY before
// expect(daiReserveDataAfter.liquidityRate.toString()).to.be.bignumber.lt(
// daiReserveDataBefore.liquidityRate.toString(),
// 'Invalid liquidity APY'
// );
// expect(ethReserveDataAfter.availableLiquidity.toString()).to.be.bignumber.almostEqual(
// new BigNumber(ethReserveDataBefore.availableLiquidity.toString())
// .minus(expectedCollateralLiquidated)
// .toFixed(0),
// 'Invalid collateral available liquidity'
// );
// // Net Profit == 0 after flash loan liquidation
// expect(liquidatorWethBalanceAfter).to.be.equal(
// liquidatorWethBalanceBefore,
// 'Invalid expected WETH profit'
// );
// });
// });
// describe('executeOperation: succesfully liquidateCall all available debt and swap via Flash Loan ', () => {
// it('Liquidates the borrow', async () => {
// await depositAndHFBelowOne();
// await increaseTime(100);
// const {
// dai,
// weth,
// users,
// pool,
// oracle,
// helpersContract,
// flashLiquidationAdapter,
// } = testEnv;
// const liquidator = users[3];
// const borrower = users[1];
// const liquidatorWethBalanceBefore = await weth.balanceOf(liquidator.address);
// const collateralPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(weth.address);
// const principalPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(dai.address);
// const daiReserveDataBefore = await helpersContract.getReserveData(dai.address);
// const ethReserveDataBefore = await helpersContract.getReserveData(weth.address);
// const userReserveDataBefore = await getUserData(
// pool,
// helpersContract,
// dai.address,
// borrower.address
// );
// const collateralDecimals = (
// await helpersContract.getReserveConfigurationData(weth.address)
// ).decimals.toString();
// const principalDecimals = (
// await helpersContract.getReserveConfigurationData(dai.address)
// ).decimals.toString();
// const amountToLiquidate = userReserveDataBefore.currentStableDebt.div(2).toFixed(0);
// const extraAmount = new BigNumber(amountToLiquidate).times('1.15').toFixed(0);
// const expectedCollateralLiquidated = new BigNumber(principalPrice.toString())
// .times(new BigNumber(amountToLiquidate).times(105))
// .times(new BigNumber(10).pow(collateralDecimals))
// .div(
// new BigNumber(collateralPrice.toString()).times(
// new BigNumber(10).pow(principalDecimals)
// )
// )
// .div(100)
// .decimalPlaces(0, BigNumber.ROUND_DOWN);
// const flashLoanDebt = new BigNumber(amountToLiquidate.toString())
// .multipliedBy(1.0009)
// .toFixed(0);
// // Set how much ETH will be sold and swapped for DAI at Uniswap mock
// await (
// await mockUniswapRouter.setAmountToSwap(
// weth.address,
// expectedCollateralLiquidated.toString()
// )
// ).wait();
// const params = buildFlashLiquidationAdapterParams(
// weth.address,
// dai.address,
// borrower.address,
// false
// );
// const tx = await pool
// .connect(liquidator.signer)
// .flashLoan(
// flashLiquidationAdapter.address,
// [dai.address],
// [extraAmount],
// [0],
// borrower.address,
// params,
// 0
// );
// // Expect Swapped event
// await expect(Promise.resolve(tx)).to.emit(flashLiquidationAdapter, 'Swapped');
// // Expect LiquidationCall event
// await expect(Promise.resolve(tx)).to.emit(pool, 'LiquidationCall');
// const collateralAssetContractBalance = await dai.balanceOf(flashLiquidationAdapter.address);
// const borrowAssetContractBalance = await dai.balanceOf(flashLiquidationAdapter.address);
// expect(collateralAssetContractBalance).to.be.equal(
// '0',
// 'Contract address should not keep any balance.'
// );
// expect(borrowAssetContractBalance).to.be.equal(
// '0',
// 'Contract address should not keep any balance.'
// );
// });
// });
// describe('executeOperation: invalid params', async () => {
// it('Revert if debt asset is different than requested flash loan token', async () => {
// await depositAndHFBelowOne();
// const { dai, weth, users, pool, helpersContract, flashLiquidationAdapter } = testEnv;
// const liquidator = users[3];
// const borrower = users[1];
// const expectedSwap = ethers.utils.parseEther('0.4');
// // Set how much ETH will be sold and swapped for DAI at Uniswap mock
// await (await mockUniswapRouter.setAmountToSwap(weth.address, expectedSwap)).wait();
// const userReserveDataBefore = await getUserData(
// pool,
// helpersContract,
// dai.address,
// borrower.address
// );
// const amountToLiquidate = userReserveDataBefore.currentStableDebt.div(2).toFixed(0);
// // Wrong debt asset
// const params = buildFlashLiquidationAdapterParams(
// weth.address,
// weth.address, // intentionally bad
// borrower.address,
// amountToLiquidate,
// false
// );
// await expect(
// pool
// .connect(liquidator.signer)
// .flashLoan(
// flashLiquidationAdapter.address,
// [dai.address],
// [amountToLiquidate],
// [0],
// borrower.address,
// params,
// 0
// )
// ).to.be.revertedWith('INCONSISTENT_PARAMS');
// });
// it('Revert if debt asset amount to liquidate is greater than requested flash loan', async () => {
// await depositAndHFBelowOne();
// const { dai, weth, users, pool, helpersContract, flashLiquidationAdapter } = testEnv;
// const liquidator = users[3];
// const borrower = users[1];
// const expectedSwap = ethers.utils.parseEther('0.4');
// // Set how much ETH will be sold and swapped for DAI at Uniswap mock
// await (await mockUniswapRouter.setAmountToSwap(weth.address, expectedSwap)).wait();
// const userReserveDataBefore = await getUserData(
// pool,
// helpersContract,
// dai.address,
// borrower.address
// );
// const amountToLiquidate = userReserveDataBefore.currentStableDebt.div(2);
// // Correct params
// const params = buildFlashLiquidationAdapterParams(
// weth.address,
// dai.address,
// borrower.address,
// amountToLiquidate.toString(),
// false
// );
// // Bad flash loan params: requested DAI amount below amountToLiquidate
// await expect(
// pool
// .connect(liquidator.signer)
// .flashLoan(
// flashLiquidationAdapter.address,
// [dai.address],
// [amountToLiquidate.div(2).toString()],
// [0],
// borrower.address,
// params,
// 0
// )
// ).to.be.revertedWith(LP_LIQUIDATION_CALL_FAILED);
// });
// it('Revert if requested multiple assets', async () => {
// await depositAndHFBelowOne();
// const { dai, weth, users, pool, helpersContract, flashLiquidationAdapter } = testEnv;
// const liquidator = users[3];
// const borrower = users[1];
// const expectedSwap = ethers.utils.parseEther('0.4');
// // Set how much ETH will be sold and swapped for DAI at Uniswap mock
// await (await mockUniswapRouter.setAmountToSwap(weth.address, expectedSwap)).wait();
// const userReserveDataBefore = await getUserData(
// pool,
// helpersContract,
// dai.address,
// borrower.address
// );
// const amountToLiquidate = userReserveDataBefore.currentStableDebt.div(2);
// // Correct params
// const params = buildFlashLiquidationAdapterParams(
// weth.address,
// dai.address,
// borrower.address,
// amountToLiquidate.toString(),
// false
// );
// // Bad flash loan params: requested multiple assets
// await expect(
// pool
// .connect(liquidator.signer)
// .flashLoan(
// flashLiquidationAdapter.address,
// [dai.address, weth.address],
// [10, 10],
// [0],
// borrower.address,
// params,
// 0
// )
// ).to.be.revertedWith('INCONSISTENT_PARAMS');
// });
// });
// });
// });