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// import {iATokenBase, iAssetsWithoutETH, ITestEnvWithoutInstances, RateMode} from '../utils/types';
// import {
// LendingPoolConfiguratorInstance,
// LendingPoolInstance,
// ATokenInstance,
// LendingPoolCoreInstance,
// MintableERC20Instance,
// } from '../utils/typechain-types/truffle-contracts';
// import {testEnvProviderWithoutInstances} from '../utils/truffle/dlp-tests-env';
// import {oneEther, ETHEREUM_ADDRESS} from '../utils/constants';
// import {convertToCurrencyDecimals} from '../utils/misc-utils';
// const expectRevert = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers').expectRevert;
// contract('LendingPool: Modifiers', async ([deployer, ...users]) => {
// let _testEnvProvider: ITestEnvWithoutInstances;
// let _lendingPoolConfiguratorInstance: LendingPoolConfiguratorInstance;
// let _lendingPoolInstance: LendingPoolInstance;
// let _lendingPoolCoreInstance: LendingPoolCoreInstance;
// let _aTokenInstances: iATokenBase<ATokenInstance>;
// let _tokenInstances: iAssetsWithoutETH<MintableERC20Instance>;
// before('Initializing LendingPool test variables', async () => {
// console.time('setup-test');
// _testEnvProvider = await testEnvProviderWithoutInstances(artifacts, [deployer, ...users]);
// const {
// getAllAssetsInstances,
// getLendingPoolInstance,
// getLendingPoolCoreInstance,
// getLendingPoolConfiguratorInstance,
// getATokenInstances,
// } = _testEnvProvider;
// const instances = await Promise.all([
// getLendingPoolInstance(),
// getLendingPoolCoreInstance(),
// getLendingPoolConfiguratorInstance(),
// getATokenInstances(),
// getAllAssetsInstances(),
// ]);
// _lendingPoolInstance = instances[0];
// _lendingPoolCoreInstance = instances[1];
// _lendingPoolConfiguratorInstance = instances[2];
// _aTokenInstances = instances[3];
// _tokenInstances = instances[4];
// console.timeEnd('setup-test');
// });
// it('Tries to deposit in an inactive reserve', async () => {
// //using the deployer address as a fake reserve address
// await expectRevert(
// _lendingPoolInstance.deposit(deployer, '1', '0'),
// 'Action requires an active reserve'
// );
// });
// it('Tries to invoke redeemUnderlying on an reserve, from a non-aToken address', async () => {
// await expectRevert(
// _lendingPoolInstance.redeemUnderlying(ETHEREUM_ADDRESS, deployer, '1', '0'),
// 'The caller of this function can only be the aToken contract of this reserve'
// );
// });
// it('Tries to borrow from an inactive reserve', async () => {
// //using the deployer address as a fake reserve address
// await expectRevert(
// _lendingPoolInstance.borrow(deployer, '1', '0', RateMode.Stable),
// 'Action requires an active reserve'
// );
// });
// it('Tries to repay in an inactive reserve', async () => {
// //using the deployer address as a fake reserve address
// await expectRevert(
// _lendingPoolInstance.repay(deployer, '1', deployer),
// 'Action requires an active reserve'
// );
// });
// it('Tries to swapBorrowRateMode on an inactive reserve', async () => {
// //using the deployer address as a fake reserve address
// await expectRevert(
// _lendingPoolInstance.swapBorrowRateMode(deployer),
// 'Action requires an active reserve'
// );
// });
// it('Tries to rebalanceStableBorrowRate on an inactive reserve', async () => {
// //using the deployer address as a fake reserve address
// await expectRevert(
// _lendingPoolInstance.rebalanceStableBorrowRate(deployer, deployer),
// 'Action requires an active reserve'
// );
// });
// it('Tries to setUserUseReserveAsCollateral on an inactive reserve', async () => {
// //using the deployer address as a fake reserve address
// await expectRevert(
// _lendingPoolInstance.setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(deployer, true),
// 'Action requires an active reserve'
// );
// });
// it('Tries to invoke liquidationCall on an inactive reserve', async () => {
// //using the deployer address as a fake reserve address
// await expectRevert(
// _lendingPoolInstance.liquidationCall(ETHEREUM_ADDRESS, deployer, deployer, '1', false),
// 'Action requires an active reserve'
// );
// });
// it('Tries to invoke liquidationCall on an inactive collateral', async () => {
// //using the deployer address as a fake reserve address
// await expectRevert(
// _lendingPoolInstance.liquidationCall(deployer, ETHEREUM_ADDRESS, deployer, '1', false),
// 'Action requires an active reserve'
// );
// });
// it('Freezes the ETH reserve', async () => {
// await _lendingPoolConfiguratorInstance.freezeReserve(ETHEREUM_ADDRESS);
// });
// it('tries to deposit in a freezed reserve', async () => {
// await expectRevert(
// _lendingPoolInstance.deposit(ETHEREUM_ADDRESS, '1', '0'),
// 'Action requires an unfreezed reserve'
// );
// });
// it('tries to borrow from a freezed reserve', async () => {
// await expectRevert(
// _lendingPoolInstance.borrow(ETHEREUM_ADDRESS, '1', '0', '0'),
// 'Action requires an unfreezed reserve'
// );
// });
// it('tries to swap interest rate mode in a freezed reserve', async () => {
// await expectRevert(
// _lendingPoolInstance.swapBorrowRateMode(ETHEREUM_ADDRESS),
// 'Action requires an unfreezed reserve'
// );
// });
// it('tries to disable as collateral a freezed reserve', async () => {
// await expectRevert(
// _lendingPoolInstance.setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(ETHEREUM_ADDRESS, false),
// 'Action requires an unfreezed reserve'
// );
// });
// it('unfreezes the reserve, user deposits 1 ETH, freezes the reserve, check that the user can redeem', async () => {
// const {aWETH} = _aTokenInstances;
// //unfreezes the reserve
// await _lendingPoolConfiguratorInstance.unfreezeReserve(ETHEREUM_ADDRESS);
// //deposit 1 ETH
// await _lendingPoolInstance.deposit(ETHEREUM_ADDRESS, oneEther, '0', {
// value: oneEther.toString(),
// });
// //freezes the reserve
// await _lendingPoolConfiguratorInstance.freezeReserve(ETHEREUM_ADDRESS);
// const balance = await aWETH.balanceOf(deployer);
// await aWETH.redeem(balance);
// });
// it('unfreezes the reserve, user 0 deposits 100 DAI, user 1 deposits 1 ETH and borrows 50 DAI, freezes the reserve, checks that the user 1 can repay', async () => {
// const {aWETH, aDAI} = _aTokenInstances;
// const {DAI} = _tokenInstances;
// //unfreezes the reserve
// await _lendingPoolConfiguratorInstance.unfreezeReserve(ETHEREUM_ADDRESS);
// const amountDAI = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(DAI.address, '100');
// //user 0 deposits 100 DAI
// await DAI.mint(amountDAI, {from: users[0]});
// await DAI.approve(_lendingPoolCoreInstance.address, amountDAI, {from: users[0]});
// await _lendingPoolInstance.deposit(DAI.address, amountDAI, '0', {from: users[0]});
// //user 1 deposits 1 ETH
// await _lendingPoolInstance.deposit(ETHEREUM_ADDRESS, oneEther, '0', {
// from: users[1],
// value: oneEther.toString(),
// });
// const amountDAIToBorrow = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(DAI.address, '10');
// //user 1 borrows 10 DAI
// await _lendingPoolInstance.borrow(DAI.address, amountDAIToBorrow, RateMode.Stable, '0', {
// from: users[1],
// });
// //freezes the reserve
// await _lendingPoolConfiguratorInstance.freezeReserve(ETHEREUM_ADDRESS);
// //user 1 repays 1 DAI
// await DAI.approve(_lendingPoolCoreInstance.address, amountDAIToBorrow, {from: users[1]});
// await _lendingPoolInstance.repay(DAI.address, oneEther, users[1], {from: users[1]});
// });
// it('Check that liquidationCall can be executed on a freezed reserve', async () => {
// const {aWETH, aDAI} = _aTokenInstances;
// const {DAI} = _tokenInstances;
// //user 2 tries to liquidate
// await expectRevert(
// _lendingPoolInstance.liquidationCall(
// DAI.address,
// users[1],
// oneEther,
// true,
// {from: users[2]}
// ),
// 'Health factor is not below the threshold'
// );
// });
// it('Check that rebalanceStableBorrowRate can be executed on a freezed reserve', async () => {
// const {aWETH, aDAI} = _aTokenInstances;
// const {DAI} = _tokenInstances;
// //user 2 tries to liquidate
// await expectRevert(
// _lendingPoolInstance.rebalanceStableBorrowRate(DAI.address, users[1]),
// 'Interest rate rebalance conditions were not met'
// );
// });
// });