2021-02-07 03:10:29 +00:00
import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js' ;
import { TestEnv , makeSuite } from './helpers/make-suite' ;
import { APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL , oneRay } from '../../helpers/constants' ;
import { convertToCurrencyDecimals , getContract } from '../../helpers/contracts-helpers' ;
import { ethers } from 'ethers' ;
import { MockFlashLoanReceiver } from '../../types/MockFlashLoanReceiver' ;
import { ProtocolErrors , eContractid } from '../../helpers/types' ;
import { VariableDebtToken } from '../../types/VariableDebtToken' ;
import { StableDebtToken } from '../../types/StableDebtToken' ;
import {
getMockFlashLoanReceiver ,
getStableDebtToken ,
getVariableDebtToken ,
} from '../../helpers/contracts-getters' ;
const { expect } = require ( 'chai' ) ;
makeSuite ( 'LendingPool FlashLoan function' , ( testEnv : TestEnv ) = > {
let _mockFlashLoanReceiver = { } as MockFlashLoanReceiver ;
const {
2021-02-09 04:50:12 +00:00
2021-02-07 03:10:29 +00:00
} = ProtocolErrors ;
before ( async ( ) = > {
_mockFlashLoanReceiver = await getMockFlashLoanReceiver ( ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'Deposits WETH into the reserve' , async ( ) = > {
const { pool , weth } = testEnv ;
const userAddress = await pool . signer . getAddress ( ) ;
const amountToDeposit = ethers . utils . parseEther ( '1' ) ;
await weth . mint ( amountToDeposit ) ;
await weth . approve ( pool . address , APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL ) ;
await pool . deposit ( weth . address , amountToDeposit , userAddress , '0' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( ' Takes WETH flashloan with mode = 0 , returns the funds correctly ' , async ( ) = > {
const { pool , helpersContract , weth } = testEnv ;
await pool . flashLoan (
_mockFlashLoanReceiver . address ,
[ weth . address ] ,
[ ethers . utils . parseEther ( '0.8' ) ] ,
[ 0 ] ,
_mockFlashLoanReceiver . address ,
'0x10' ,
) ;
ethers . utils . parseUnits ( '10000' ) ;
const reserveData = await helpersContract . getReserveData ( weth . address ) ;
const currentLiquidityRate = reserveData . liquidityRate ;
const currentLiquidityIndex = reserveData . liquidityIndex ;
const totalLiquidity = new BigNumber ( reserveData . availableLiquidity . toString ( ) )
. plus ( reserveData . totalStableDebt . toString ( ) )
. plus ( reserveData . totalVariableDebt . toString ( ) ) ;
expect ( totalLiquidity . toString ( ) ) . to . be . equal ( '1000720000000000000' ) ;
expect ( currentLiquidityRate . toString ( ) ) . to . be . equal ( '0' ) ;
expect ( currentLiquidityIndex . toString ( ) ) . to . be . equal ( '1000720000000000000000000000' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'Takes an ETH flashloan with mode = 0 as big as the available liquidity' , async ( ) = > {
const { pool , helpersContract , weth } = testEnv ;
const reserveDataBefore = await helpersContract . getReserveData ( weth . address ) ;
const txResult = await pool . flashLoan (
_mockFlashLoanReceiver . address ,
[ weth . address ] ,
[ '1000720000000000000' ] ,
[ 0 ] ,
_mockFlashLoanReceiver . address ,
'0x10' ,
) ;
const reserveData = await helpersContract . getReserveData ( weth . address ) ;
const currentLiqudityRate = reserveData . liquidityRate ;
const currentLiquidityIndex = reserveData . liquidityIndex ;
const totalLiquidity = new BigNumber ( reserveData . availableLiquidity . toString ( ) )
. plus ( reserveData . totalStableDebt . toString ( ) )
. plus ( reserveData . totalVariableDebt . toString ( ) ) ;
expect ( totalLiquidity . toString ( ) ) . to . be . equal ( '1001620648000000000' ) ;
expect ( currentLiqudityRate . toString ( ) ) . to . be . equal ( '0' ) ;
expect ( currentLiquidityIndex . toString ( ) ) . to . be . equal ( '1001620648000000000000000000' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'Takes WETH flashloan, does not return the funds with mode = 0. (revert expected)' , async ( ) = > {
const { pool , weth , users } = testEnv ;
const caller = users [ 1 ] ;
await _mockFlashLoanReceiver . setFailExecutionTransfer ( true ) ;
await expect (
. connect ( caller . signer )
. flashLoan (
_mockFlashLoanReceiver . address ,
[ weth . address ] ,
[ ethers . utils . parseEther ( '0.8' ) ] ,
[ 0 ] ,
caller . address ,
'0x10' ,
) . to . be . revertedWith ( SAFEERC20_LOWLEVEL_CALL ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'Takes WETH flashloan, simulating a receiver as EOA (revert expected)' , async ( ) = > {
const { pool , weth , users } = testEnv ;
const caller = users [ 1 ] ;
await _mockFlashLoanReceiver . setFailExecutionTransfer ( true ) ;
await _mockFlashLoanReceiver . setSimulateEOA ( true ) ;
await expect (
. connect ( caller . signer )
. flashLoan (
_mockFlashLoanReceiver . address ,
[ weth . address ] ,
[ ethers . utils . parseEther ( '0.8' ) ] ,
[ 0 ] ,
caller . address ,
'0x10' ,
) . to . be . revertedWith ( LP_INVALID_FLASH_LOAN_EXECUTOR_RETURN ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'Takes a WETH flashloan with an invalid mode. (revert expected)' , async ( ) = > {
const { pool , weth , users } = testEnv ;
const caller = users [ 1 ] ;
await _mockFlashLoanReceiver . setSimulateEOA ( false ) ;
await _mockFlashLoanReceiver . setFailExecutionTransfer ( true ) ;
await expect (
. connect ( caller . signer )
. flashLoan (
_mockFlashLoanReceiver . address ,
[ weth . address ] ,
[ ethers . utils . parseEther ( '0.8' ) ] ,
[ 4 ] ,
caller . address ,
'0x10' ,
) . to . be . reverted ;
} ) ;
it ( 'Caller deposits 1000 DAI as collateral, Takes WETH flashloan with mode = 2, does not return the funds. A variable loan for caller is created' , async ( ) = > {
const { dai , pool , weth , users , helpersContract } = testEnv ;
const caller = users [ 1 ] ;
await dai . connect ( caller . signer ) . mint ( await convertToCurrencyDecimals ( dai . address , '1000' ) ) ;
await dai . connect ( caller . signer ) . approve ( pool . address , APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL ) ;
const amountToDeposit = await convertToCurrencyDecimals ( dai . address , '1000' ) ;
await pool . connect ( caller . signer ) . deposit ( dai . address , amountToDeposit , caller . address , '0' ) ;
await _mockFlashLoanReceiver . setFailExecutionTransfer ( true ) ;
await pool
. connect ( caller . signer )
. flashLoan (
_mockFlashLoanReceiver . address ,
[ weth . address ] ,
[ ethers . utils . parseEther ( '0.8' ) ] ,
[ 2 ] ,
caller . address ,
'0x10' ,
) ;
const { variableDebtTokenAddress } = await helpersContract . getReserveTokensAddresses (
weth . address
) ;
const wethDebtToken = await getVariableDebtToken ( variableDebtTokenAddress ) ;
const callerDebt = await wethDebtToken . balanceOf ( caller . address ) ;
expect ( callerDebt . toString ( ) ) . to . be . equal ( '800000000000000000' , 'Invalid user debt' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'tries to take a flashloan that is bigger than the available liquidity (revert expected)' , async ( ) = > {
const { pool , weth , users } = testEnv ;
const caller = users [ 1 ] ;
await expect (
pool . connect ( caller . signer ) . flashLoan (
_mockFlashLoanReceiver . address ,
[ weth . address ] ,
[ '1004415000000000000' ] , //slightly higher than the available liquidity
[ 2 ] ,
caller . address ,
'0x10' ,
) ,
) . to . be . revertedWith ( SAFEERC20_LOWLEVEL_CALL ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'tries to take a flashloan using a non contract address as receiver (revert expected)' , async ( ) = > {
const { pool , deployer , weth , users } = testEnv ;
const caller = users [ 1 ] ;
await expect (
pool . flashLoan (
deployer . address ,
[ weth . address ] ,
[ '1000000000000000000' ] ,
[ 2 ] ,
caller . address ,
'0x10' ,
) . to . be . reverted ;
} ) ;
it ( 'Deposits USDC into the reserve' , async ( ) = > {
const { usdc , pool } = testEnv ;
const userAddress = await pool . signer . getAddress ( ) ;
await usdc . mint ( await convertToCurrencyDecimals ( usdc . address , '1000' ) ) ;
await usdc . approve ( pool . address , APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL ) ;
const amountToDeposit = await convertToCurrencyDecimals ( usdc . address , '1000' ) ;
await pool . deposit ( usdc . address , amountToDeposit , userAddress , '0' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'Takes out a 500 USDC flashloan, returns the funds correctly' , async ( ) = > {
const { usdc , pool , helpersContract , deployer : depositor } = testEnv ;
await _mockFlashLoanReceiver . setFailExecutionTransfer ( false ) ;
const reserveDataBefore = await helpersContract . getReserveData ( usdc . address ) ;
const flashloanAmount = await convertToCurrencyDecimals ( usdc . address , '500' ) ;
await pool . flashLoan (
_mockFlashLoanReceiver . address ,
[ usdc . address ] ,
[ flashloanAmount ] ,
[ 0 ] ,
_mockFlashLoanReceiver . address ,
'0x10' ,
) ;
const reserveDataAfter = helpersContract . getReserveData ( usdc . address ) ;
const reserveData = await helpersContract . getReserveData ( usdc . address ) ;
const userData = await helpersContract . getUserReserveData ( usdc . address , depositor . address ) ;
const totalLiquidity = reserveData . availableLiquidity
. add ( reserveData . totalStableDebt )
. add ( reserveData . totalVariableDebt )
. toString ( ) ;
const currentLiqudityRate = reserveData . liquidityRate . toString ( ) ;
const currentLiquidityIndex = reserveData . liquidityIndex . toString ( ) ;
const currentUserBalance = userData . currentATokenBalance . toString ( ) ;
const expectedLiquidity = await convertToCurrencyDecimals ( usdc . address , '1000.450' ) ;
expect ( totalLiquidity ) . to . be . equal ( expectedLiquidity , 'Invalid total liquidity' ) ;
expect ( currentLiqudityRate ) . to . be . equal ( '0' , 'Invalid liquidity rate' ) ;
expect ( currentLiquidityIndex ) . to . be . equal (
new BigNumber ( '1.00045' ) . multipliedBy ( oneRay ) . toFixed ( ) ,
'Invalid liquidity index'
) ;
expect ( currentUserBalance . toString ( ) ) . to . be . equal ( expectedLiquidity , 'Invalid user balance' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'Takes out a 500 USDC flashloan with mode = 0, does not return the funds. (revert expected)' , async ( ) = > {
const { usdc , pool , users } = testEnv ;
const caller = users [ 2 ] ;
const flashloanAmount = await convertToCurrencyDecimals ( usdc . address , '500' ) ;
await _mockFlashLoanReceiver . setFailExecutionTransfer ( true ) ;
await expect (
. connect ( caller . signer )
. flashLoan (
_mockFlashLoanReceiver . address ,
[ usdc . address ] ,
[ flashloanAmount ] ,
[ 2 ] ,
caller . address ,
'0x10' ,
) . to . be . revertedWith ( VL_COLLATERAL_BALANCE_IS_0 ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'Caller deposits 5 WETH as collateral, Takes a USDC flashloan with mode = 2, does not return the funds. A loan for caller is created' , async ( ) = > {
const { usdc , pool , weth , users , helpersContract } = testEnv ;
const caller = users [ 2 ] ;
await weth . connect ( caller . signer ) . mint ( await convertToCurrencyDecimals ( weth . address , '5' ) ) ;
await weth . connect ( caller . signer ) . approve ( pool . address , APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL ) ;
const amountToDeposit = await convertToCurrencyDecimals ( weth . address , '5' ) ;
await pool . connect ( caller . signer ) . deposit ( weth . address , amountToDeposit , caller . address , '0' ) ;
await _mockFlashLoanReceiver . setFailExecutionTransfer ( true ) ;
const flashloanAmount = await convertToCurrencyDecimals ( usdc . address , '500' ) ;
await pool
. connect ( caller . signer )
. flashLoan (
_mockFlashLoanReceiver . address ,
[ usdc . address ] ,
[ flashloanAmount ] ,
[ 2 ] ,
caller . address ,
'0x10' ,
) ;
const { variableDebtTokenAddress } = await helpersContract . getReserveTokensAddresses (
usdc . address
) ;
const usdcDebtToken = await getVariableDebtToken ( variableDebtTokenAddress ) ;
const callerDebt = await usdcDebtToken . balanceOf ( caller . address ) ;
expect ( callerDebt . toString ( ) ) . to . be . equal ( '500000000' , 'Invalid user debt' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'Caller deposits 1000 DAI as collateral, Takes a WETH flashloan with mode = 0, does not approve the transfer of the funds' , async ( ) = > {
const { dai , pool , weth , users } = testEnv ;
const caller = users [ 3 ] ;
await dai . connect ( caller . signer ) . mint ( await convertToCurrencyDecimals ( dai . address , '1000' ) ) ;
await dai . connect ( caller . signer ) . approve ( pool . address , APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL ) ;
const amountToDeposit = await convertToCurrencyDecimals ( dai . address , '1000' ) ;
await pool . connect ( caller . signer ) . deposit ( dai . address , amountToDeposit , caller . address , '0' ) ;
const flashAmount = ethers . utils . parseEther ( '0.8' ) ;
await _mockFlashLoanReceiver . setFailExecutionTransfer ( false ) ;
await _mockFlashLoanReceiver . setAmountToApprove ( flashAmount . div ( 2 ) ) ;
await expect (
. connect ( caller . signer )
. flashLoan (
_mockFlashLoanReceiver . address ,
[ weth . address ] ,
[ flashAmount ] ,
[ 0 ] ,
caller . address ,
'0x10' ,
) . to . be . revertedWith ( SAFEERC20_LOWLEVEL_CALL ) ;
} ) ;
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it ( 'Caller takes a WETH flashloan with mode = 1, should revert since stable borrowing is disabled' , async ( ) = > {
2021-02-07 03:10:29 +00:00
const { dai , pool , weth , users , helpersContract } = testEnv ;
const caller = users [ 3 ] ;
const flashAmount = ethers . utils . parseEther ( '0.8' ) ;
await _mockFlashLoanReceiver . setFailExecutionTransfer ( true ) ;
2021-02-09 04:50:12 +00:00
await expect ( pool
2021-02-07 03:10:29 +00:00
. connect ( caller . signer )
. flashLoan (
_mockFlashLoanReceiver . address ,
[ weth . address ] ,
[ flashAmount ] ,
[ 1 ] ,
caller . address ,
'0x10' ,
2021-02-09 04:50:12 +00:00
) ) . to . be . revertedWith ( VL_STABLE_BORROWING_NOT_ENABLED ) ;
2021-02-07 03:10:29 +00:00
const { stableDebtTokenAddress } = await helpersContract . getReserveTokensAddresses (
weth . address
) ;
const wethDebtToken = await getStableDebtToken ( stableDebtTokenAddress ) ;
const callerDebt = await wethDebtToken . balanceOf ( caller . address ) ;
2021-02-09 04:50:12 +00:00
expect ( callerDebt . toString ( ) ) . to . be . equal ( '0' , 'Invalid user debt' ) ;
2021-02-07 03:10:29 +00:00
} ) ;
2021-02-09 04:50:12 +00:00
it ( 'Caller takes a WETH flashloan with mode = 2' , async ( ) = > {
const { dai , pool , weth , users , helpersContract } = testEnv ;
const caller = users [ 3 ] ;
const flashAmount = ethers . utils . parseEther ( '0.8' ) ;
await _mockFlashLoanReceiver . setFailExecutionTransfer ( true ) ;
await pool
. connect ( caller . signer )
. flashLoan (
_mockFlashLoanReceiver . address ,
[ weth . address ] ,
[ flashAmount ] ,
[ 2 ] ,
caller . address ,
'0x10' ,
) ;
const { variableDebtTokenAddress } = await helpersContract . getReserveTokensAddresses (
weth . address
) ;
const wethDebtToken = await getStableDebtToken ( variableDebtTokenAddress ) ;
const callerDebt = await wethDebtToken . balanceOf ( caller . address ) ;
expect ( callerDebt . toString ( ) ) . to . be . equal ( ethers . utils . parseEther ( '0.8' ) , 'Invalid user debt' ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'Caller takes a WETH flashloan with mode = 1 onBehalfOf user without allowance, should revert since stable borrowing is disabled' , async ( ) = > {
2021-02-07 03:10:29 +00:00
const { dai , pool , weth , users , helpersContract } = testEnv ;
const caller = users [ 5 ] ;
const onBehalfOf = users [ 4 ] ;
// Deposit 1000 dai for onBehalfOf user
await dai . connect ( onBehalfOf . signer ) . mint ( await convertToCurrencyDecimals ( dai . address , '1000' ) ) ;
await dai . connect ( onBehalfOf . signer ) . approve ( pool . address , APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL ) ;
const amountToDeposit = await convertToCurrencyDecimals ( dai . address , '1000' ) ;
await pool
. connect ( onBehalfOf . signer )
. deposit ( dai . address , amountToDeposit , onBehalfOf . address , '0' ) ;
const flashAmount = ethers . utils . parseEther ( '0.8' ) ;
await _mockFlashLoanReceiver . setFailExecutionTransfer ( true ) ;
await expect (
. connect ( caller . signer )
. flashLoan (
_mockFlashLoanReceiver . address ,
[ weth . address ] ,
[ flashAmount ] ,
[ 1 ] ,
onBehalfOf . address ,
'0x10' ,
2021-02-09 04:50:12 +00:00
) . to . be . revertedWith ( VL_STABLE_BORROWING_NOT_ENABLED ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'Caller takes a WETH flashloan with mode = 2 onBehalfOf user without allowance, should revert since allowance is 0' , async ( ) = > {
const { dai , pool , weth , users , helpersContract } = testEnv ;
const caller = users [ 5 ] ;
const onBehalfOf = users [ 4 ] ;
// Deposit 1000 dai for onBehalfOf user
await dai . connect ( onBehalfOf . signer ) . mint ( await convertToCurrencyDecimals ( dai . address , '1000' ) ) ;
await dai . connect ( onBehalfOf . signer ) . approve ( pool . address , APPROVAL_AMOUNT_LENDING_POOL ) ;
const amountToDeposit = await convertToCurrencyDecimals ( dai . address , '1000' ) ;
await pool
. connect ( onBehalfOf . signer )
. deposit ( dai . address , amountToDeposit , onBehalfOf . address , '0' ) ;
const flashAmount = ethers . utils . parseEther ( '0.8' ) ;
await _mockFlashLoanReceiver . setFailExecutionTransfer ( true ) ;
await expect (
. connect ( caller . signer )
. flashLoan (
_mockFlashLoanReceiver . address ,
[ weth . address ] ,
[ flashAmount ] ,
[ 2 ] ,
onBehalfOf . address ,
'0x10' ,
2021-02-07 03:10:29 +00:00
) . to . be . revertedWith ( LP_BORROW_ALLOWANCE_NOT_ENOUGH ) ;
} ) ;
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it ( 'Caller takes a WETH flashloan with mode = 1 onBehalfOf user with allowance. Should revert since stable borrowing is disabled.' , async ( ) = > {
2021-02-07 03:10:29 +00:00
const { dai , pool , weth , users , helpersContract } = testEnv ;
const caller = users [ 5 ] ;
const onBehalfOf = users [ 4 ] ;
const flashAmount = ethers . utils . parseEther ( '0.8' ) ;
const reserveData = await pool . getReserveData ( weth . address ) ;
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const stableDebtToken = await getStableDebtToken ( reserveData . stableDebtTokenAddress ) ;
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// Deposited for onBehalfOf user already, delegate borrow allowance
await stableDebtToken . connect ( onBehalfOf . signer ) . approveDelegation ( caller . address , flashAmount ) ;
await _mockFlashLoanReceiver . setFailExecutionTransfer ( true ) ;
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await expect ( pool
2021-02-07 03:10:29 +00:00
. connect ( caller . signer )
. flashLoan (
_mockFlashLoanReceiver . address ,
[ weth . address ] ,
[ flashAmount ] ,
[ 1 ] ,
onBehalfOf . address ,
'0x10' ,
2021-02-09 04:50:12 +00:00
) ) . to . be . revertedWith ( VL_STABLE_BORROWING_NOT_ENABLED ) ;
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const { stableDebtTokenAddress } = await helpersContract . getReserveTokensAddresses (
weth . address
) ;
const wethDebtToken = await getStableDebtToken ( stableDebtTokenAddress ) ;
const onBehalfOfDebt = await wethDebtToken . balanceOf ( onBehalfOf . address ) ;
expect ( onBehalfOfDebt . toString ( ) ) . to . be . equal (
2021-02-09 04:50:12 +00:00
'0' ,
'Invalid onBehalfOf user debt'
) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'Caller takes a WETH flashloan with mode = 2 onBehalfOf user with allowance. A loan for onBehalfOf is created.' , async ( ) = > {
const { dai , pool , weth , users , helpersContract } = testEnv ;
const caller = users [ 5 ] ;
const onBehalfOf = users [ 4 ] ;
const flashAmount = ethers . utils . parseEther ( '0.8' ) ;
const reserveData = await pool . getReserveData ( weth . address ) ;
const variableDebtToken = await getVariableDebtToken ( reserveData . variableDebtTokenAddress ) ;
// Deposited for onBehalfOf user already, delegate borrow allowance
await variableDebtToken . connect ( onBehalfOf . signer ) . approveDelegation ( caller . address , flashAmount ) ;
await _mockFlashLoanReceiver . setFailExecutionTransfer ( true ) ;
await expect ( pool
. connect ( caller . signer )
. flashLoan (
_mockFlashLoanReceiver . address ,
[ weth . address ] ,
[ flashAmount ] ,
[ 2 ] ,
onBehalfOf . address ,
'0x10' ,
) ) . to . not . be . reverted ;
const { variableDebtTokenAddress } = await helpersContract . getReserveTokensAddresses (
weth . address
) ;
const wethDebtToken = await getVariableDebtToken ( variableDebtTokenAddress ) ;
const onBehalfOfDebt = await wethDebtToken . balanceOf ( onBehalfOf . address ) ;
expect ( onBehalfOfDebt . toString ( ) ) . to . be . equal (
ethers . utils . parseEther ( '0.8' ) ,
2021-02-07 03:10:29 +00:00
'Invalid onBehalfOf user debt'
) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;