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synced 2024-07-29 21:47:30 +00:00
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// import { makeSuite, TestEnv } from './helpers/make-suite';
// import {
// convertToCurrencyDecimals,
// getContract,
// buildPermitParams,
// getSignatureFromTypedData,
// buildLiquiditySwapParams,
// } from '../../helpers/contracts-helpers';
// import { getMockUniswapRouter } from '../../helpers/contracts-getters';
// import { deployUniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter } from '../../helpers/contracts-deployments';
// import { MockUniswapV2Router02 } from '../../types/MockUniswapV2Router02';
// import { Zero } from '@ethersproject/constants';
// import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
// import { DRE, evmRevert, evmSnapshot } from '../../helpers/misc-utils';
// import { ethers } from 'ethers';
// import { eContractid } from '../../helpers/types';
// import { AToken } from '../../types/AToken';
// import { BUIDLEREVM_CHAINID } from '../../helpers/buidler-constants';
// import { MAX_UINT_AMOUNT } from '../../helpers/constants';
// const { parseEther } = ethers.utils;
// const { expect } = require('chai');
// makeSuite('Uniswap adapters', (testEnv: TestEnv) => {
// let mockUniswapRouter: MockUniswapV2Router02;
// let evmSnapshotId: string;
// before(async () => {
// mockUniswapRouter = await getMockUniswapRouter();
// });
// beforeEach(async () => {
// evmSnapshotId = await evmSnapshot();
// });
// afterEach(async () => {
// await evmRevert(evmSnapshotId);
// });
// describe('UniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter', () => {
// describe('constructor', () => {
// it('should deploy with correct parameters', async () => {
// const { addressesProvider, weth } = testEnv;
// await deployUniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter([
// addressesProvider.address,
// mockUniswapRouter.address,
// weth.address,
// ]);
// });
// it('should revert if not valid addresses provider', async () => {
// const { weth } = testEnv;
// expect(
// deployUniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter([
// mockUniswapRouter.address,
// mockUniswapRouter.address,
// weth.address,
// ])
// ).to.be.reverted;
// });
// });
// describe('executeOperation', () => {
// beforeEach(async () => {
// const { users, weth, dai, usdc, pool, deployer } = testEnv;
// const userAddress = users[0].address;
// // Provide liquidity
// await dai.mint(parseEther('20000'));
// await dai.approve(pool.address, parseEther('20000'));
// await pool.deposit(dai.address, parseEther('20000'), deployer.address, 0);
// const usdcAmount = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(usdc.address, '10');
// await usdc.mint(usdcAmount);
// await usdc.approve(pool.address, usdcAmount);
// await pool.deposit(usdc.address, usdcAmount, deployer.address, 0);
// // Make a deposit for user
// await weth.mint(parseEther('100'));
// await weth.approve(pool.address, parseEther('100'));
// await pool.deposit(weth.address, parseEther('100'), userAddress, 0);
// });
// it('should correctly swap tokens and deposit the out tokens in the pool', async () => {
// const {
// users,
// weth,
// oracle,
// dai,
// aDai,
// aWETH,
// pool,
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter,
// } = testEnv;
// const user = users[0].signer;
// const userAddress = users[0].address;
// const amountWETHtoSwap = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(weth.address, '10');
// const daiPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(dai.address);
// const expectedDaiAmount = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(
// dai.address,
// new BigNumber(amountWETHtoSwap.toString()).div(daiPrice.toString()).toFixed(0)
// );
// await mockUniswapRouter.setAmountToReturn(weth.address, expectedDaiAmount);
// // User will swap liquidity 10 aEth to aDai
// const liquidityToSwap = parseEther('10');
// await aWETH.connect(user).approve(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address, liquidityToSwap);
// const userAEthBalanceBefore = await aWETH.balanceOf(userAddress);
// // Subtract the FL fee from the amount to be swapped 0,09%
// const flashloanAmount = new BigNumber(liquidityToSwap.toString()).div(1.0009).toFixed(0);
// const params = buildLiquiditySwapParams(
// [dai.address],
// [expectedDaiAmount],
// [0],
// [0],
// [0],
// [0],
// ['0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'],
// ['0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'],
// [false]
// );
// await expect(
// pool
// .connect(user)
// .flashLoan(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// [weth.address],
// [flashloanAmount.toString()],
// [0],
// userAddress,
// params,
// 0
// )
// )
// .to.emit(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter, 'Swapped')
// .withArgs(weth.address, dai.address, flashloanAmount.toString(), expectedDaiAmount);
// const adapterWethBalance = await weth.balanceOf(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address);
// const adapterDaiBalance = await dai.balanceOf(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address);
// const adapterDaiAllowance = await dai.allowance(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// userAddress
// );
// const userADaiBalance = await aDai.balanceOf(userAddress);
// const userAEthBalance = await aWETH.balanceOf(userAddress);
// expect(adapterWethBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(adapterDaiBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(adapterDaiAllowance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(userADaiBalance).to.be.eq(expectedDaiAmount);
// expect(userAEthBalance).to.be.lt(userAEthBalanceBefore);
// expect(userAEthBalance).to.be.gte(userAEthBalanceBefore.sub(liquidityToSwap));
// });
// it('should correctly swap and deposit multiple tokens', async () => {
// const {
// users,
// weth,
// oracle,
// dai,
// aDai,
// aWETH,
// usdc,
// pool,
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter,
// } = testEnv;
// const user = users[0].signer;
// const userAddress = users[0].address;
// const amountWETHtoSwap = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(weth.address, '10');
// const daiPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(dai.address);
// const expectedDaiAmountForEth = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(
// dai.address,
// new BigNumber(amountWETHtoSwap.toString()).div(daiPrice.toString()).toFixed(0)
// );
// const amountUSDCtoSwap = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(usdc.address, '10');
// const usdcPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(usdc.address);
// const collateralDecimals = (await usdc.decimals()).toString();
// const principalDecimals = (await dai.decimals()).toString();
// const expectedDaiAmountForUsdc = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(
// dai.address,
// new BigNumber(amountUSDCtoSwap.toString())
// .times(
// new BigNumber(usdcPrice.toString()).times(new BigNumber(10).pow(principalDecimals))
// )
// .div(
// new BigNumber(daiPrice.toString()).times(new BigNumber(10).pow(collateralDecimals))
// )
// .toFixed(0)
// );
// // Make a deposit for user
// await usdc.connect(user).mint(amountUSDCtoSwap);
// await usdc.connect(user).approve(pool.address, amountUSDCtoSwap);
// await pool.connect(user).deposit(usdc.address, amountUSDCtoSwap, userAddress, 0);
// const aUsdcData = await pool.getReserveData(usdc.address);
// const aUsdc = await getContract<AToken>(eContractid.AToken, aUsdcData.aTokenAddress);
// await mockUniswapRouter.setAmountToReturn(weth.address, expectedDaiAmountForEth);
// await mockUniswapRouter.setAmountToReturn(usdc.address, expectedDaiAmountForUsdc);
// await aWETH.connect(user).approve(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address, amountWETHtoSwap);
// const userAEthBalanceBefore = await aWETH.balanceOf(userAddress);
// await aUsdc.connect(user).approve(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address, amountUSDCtoSwap);
// const userAUsdcBalanceBefore = await aUsdc.balanceOf(userAddress);
// // Subtract the FL fee from the amount to be swapped 0,09%
// const wethFlashloanAmount = new BigNumber(amountWETHtoSwap.toString())
// .div(1.0009)
// .toFixed(0);
// const usdcFlashloanAmount = new BigNumber(amountUSDCtoSwap.toString())
// .div(1.0009)
// .toFixed(0);
// const params = buildLiquiditySwapParams(
// [dai.address, dai.address],
// [expectedDaiAmountForEth, expectedDaiAmountForUsdc],
// [0, 0],
// [0, 0],
// [0, 0],
// [0, 0],
// [
// '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
// '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
// ],
// [
// '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
// '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
// ],
// [false, false]
// );
// await pool
// .connect(user)
// .flashLoan(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// [weth.address, usdc.address],
// [wethFlashloanAmount.toString(), usdcFlashloanAmount.toString()],
// [0, 0],
// userAddress,
// params,
// 0
// );
// const adapterWethBalance = await weth.balanceOf(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address);
// const adapterDaiBalance = await dai.balanceOf(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address);
// const adapterDaiAllowance = await dai.allowance(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// userAddress
// );
// const userADaiBalance = await aDai.balanceOf(userAddress);
// const userAEthBalance = await aWETH.balanceOf(userAddress);
// const userAUsdcBalance = await aUsdc.balanceOf(userAddress);
// expect(adapterWethBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(adapterDaiBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(adapterDaiAllowance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(userADaiBalance).to.be.eq(expectedDaiAmountForEth.add(expectedDaiAmountForUsdc));
// expect(userAEthBalance).to.be.lt(userAEthBalanceBefore);
// expect(userAEthBalance).to.be.gte(userAEthBalanceBefore.sub(amountWETHtoSwap));
// expect(userAUsdcBalance).to.be.lt(userAUsdcBalanceBefore);
// expect(userAUsdcBalance).to.be.gte(userAUsdcBalanceBefore.sub(amountUSDCtoSwap));
// });
// it('should correctly swap and deposit multiple tokens using permit', async () => {
// const {
// users,
// weth,
// oracle,
// dai,
// aDai,
// aWETH,
// usdc,
// pool,
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter,
// } = testEnv;
// const user = users[0].signer;
// const userAddress = users[0].address;
// const chainId = DRE.network.config.chainId || BUIDLEREVM_CHAINID;
// const deadline = MAX_UINT_AMOUNT;
// const ownerPrivateKey = require('../../test-wallets.js').accounts[1].secretKey;
// if (!ownerPrivateKey) {
// throw new Error('INVALID_OWNER_PK');
// }
// const amountWETHtoSwap = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(weth.address, '10');
// const daiPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(dai.address);
// const expectedDaiAmountForEth = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(
// dai.address,
// new BigNumber(amountWETHtoSwap.toString()).div(daiPrice.toString()).toFixed(0)
// );
// const amountUSDCtoSwap = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(usdc.address, '10');
// const usdcPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(usdc.address);
// const collateralDecimals = (await usdc.decimals()).toString();
// const principalDecimals = (await dai.decimals()).toString();
// const expectedDaiAmountForUsdc = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(
// dai.address,
// new BigNumber(amountUSDCtoSwap.toString())
// .times(
// new BigNumber(usdcPrice.toString()).times(new BigNumber(10).pow(principalDecimals))
// )
// .div(
// new BigNumber(daiPrice.toString()).times(new BigNumber(10).pow(collateralDecimals))
// )
// .toFixed(0)
// );
// // Make a deposit for user
// await usdc.connect(user).mint(amountUSDCtoSwap);
// await usdc.connect(user).approve(pool.address, amountUSDCtoSwap);
// await pool.connect(user).deposit(usdc.address, amountUSDCtoSwap, userAddress, 0);
// const aUsdcData = await pool.getReserveData(usdc.address);
// const aUsdc = await getContract<AToken>(eContractid.AToken, aUsdcData.aTokenAddress);
// await mockUniswapRouter.setAmountToReturn(weth.address, expectedDaiAmountForEth);
// await mockUniswapRouter.setAmountToReturn(usdc.address, expectedDaiAmountForUsdc);
// const userAEthBalanceBefore = await aWETH.balanceOf(userAddress);
// const userAUsdcBalanceBefore = await aUsdc.balanceOf(userAddress);
// const wethFlashloanAmount = new BigNumber(amountWETHtoSwap.toString())
// .div(1.0009)
// .toFixed(0);
// const usdcFlashloanAmount = new BigNumber(amountUSDCtoSwap.toString())
// .div(1.0009)
// .toFixed(0);
// const aWethNonce = (await aWETH._nonces(userAddress)).toNumber();
// const aWethMsgParams = buildPermitParams(
// chainId,
// aWETH.address,
// '1',
// await aWETH.name(),
// userAddress,
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// aWethNonce,
// deadline,
// amountWETHtoSwap.toString()
// );
// const { v: aWETHv, r: aWETHr, s: aWETHs } = getSignatureFromTypedData(
// ownerPrivateKey,
// aWethMsgParams
// );
// const aUsdcNonce = (await aUsdc._nonces(userAddress)).toNumber();
// const aUsdcMsgParams = buildPermitParams(
// chainId,
// aUsdc.address,
// '1',
// await aUsdc.name(),
// userAddress,
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// aUsdcNonce,
// deadline,
// amountUSDCtoSwap.toString()
// );
// const { v: aUsdcv, r: aUsdcr, s: aUsdcs } = getSignatureFromTypedData(
// ownerPrivateKey,
// aUsdcMsgParams
// );
// const params = buildLiquiditySwapParams(
// [dai.address, dai.address],
// [expectedDaiAmountForEth, expectedDaiAmountForUsdc],
// [0, 0],
// [amountWETHtoSwap, amountUSDCtoSwap],
// [deadline, deadline],
// [aWETHv, aUsdcv],
// [aWETHr, aUsdcr],
// [aWETHs, aUsdcs],
// [false, false]
// );
// await pool
// .connect(user)
// .flashLoan(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// [weth.address, usdc.address],
// [wethFlashloanAmount.toString(), usdcFlashloanAmount.toString()],
// [0, 0],
// userAddress,
// params,
// 0
// );
// const adapterWethBalance = await weth.balanceOf(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address);
// const adapterDaiBalance = await dai.balanceOf(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address);
// const adapterDaiAllowance = await dai.allowance(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// userAddress
// );
// const userADaiBalance = await aDai.balanceOf(userAddress);
// const userAEthBalance = await aWETH.balanceOf(userAddress);
// const userAUsdcBalance = await aUsdc.balanceOf(userAddress);
// expect(adapterWethBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(adapterDaiBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(adapterDaiAllowance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(userADaiBalance).to.be.eq(expectedDaiAmountForEth.add(expectedDaiAmountForUsdc));
// expect(userAEthBalance).to.be.lt(userAEthBalanceBefore);
// expect(userAEthBalance).to.be.gte(userAEthBalanceBefore.sub(amountWETHtoSwap));
// expect(userAUsdcBalance).to.be.lt(userAUsdcBalanceBefore);
// expect(userAUsdcBalance).to.be.gte(userAUsdcBalanceBefore.sub(amountUSDCtoSwap));
// });
// it('should correctly swap tokens with permit', async () => {
// const {
// users,
// weth,
// oracle,
// dai,
// aDai,
// aWETH,
// pool,
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter,
// } = testEnv;
// const user = users[0].signer;
// const userAddress = users[0].address;
// const amountWETHtoSwap = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(weth.address, '10');
// const daiPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(dai.address);
// const expectedDaiAmount = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(
// dai.address,
// new BigNumber(amountWETHtoSwap.toString()).div(daiPrice.toString()).toFixed(0)
// );
// await mockUniswapRouter.setAmountToReturn(weth.address, expectedDaiAmount);
// // User will swap liquidity 10 aEth to aDai
// const liquidityToSwap = parseEther('10');
// const userAEthBalanceBefore = await aWETH.balanceOf(userAddress);
// // Subtract the FL fee from the amount to be swapped 0,09%
// const flashloanAmount = new BigNumber(liquidityToSwap.toString()).div(1.0009).toFixed(0);
// const chainId = DRE.network.config.chainId || BUIDLEREVM_CHAINID;
// const deadline = MAX_UINT_AMOUNT;
// const nonce = (await aWETH._nonces(userAddress)).toNumber();
// const msgParams = buildPermitParams(
// chainId,
// aWETH.address,
// '1',
// await aWETH.name(),
// userAddress,
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// nonce,
// deadline,
// liquidityToSwap.toString()
// );
// const ownerPrivateKey = require('../../test-wallets.js').accounts[1].secretKey;
// if (!ownerPrivateKey) {
// throw new Error('INVALID_OWNER_PK');
// }
// const { v, r, s } = getSignatureFromTypedData(ownerPrivateKey, msgParams);
// const params = buildLiquiditySwapParams(
// [dai.address],
// [expectedDaiAmount],
// [0],
// [liquidityToSwap],
// [deadline],
// [v],
// [r],
// [s],
// [false]
// );
// await expect(
// pool
// .connect(user)
// .flashLoan(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// [weth.address],
// [flashloanAmount.toString()],
// [0],
// userAddress,
// params,
// 0
// )
// )
// .to.emit(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter, 'Swapped')
// .withArgs(weth.address, dai.address, flashloanAmount.toString(), expectedDaiAmount);
// const adapterWethBalance = await weth.balanceOf(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address);
// const adapterDaiBalance = await dai.balanceOf(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address);
// const adapterDaiAllowance = await dai.allowance(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// userAddress
// );
// const userADaiBalance = await aDai.balanceOf(userAddress);
// const userAEthBalance = await aWETH.balanceOf(userAddress);
// expect(adapterWethBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(adapterDaiBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(adapterDaiAllowance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(userADaiBalance).to.be.eq(expectedDaiAmount);
// expect(userAEthBalance).to.be.lt(userAEthBalanceBefore);
// expect(userAEthBalance).to.be.gte(userAEthBalanceBefore.sub(liquidityToSwap));
// });
// it('should revert if inconsistent params', async () => {
// const { users, weth, oracle, dai, aWETH, pool, uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter } = testEnv;
// const user = users[0].signer;
// const userAddress = users[0].address;
// const amountWETHtoSwap = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(weth.address, '10');
// const daiPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(dai.address);
// const expectedDaiAmount = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(
// dai.address,
// new BigNumber(amountWETHtoSwap.toString()).div(daiPrice.toString()).toFixed(0)
// );
// await mockUniswapRouter.setAmountToReturn(weth.address, expectedDaiAmount);
// // User will swap liquidity 10 aEth to aDai
// const liquidityToSwap = parseEther('10');
// await aWETH.connect(user).approve(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address, liquidityToSwap);
// // Subtract the FL fee from the amount to be swapped 0,09%
// const flashloanAmount = new BigNumber(liquidityToSwap.toString()).div(1.0009).toFixed(0);
// const params = buildLiquiditySwapParams(
// [dai.address, weth.address],
// [expectedDaiAmount],
// [0],
// [0],
// [0],
// [0],
// ['0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'],
// ['0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'],
// [false]
// );
// await expect(
// pool
// .connect(user)
// .flashLoan(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// [weth.address],
// [flashloanAmount.toString()],
// [0],
// userAddress,
// params,
// 0
// )
// ).to.be.revertedWith('INCONSISTENT_PARAMS');
// const params2 = buildLiquiditySwapParams(
// [dai.address, weth.address],
// [expectedDaiAmount],
// [0, 0],
// [0, 0],
// [0, 0],
// [0],
// ['0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'],
// ['0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'],
// [false]
// );
// await expect(
// pool
// .connect(user)
// .flashLoan(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// [weth.address],
// [flashloanAmount.toString()],
// [0],
// userAddress,
// params2,
// 0
// )
// ).to.be.revertedWith('INCONSISTENT_PARAMS');
// const params3 = buildLiquiditySwapParams(
// [dai.address, weth.address],
// [expectedDaiAmount],
// [0, 0],
// [0],
// [0, 0],
// [0, 0],
// ['0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'],
// ['0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'],
// [false]
// );
// await expect(
// pool
// .connect(user)
// .flashLoan(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// [weth.address],
// [flashloanAmount.toString()],
// [0],
// userAddress,
// params3,
// 0
// )
// ).to.be.revertedWith('INCONSISTENT_PARAMS');
// const params4 = buildLiquiditySwapParams(
// [dai.address, weth.address],
// [expectedDaiAmount],
// [0],
// [0],
// [0],
// [0],
// [
// '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
// '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
// ],
// ['0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'],
// [false]
// );
// await expect(
// pool
// .connect(user)
// .flashLoan(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// [weth.address],
// [flashloanAmount.toString()],
// [0],
// userAddress,
// params4,
// 0
// )
// ).to.be.revertedWith('INCONSISTENT_PARAMS');
// const params5 = buildLiquiditySwapParams(
// [dai.address, weth.address],
// [expectedDaiAmount],
// [0],
// [0],
// [0],
// [0],
// ['0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'],
// [
// '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
// '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
// ],
// [false]
// );
// await expect(
// pool
// .connect(user)
// .flashLoan(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// [weth.address],
// [flashloanAmount.toString()],
// [0],
// userAddress,
// params5,
// 0
// )
// ).to.be.revertedWith('INCONSISTENT_PARAMS');
// const params6 = buildLiquiditySwapParams(
// [dai.address, weth.address],
// [expectedDaiAmount, expectedDaiAmount],
// [0],
// [0],
// [0],
// [0],
// ['0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'],
// ['0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'],
// [false]
// );
// await expect(
// pool
// .connect(user)
// .flashLoan(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// [weth.address],
// [flashloanAmount.toString()],
// [0],
// userAddress,
// params6,
// 0
// )
// ).to.be.revertedWith('INCONSISTENT_PARAMS');
// const params7 = buildLiquiditySwapParams(
// [dai.address],
// [expectedDaiAmount],
// [0, 0],
// [0],
// [0],
// [0],
// ['0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'],
// ['0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'],
// [false]
// );
// await expect(
// pool
// .connect(user)
// .flashLoan(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// [weth.address],
// [flashloanAmount.toString()],
// [0],
// userAddress,
// params7,
// 0
// )
// ).to.be.revertedWith('INCONSISTENT_PARAMS');
// const params8 = buildLiquiditySwapParams(
// [dai.address],
// [expectedDaiAmount],
// [0],
// [0, 0],
// [0],
// [0],
// ['0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'],
// ['0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'],
// [false]
// );
// await expect(
// pool
// .connect(user)
// .flashLoan(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// [weth.address],
// [flashloanAmount.toString()],
// [0],
// userAddress,
// params8,
// 0
// )
// ).to.be.revertedWith('INCONSISTENT_PARAMS');
// const params9 = buildLiquiditySwapParams(
// [dai.address],
// [expectedDaiAmount],
// [0],
// [0],
// [0],
// [0],
// ['0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'],
// ['0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'],
// [false, false]
// );
// await expect(
// pool
// .connect(user)
// .flashLoan(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// [weth.address],
// [flashloanAmount.toString()],
// [0],
// userAddress,
// params9,
// 0
// )
// ).to.be.revertedWith('INCONSISTENT_PARAMS');
// });
// it('should revert if caller not lending pool', async () => {
// const { users, weth, oracle, dai, aWETH, uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter } = testEnv;
// const user = users[0].signer;
// const userAddress = users[0].address;
// const amountWETHtoSwap = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(weth.address, '10');
// const daiPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(dai.address);
// const expectedDaiAmount = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(
// dai.address,
// new BigNumber(amountWETHtoSwap.toString()).div(daiPrice.toString()).toFixed(0)
// );
// await mockUniswapRouter.setAmountToReturn(weth.address, expectedDaiAmount);
// // User will swap liquidity 10 aEth to aDai
// const liquidityToSwap = parseEther('10');
// await aWETH.connect(user).approve(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address, liquidityToSwap);
// // Subtract the FL fee from the amount to be swapped 0,09%
// const flashloanAmount = new BigNumber(liquidityToSwap.toString()).div(1.0009).toFixed(0);
// const params = buildLiquiditySwapParams(
// [dai.address],
// [expectedDaiAmount],
// [0],
// [0],
// [0],
// [0],
// ['0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'],
// ['0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'],
// [false]
// );
// await expect(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter
// .connect(user)
// .executeOperation(
// [weth.address],
// [flashloanAmount.toString()],
// [0],
// userAddress,
// params
// )
// ).to.be.revertedWith('CALLER_MUST_BE_LENDING_POOL');
// });
// it('should work correctly with tokens of different decimals', async () => {
// const {
// users,
// usdc,
// oracle,
// dai,
// aDai,
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter,
// pool,
// deployer,
// } = testEnv;
// const user = users[0].signer;
// const userAddress = users[0].address;
// const amountUSDCtoSwap = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(usdc.address, '10');
// const liquidity = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(usdc.address, '20000');
// // Provide liquidity
// await usdc.mint(liquidity);
// await usdc.approve(pool.address, liquidity);
// await pool.deposit(usdc.address, liquidity, deployer.address, 0);
// // Make a deposit for user
// await usdc.connect(user).mint(amountUSDCtoSwap);
// await usdc.connect(user).approve(pool.address, amountUSDCtoSwap);
// await pool.connect(user).deposit(usdc.address, amountUSDCtoSwap, userAddress, 0);
// const usdcPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(usdc.address);
// const daiPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(dai.address);
// // usdc 6
// const collateralDecimals = (await usdc.decimals()).toString();
// const principalDecimals = (await dai.decimals()).toString();
// const expectedDaiAmount = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(
// dai.address,
// new BigNumber(amountUSDCtoSwap.toString())
// .times(
// new BigNumber(usdcPrice.toString()).times(new BigNumber(10).pow(principalDecimals))
// )
// .div(
// new BigNumber(daiPrice.toString()).times(new BigNumber(10).pow(collateralDecimals))
// )
// .toFixed(0)
// );
// await mockUniswapRouter.connect(user).setAmountToReturn(usdc.address, expectedDaiAmount);
// const aUsdcData = await pool.getReserveData(usdc.address);
// const aUsdc = await getContract<AToken>(eContractid.AToken, aUsdcData.aTokenAddress);
// const aUsdcBalance = await aUsdc.balanceOf(userAddress);
// await aUsdc.connect(user).approve(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address, aUsdcBalance);
// // Subtract the FL fee from the amount to be swapped 0,09%
// const flashloanAmount = new BigNumber(amountUSDCtoSwap.toString()).div(1.0009).toFixed(0);
// const params = buildLiquiditySwapParams(
// [dai.address],
// [expectedDaiAmount],
// [0],
// [0],
// [0],
// [0],
// ['0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'],
// ['0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'],
// [false]
// );
// await expect(
// pool
// .connect(user)
// .flashLoan(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// [usdc.address],
// [flashloanAmount.toString()],
// [0],
// userAddress,
// params,
// 0
// )
// )
// .to.emit(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter, 'Swapped')
// .withArgs(usdc.address, dai.address, flashloanAmount.toString(), expectedDaiAmount);
// const adapterUsdcBalance = await usdc.balanceOf(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address);
// const adapterDaiBalance = await dai.balanceOf(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address);
// const adapterDaiAllowance = await dai.allowance(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// userAddress
// );
// const aDaiBalance = await aDai.balanceOf(userAddress);
// expect(adapterUsdcBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(adapterDaiBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(adapterDaiAllowance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(aDaiBalance).to.be.eq(expectedDaiAmount);
// });
// it('should revert when min amount to receive exceeds the max slippage amount', async () => {
// const { users, weth, oracle, dai, aWETH, pool, uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter } = testEnv;
// const user = users[0].signer;
// const userAddress = users[0].address;
// const amountWETHtoSwap = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(weth.address, '10');
// const daiPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(dai.address);
// const expectedDaiAmount = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(
// dai.address,
// new BigNumber(amountWETHtoSwap.toString()).div(daiPrice.toString()).toFixed(0)
// );
// await mockUniswapRouter.setAmountToReturn(weth.address, expectedDaiAmount);
// const smallExpectedDaiAmount = expectedDaiAmount.div(2);
// // User will swap liquidity 10 aEth to aDai
// const liquidityToSwap = parseEther('10');
// await aWETH.connect(user).approve(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address, liquidityToSwap);
// // Subtract the FL fee from the amount to be swapped 0,09%
// const flashloanAmount = new BigNumber(liquidityToSwap.toString()).div(1.0009).toFixed(0);
// const params = buildLiquiditySwapParams(
// [dai.address],
// [smallExpectedDaiAmount],
// [0],
// [0],
// [0],
// [0],
// ['0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'],
// ['0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'],
// [false]
// );
// await expect(
// pool
// .connect(user)
// .flashLoan(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// [weth.address],
// [flashloanAmount.toString()],
// [0],
// userAddress,
// params,
// 0
// )
// ).to.be.revertedWith('minAmountOut exceed max slippage');
// });
// it('should correctly swap tokens all the balance', async () => {
// const {
// users,
// weth,
// oracle,
// dai,
// aDai,
// aWETH,
// pool,
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter,
// } = testEnv;
// const user = users[0].signer;
// const userAddress = users[0].address;
// const amountWETHtoSwap = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(weth.address, '10');
// const daiPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(dai.address);
// const expectedDaiAmount = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(
// dai.address,
// new BigNumber(amountWETHtoSwap.toString()).div(daiPrice.toString()).toFixed(0)
// );
// await mockUniswapRouter.setAmountToReturn(weth.address, expectedDaiAmount);
// // Remove other balance
// await aWETH.connect(user).transfer(users[1].address, parseEther('90'));
// const userAEthBalanceBefore = await aWETH.balanceOf(userAddress);
// // User will swap liquidity 10 aEth to aDai
// const liquidityToSwap = parseEther('10');
// expect(userAEthBalanceBefore).to.be.eq(liquidityToSwap);
// await aWETH.connect(user).approve(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address, liquidityToSwap);
// const params = buildLiquiditySwapParams(
// [dai.address],
// [expectedDaiAmount],
// [1],
// [0],
// [0],
// [0],
// ['0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'],
// ['0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'],
// [false]
// );
// // Flashloan + premium > aToken balance. Then it will only swap the balance - premium
// const flashloanFee = liquidityToSwap.mul(9).div(10000);
// const swappedAmount = liquidityToSwap.sub(flashloanFee);
// await expect(
// pool
// .connect(user)
// .flashLoan(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// [weth.address],
// [liquidityToSwap.toString()],
// [0],
// userAddress,
// params,
// 0
// )
// )
// .to.emit(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter, 'Swapped')
// .withArgs(weth.address, dai.address, swappedAmount.toString(), expectedDaiAmount);
// const adapterWethBalance = await weth.balanceOf(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address);
// const adapterDaiBalance = await dai.balanceOf(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address);
// const adapterDaiAllowance = await dai.allowance(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// userAddress
// );
// const userADaiBalance = await aDai.balanceOf(userAddress);
// const userAEthBalance = await aWETH.balanceOf(userAddress);
// const adapterAEthBalance = await aWETH.balanceOf(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address);
// expect(adapterWethBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(adapterDaiBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(adapterDaiAllowance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(userADaiBalance).to.be.eq(expectedDaiAmount);
// expect(userAEthBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(adapterAEthBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// });
// it('should correctly swap tokens all the balance using permit', async () => {
// const {
// users,
// weth,
// oracle,
// dai,
// aDai,
// aWETH,
// pool,
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter,
// } = testEnv;
// const user = users[0].signer;
// const userAddress = users[0].address;
// const amountWETHtoSwap = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(weth.address, '10');
// const daiPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(dai.address);
// const expectedDaiAmount = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(
// dai.address,
// new BigNumber(amountWETHtoSwap.toString()).div(daiPrice.toString()).toFixed(0)
// );
// await mockUniswapRouter.setAmountToReturn(weth.address, expectedDaiAmount);
// // Remove other balance
// await aWETH.connect(user).transfer(users[1].address, parseEther('90'));
// const userAEthBalanceBefore = await aWETH.balanceOf(userAddress);
// const liquidityToSwap = parseEther('10');
// expect(userAEthBalanceBefore).to.be.eq(liquidityToSwap);
// const chainId = DRE.network.config.chainId || BUIDLEREVM_CHAINID;
// const deadline = MAX_UINT_AMOUNT;
// const nonce = (await aWETH._nonces(userAddress)).toNumber();
// const msgParams = buildPermitParams(
// chainId,
// aWETH.address,
// '1',
// await aWETH.name(),
// userAddress,
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// nonce,
// deadline,
// liquidityToSwap.toString()
// );
// const ownerPrivateKey = require('../../test-wallets.js').accounts[1].secretKey;
// if (!ownerPrivateKey) {
// throw new Error('INVALID_OWNER_PK');
// }
// const { v, r, s } = getSignatureFromTypedData(ownerPrivateKey, msgParams);
// const params = buildLiquiditySwapParams(
// [dai.address],
// [expectedDaiAmount],
// [1],
// [liquidityToSwap],
// [deadline],
// [v],
// [r],
// [s],
// [false]
// );
// // Flashloan + premium > aToken balance. Then it will only swap the balance - premium
// const flashloanFee = liquidityToSwap.mul(9).div(10000);
// const swappedAmount = liquidityToSwap.sub(flashloanFee);
// await expect(
// pool
// .connect(user)
// .flashLoan(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// [weth.address],
// [liquidityToSwap.toString()],
// [0],
// userAddress,
// params,
// 0
// )
// )
// .to.emit(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter, 'Swapped')
// .withArgs(weth.address, dai.address, swappedAmount.toString(), expectedDaiAmount);
// const adapterWethBalance = await weth.balanceOf(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address);
// const adapterDaiBalance = await dai.balanceOf(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address);
// const adapterDaiAllowance = await dai.allowance(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// userAddress
// );
// const userADaiBalance = await aDai.balanceOf(userAddress);
// const userAEthBalance = await aWETH.balanceOf(userAddress);
// const adapterAEthBalance = await aWETH.balanceOf(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address);
// expect(adapterWethBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(adapterDaiBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(adapterDaiAllowance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(userADaiBalance).to.be.eq(expectedDaiAmount);
// expect(userAEthBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(adapterAEthBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// });
// });
// describe('swapAndDeposit', () => {
// beforeEach(async () => {
// const { users, weth, dai, pool, deployer } = testEnv;
// const userAddress = users[0].address;
// // Provide liquidity
// await dai.mint(parseEther('20000'));
// await dai.approve(pool.address, parseEther('20000'));
// await pool.deposit(dai.address, parseEther('20000'), deployer.address, 0);
// // Make a deposit for user
// await weth.mint(parseEther('100'));
// await weth.approve(pool.address, parseEther('100'));
// await pool.deposit(weth.address, parseEther('100'), userAddress, 0);
// });
// it('should correctly swap tokens and deposit the out tokens in the pool', async () => {
// const { users, weth, oracle, dai, aDai, aWETH, uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter } = testEnv;
// const user = users[0].signer;
// const userAddress = users[0].address;
// const amountWETHtoSwap = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(weth.address, '10');
// const daiPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(dai.address);
// const expectedDaiAmount = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(
// dai.address,
// new BigNumber(amountWETHtoSwap.toString()).div(daiPrice.toString()).toFixed(0)
// );
// await mockUniswapRouter.setAmountToReturn(weth.address, expectedDaiAmount);
// // User will swap liquidity 10 aEth to aDai
// const liquidityToSwap = parseEther('10');
// await aWETH.connect(user).approve(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address, liquidityToSwap);
// const userAEthBalanceBefore = await aWETH.balanceOf(userAddress);
// await expect(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.connect(user).swapAndDeposit(
// [weth.address],
// [dai.address],
// [amountWETHtoSwap],
// [expectedDaiAmount],
// [
// {
// amount: 0,
// deadline: 0,
// v: 0,
// r: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
// s: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
// },
// ],
// [false]
// )
// )
// .to.emit(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter, 'Swapped')
// .withArgs(weth.address, dai.address, amountWETHtoSwap.toString(), expectedDaiAmount);
// const adapterWethBalance = await weth.balanceOf(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address);
// const adapterDaiBalance = await dai.balanceOf(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address);
// const adapterDaiAllowance = await dai.allowance(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// userAddress
// );
// const userADaiBalance = await aDai.balanceOf(userAddress);
// const userAEthBalance = await aWETH.balanceOf(userAddress);
// expect(adapterWethBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(adapterDaiBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(adapterDaiAllowance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(userADaiBalance).to.be.eq(expectedDaiAmount);
// expect(userAEthBalance).to.be.lt(userAEthBalanceBefore);
// expect(userAEthBalance).to.be.gte(userAEthBalanceBefore.sub(liquidityToSwap));
// });
// it('should correctly swap tokens using permit', async () => {
// const { users, weth, oracle, dai, aDai, aWETH, uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter } = testEnv;
// const user = users[0].signer;
// const userAddress = users[0].address;
// const amountWETHtoSwap = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(weth.address, '10');
// const daiPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(dai.address);
// const expectedDaiAmount = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(
// dai.address,
// new BigNumber(amountWETHtoSwap.toString()).div(daiPrice.toString()).toFixed(0)
// );
// await mockUniswapRouter.setAmountToReturn(weth.address, expectedDaiAmount);
// // User will swap liquidity 10 aEth to aDai
// const liquidityToSwap = parseEther('10');
// const userAEthBalanceBefore = await aWETH.balanceOf(userAddress);
// const chainId = DRE.network.config.chainId || BUIDLEREVM_CHAINID;
// const deadline = MAX_UINT_AMOUNT;
// const nonce = (await aWETH._nonces(userAddress)).toNumber();
// const msgParams = buildPermitParams(
// chainId,
// aWETH.address,
// '1',
// await aWETH.name(),
// userAddress,
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// nonce,
// deadline,
// liquidityToSwap.toString()
// );
// const ownerPrivateKey = require('../../test-wallets.js').accounts[1].secretKey;
// if (!ownerPrivateKey) {
// throw new Error('INVALID_OWNER_PK');
// }
// const { v, r, s } = getSignatureFromTypedData(ownerPrivateKey, msgParams);
// await expect(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.connect(user).swapAndDeposit(
// [weth.address],
// [dai.address],
// [amountWETHtoSwap],
// [expectedDaiAmount],
// [
// {
// amount: liquidityToSwap,
// deadline,
// v,
// r,
// s,
// },
// ],
// [false]
// )
// )
// .to.emit(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter, 'Swapped')
// .withArgs(weth.address, dai.address, amountWETHtoSwap.toString(), expectedDaiAmount);
// const adapterWethBalance = await weth.balanceOf(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address);
// const adapterDaiBalance = await dai.balanceOf(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address);
// const adapterDaiAllowance = await dai.allowance(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// userAddress
// );
// const userADaiBalance = await aDai.balanceOf(userAddress);
// const userAEthBalance = await aWETH.balanceOf(userAddress);
// expect(adapterWethBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(adapterDaiBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(adapterDaiAllowance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(userADaiBalance).to.be.eq(expectedDaiAmount);
// expect(userAEthBalance).to.be.lt(userAEthBalanceBefore);
// expect(userAEthBalance).to.be.gte(userAEthBalanceBefore.sub(liquidityToSwap));
// });
// it('should revert if inconsistent params', async () => {
// const { users, weth, dai, uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter, oracle } = testEnv;
// const user = users[0].signer;
// const amountWETHtoSwap = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(weth.address, '10');
// const daiPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(dai.address);
// const expectedDaiAmount = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(
// dai.address,
// new BigNumber(amountWETHtoSwap.toString()).div(daiPrice.toString()).toFixed(0)
// );
// await expect(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.connect(user).swapAndDeposit(
// [weth.address, dai.address],
// [dai.address],
// [amountWETHtoSwap],
// [expectedDaiAmount],
// [
// {
// amount: 0,
// deadline: 0,
// v: 0,
// r: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
// s: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
// },
// ],
// [false]
// )
// ).to.be.revertedWith('INCONSISTENT_PARAMS');
// await expect(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.connect(user).swapAndDeposit(
// [weth.address],
// [dai.address, weth.address],
// [amountWETHtoSwap],
// [expectedDaiAmount],
// [
// {
// amount: 0,
// deadline: 0,
// v: 0,
// r: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
// s: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
// },
// ],
// [false]
// )
// ).to.be.revertedWith('INCONSISTENT_PARAMS');
// await expect(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.connect(user).swapAndDeposit(
// [weth.address],
// [dai.address],
// [amountWETHtoSwap, amountWETHtoSwap],
// [expectedDaiAmount],
// [
// {
// amount: 0,
// deadline: 0,
// v: 0,
// r: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
// s: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
// },
// ],
// [false]
// )
// ).to.be.revertedWith('INCONSISTENT_PARAMS');
// await expect(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter
// .connect(user)
// .swapAndDeposit(
// [weth.address],
// [dai.address],
// [amountWETHtoSwap],
// [expectedDaiAmount],
// [],
// [false]
// )
// ).to.be.revertedWith('INCONSISTENT_PARAMS');
// await expect(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.connect(user).swapAndDeposit(
// [weth.address],
// [dai.address],
// [amountWETHtoSwap],
// [expectedDaiAmount, expectedDaiAmount],
// [
// {
// amount: 0,
// deadline: 0,
// v: 0,
// r: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
// s: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
// },
// ],
// [false]
// )
// ).to.be.revertedWith('INCONSISTENT_PARAMS');
// });
// it('should revert when min amount to receive exceeds the max slippage amount', async () => {
// const { users, weth, oracle, dai, aWETH, uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter } = testEnv;
// const user = users[0].signer;
// const amountWETHtoSwap = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(weth.address, '10');
// const daiPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(dai.address);
// const expectedDaiAmount = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(
// dai.address,
// new BigNumber(amountWETHtoSwap.toString()).div(daiPrice.toString()).toFixed(0)
// );
// await mockUniswapRouter.setAmountToReturn(weth.address, expectedDaiAmount);
// const smallExpectedDaiAmount = expectedDaiAmount.div(2);
// // User will swap liquidity 10 aEth to aDai
// const liquidityToSwap = parseEther('10');
// await aWETH.connect(user).approve(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address, liquidityToSwap);
// await expect(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.connect(user).swapAndDeposit(
// [weth.address],
// [dai.address],
// [amountWETHtoSwap],
// [smallExpectedDaiAmount],
// [
// {
// amount: 0,
// deadline: 0,
// v: 0,
// r: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
// s: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
// },
// ],
// [false]
// )
// ).to.be.revertedWith('minAmountOut exceed max slippage');
// });
// it('should correctly swap tokens and deposit multiple tokens', async () => {
// const {
// users,
// weth,
// usdc,
// oracle,
// dai,
// aDai,
// aWETH,
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter,
// pool,
// } = testEnv;
// const user = users[0].signer;
// const userAddress = users[0].address;
// const amountWETHtoSwap = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(weth.address, '10');
// const daiPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(dai.address);
// const expectedDaiAmountForEth = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(
// dai.address,
// new BigNumber(amountWETHtoSwap.toString()).div(daiPrice.toString()).toFixed(0)
// );
// const amountUSDCtoSwap = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(usdc.address, '10');
// const usdcPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(usdc.address);
// const collateralDecimals = (await usdc.decimals()).toString();
// const principalDecimals = (await dai.decimals()).toString();
// const expectedDaiAmountForUsdc = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(
// dai.address,
// new BigNumber(amountUSDCtoSwap.toString())
// .times(
// new BigNumber(usdcPrice.toString()).times(new BigNumber(10).pow(principalDecimals))
// )
// .div(
// new BigNumber(daiPrice.toString()).times(new BigNumber(10).pow(collateralDecimals))
// )
// .toFixed(0)
// );
// // Make a deposit for user
// await usdc.connect(user).mint(amountUSDCtoSwap);
// await usdc.connect(user).approve(pool.address, amountUSDCtoSwap);
// await pool.connect(user).deposit(usdc.address, amountUSDCtoSwap, userAddress, 0);
// const aUsdcData = await pool.getReserveData(usdc.address);
// const aUsdc = await getContract<AToken>(eContractid.AToken, aUsdcData.aTokenAddress);
// await mockUniswapRouter.setAmountToReturn(weth.address, expectedDaiAmountForEth);
// await mockUniswapRouter.setAmountToReturn(usdc.address, expectedDaiAmountForUsdc);
// await aWETH.connect(user).approve(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address, amountWETHtoSwap);
// const userAEthBalanceBefore = await aWETH.balanceOf(userAddress);
// await aUsdc.connect(user).approve(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address, amountUSDCtoSwap);
// const userAUsdcBalanceBefore = await aUsdc.balanceOf(userAddress);
// await uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.connect(user).swapAndDeposit(
// [weth.address, usdc.address],
// [dai.address, dai.address],
// [amountWETHtoSwap, amountUSDCtoSwap],
// [expectedDaiAmountForEth, expectedDaiAmountForUsdc],
// [
// {
// amount: 0,
// deadline: 0,
// v: 0,
// r: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
// s: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
// },
// {
// amount: 0,
// deadline: 0,
// v: 0,
// r: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
// s: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
// },
// ],
// [false, false]
// );
// const adapterWethBalance = await weth.balanceOf(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address);
// const adapterDaiBalance = await dai.balanceOf(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address);
// const adapterDaiAllowance = await dai.allowance(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// userAddress
// );
// const userADaiBalance = await aDai.balanceOf(userAddress);
// const userAEthBalance = await aWETH.balanceOf(userAddress);
// const userAUsdcBalance = await aUsdc.balanceOf(userAddress);
// expect(adapterWethBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(adapterDaiBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(adapterDaiAllowance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(userADaiBalance).to.be.eq(expectedDaiAmountForEth.add(expectedDaiAmountForUsdc));
// expect(userAEthBalance).to.be.lt(userAEthBalanceBefore);
// expect(userAEthBalance).to.be.gte(userAEthBalanceBefore.sub(amountWETHtoSwap));
// expect(userAUsdcBalance).to.be.lt(userAUsdcBalanceBefore);
// expect(userAUsdcBalance).to.be.gte(userAUsdcBalanceBefore.sub(amountUSDCtoSwap));
// });
// it('should correctly swap tokens and deposit multiple tokens using permit', async () => {
// const {
// users,
// weth,
// usdc,
// oracle,
// dai,
// aDai,
// aWETH,
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter,
// pool,
// } = testEnv;
// const user = users[0].signer;
// const userAddress = users[0].address;
// const chainId = DRE.network.config.chainId || BUIDLEREVM_CHAINID;
// const deadline = MAX_UINT_AMOUNT;
// const ownerPrivateKey = require('../../test-wallets.js').accounts[1].secretKey;
// if (!ownerPrivateKey) {
// throw new Error('INVALID_OWNER_PK');
// }
// const amountWETHtoSwap = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(weth.address, '10');
// const daiPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(dai.address);
// const expectedDaiAmountForEth = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(
// dai.address,
// new BigNumber(amountWETHtoSwap.toString()).div(daiPrice.toString()).toFixed(0)
// );
// const amountUSDCtoSwap = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(usdc.address, '10');
// const usdcPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(usdc.address);
// const collateralDecimals = (await usdc.decimals()).toString();
// const principalDecimals = (await dai.decimals()).toString();
// const expectedDaiAmountForUsdc = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(
// dai.address,
// new BigNumber(amountUSDCtoSwap.toString())
// .times(
// new BigNumber(usdcPrice.toString()).times(new BigNumber(10).pow(principalDecimals))
// )
// .div(
// new BigNumber(daiPrice.toString()).times(new BigNumber(10).pow(collateralDecimals))
// )
// .toFixed(0)
// );
// // Make a deposit for user
// await usdc.connect(user).mint(amountUSDCtoSwap);
// await usdc.connect(user).approve(pool.address, amountUSDCtoSwap);
// await pool.connect(user).deposit(usdc.address, amountUSDCtoSwap, userAddress, 0);
// const aUsdcData = await pool.getReserveData(usdc.address);
// const aUsdc = await getContract<AToken>(eContractid.AToken, aUsdcData.aTokenAddress);
// await mockUniswapRouter.setAmountToReturn(weth.address, expectedDaiAmountForEth);
// await mockUniswapRouter.setAmountToReturn(usdc.address, expectedDaiAmountForUsdc);
// const userAEthBalanceBefore = await aWETH.balanceOf(userAddress);
// const userAUsdcBalanceBefore = await aUsdc.balanceOf(userAddress);
// const aWethNonce = (await aWETH._nonces(userAddress)).toNumber();
// const aWethMsgParams = buildPermitParams(
// chainId,
// aWETH.address,
// '1',
// await aWETH.name(),
// userAddress,
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// aWethNonce,
// deadline,
// amountWETHtoSwap.toString()
// );
// const { v: aWETHv, r: aWETHr, s: aWETHs } = getSignatureFromTypedData(
// ownerPrivateKey,
// aWethMsgParams
// );
// const aUsdcNonce = (await aUsdc._nonces(userAddress)).toNumber();
// const aUsdcMsgParams = buildPermitParams(
// chainId,
// aUsdc.address,
// '1',
// await aUsdc.name(),
// userAddress,
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// aUsdcNonce,
// deadline,
// amountUSDCtoSwap.toString()
// );
// const { v: aUsdcv, r: aUsdcr, s: aUsdcs } = getSignatureFromTypedData(
// ownerPrivateKey,
// aUsdcMsgParams
// );
// await uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.connect(user).swapAndDeposit(
// [weth.address, usdc.address],
// [dai.address, dai.address],
// [amountWETHtoSwap, amountUSDCtoSwap],
// [expectedDaiAmountForEth, expectedDaiAmountForUsdc],
// [
// {
// amount: amountWETHtoSwap,
// deadline,
// v: aWETHv,
// r: aWETHr,
// s: aWETHs,
// },
// {
// amount: amountUSDCtoSwap,
// deadline,
// v: aUsdcv,
// r: aUsdcr,
// s: aUsdcs,
// },
// ],
// [false, false]
// );
// const adapterWethBalance = await weth.balanceOf(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address);
// const adapterDaiBalance = await dai.balanceOf(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address);
// const adapterDaiAllowance = await dai.allowance(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// userAddress
// );
// const userADaiBalance = await aDai.balanceOf(userAddress);
// const userAEthBalance = await aWETH.balanceOf(userAddress);
// const userAUsdcBalance = await aUsdc.balanceOf(userAddress);
// expect(adapterWethBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(adapterDaiBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(adapterDaiAllowance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(userADaiBalance).to.be.eq(expectedDaiAmountForEth.add(expectedDaiAmountForUsdc));
// expect(userAEthBalance).to.be.lt(userAEthBalanceBefore);
// expect(userAEthBalance).to.be.gte(userAEthBalanceBefore.sub(amountWETHtoSwap));
// expect(userAUsdcBalance).to.be.lt(userAUsdcBalanceBefore);
// expect(userAUsdcBalance).to.be.gte(userAUsdcBalanceBefore.sub(amountUSDCtoSwap));
// });
// it('should correctly swap all the balance when using a bigger amount', async () => {
// const { users, weth, oracle, dai, aDai, aWETH, uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter } = testEnv;
// const user = users[0].signer;
// const userAddress = users[0].address;
// const amountWETHtoSwap = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(weth.address, '10');
// const daiPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(dai.address);
// const expectedDaiAmount = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(
// dai.address,
// new BigNumber(amountWETHtoSwap.toString()).div(daiPrice.toString()).toFixed(0)
// );
// await mockUniswapRouter.setAmountToReturn(weth.address, expectedDaiAmount);
// // Remove other balance
// await aWETH.connect(user).transfer(users[1].address, parseEther('90'));
// const userAEthBalanceBefore = await aWETH.balanceOf(userAddress);
// // User will swap liquidity 10 aEth to aDai
// const liquidityToSwap = parseEther('10');
// expect(userAEthBalanceBefore).to.be.eq(liquidityToSwap);
// // User will swap liquidity 10 aEth to aDai
// await aWETH.connect(user).approve(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address, liquidityToSwap);
// // Only has 10 atokens, so all the balance will be swapped
// const bigAmountToSwap = parseEther('100');
// await expect(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.connect(user).swapAndDeposit(
// [weth.address],
// [dai.address],
// [bigAmountToSwap],
// [expectedDaiAmount],
// [
// {
// amount: 0,
// deadline: 0,
// v: 0,
// r: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
// s: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
// },
// ],
// [false]
// )
// )
// .to.emit(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter, 'Swapped')
// .withArgs(weth.address, dai.address, amountWETHtoSwap.toString(), expectedDaiAmount);
// const adapterWethBalance = await weth.balanceOf(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address);
// const adapterDaiBalance = await dai.balanceOf(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address);
// const adapterDaiAllowance = await dai.allowance(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// userAddress
// );
// const userADaiBalance = await aDai.balanceOf(userAddress);
// const userAEthBalance = await aWETH.balanceOf(userAddress);
// const adapterAEthBalance = await aWETH.balanceOf(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address);
// expect(adapterWethBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(adapterDaiBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(adapterDaiAllowance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(userADaiBalance).to.be.eq(expectedDaiAmount);
// expect(userAEthBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(adapterAEthBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// });
// it('should correctly swap all the balance when using permit', async () => {
// const { users, weth, oracle, dai, aDai, aWETH, uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter } = testEnv;
// const user = users[0].signer;
// const userAddress = users[0].address;
// const amountWETHtoSwap = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(weth.address, '10');
// const daiPrice = await oracle.getAssetPrice(dai.address);
// const expectedDaiAmount = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(
// dai.address,
// new BigNumber(amountWETHtoSwap.toString()).div(daiPrice.toString()).toFixed(0)
// );
// await mockUniswapRouter.setAmountToReturn(weth.address, expectedDaiAmount);
// // Remove other balance
// await aWETH.connect(user).transfer(users[1].address, parseEther('90'));
// const userAEthBalanceBefore = await aWETH.balanceOf(userAddress);
// // User will swap liquidity 10 aEth to aDai
// const liquidityToSwap = parseEther('10');
// expect(userAEthBalanceBefore).to.be.eq(liquidityToSwap);
// // Only has 10 atokens, so all the balance will be swapped
// const bigAmountToSwap = parseEther('100');
// const chainId = DRE.network.config.chainId || BUIDLEREVM_CHAINID;
// const deadline = MAX_UINT_AMOUNT;
// const ownerPrivateKey = require('../../test-wallets.js').accounts[1].secretKey;
// if (!ownerPrivateKey) {
// throw new Error('INVALID_OWNER_PK');
// }
// const aWethNonce = (await aWETH._nonces(userAddress)).toNumber();
// const aWethMsgParams = buildPermitParams(
// chainId,
// aWETH.address,
// '1',
// await aWETH.name(),
// userAddress,
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// aWethNonce,
// deadline,
// bigAmountToSwap.toString()
// );
// const { v, r, s } = getSignatureFromTypedData(ownerPrivateKey, aWethMsgParams);
// await expect(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.connect(user).swapAndDeposit(
// [weth.address],
// [dai.address],
// [bigAmountToSwap],
// [expectedDaiAmount],
// [
// {
// amount: bigAmountToSwap,
// deadline,
// v,
// r,
// s,
// },
// ],
// [false]
// )
// )
// .to.emit(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter, 'Swapped')
// .withArgs(weth.address, dai.address, amountWETHtoSwap.toString(), expectedDaiAmount);
// const adapterWethBalance = await weth.balanceOf(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address);
// const adapterDaiBalance = await dai.balanceOf(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address);
// const adapterDaiAllowance = await dai.allowance(
// uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address,
// userAddress
// );
// const userADaiBalance = await aDai.balanceOf(userAddress);
// const userAEthBalance = await aWETH.balanceOf(userAddress);
// const adapterAEthBalance = await aWETH.balanceOf(uniswapLiquiditySwapAdapter.address);
// expect(adapterWethBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(adapterDaiBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(adapterDaiAllowance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(userADaiBalance).to.be.eq(expectedDaiAmount);
// expect(userAEthBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// expect(adapterAEthBalance).to.be.eq(Zero);
// });
// });
// });
// });