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import { MAX_UINT_AMOUNT } from '../../../helpers/constants';
import { convertToCurrencyDecimals } from '../../../helpers/contracts-helpers';
import { makeSuite, TestEnv } from '../helpers/make-suite';
import { parseEther } from 'ethers/lib/utils';
import { DRE, waitForTx } from '../../../helpers/misc-utils';
import { BigNumber } from 'ethers';
import { getStableDebtToken, getVariableDebtToken } from '../../../helpers/contracts-getters';
import { deploySelfdestructTransferMock } from '../../../helpers/contracts-deployments';
import { IUniswapV2Router02Factory } from '../../../types/IUniswapV2Router02Factory';
const { expect } = require('chai');
const UNISWAP_ROUTER = '0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D';
makeSuite('Mainnet Check list', (testEnv: TestEnv) => {
const zero = BigNumber.from('0');
const depositSize = parseEther('5');
const daiSize = parseEther('10000');
it('Deposit WETH', async () => {
const { users, wethGateway, aWETH, pool } = testEnv;
const user = users[1];
// Deposit with native ETH
await wethGateway.connect(user.signer).depositETH(user.address, '0', { value: depositSize });
const aTokensBalance = await aWETH.balanceOf(user.address);
it('Withdraw WETH - Partial', async () => {
const { users, wethGateway, aWETH, pool } = testEnv;
const user = users[1];
const priorEthersBalance = await user.signer.getBalance();
const aTokensBalance = await aWETH.balanceOf(user.address);
expect(aTokensBalance).to.be.gt(zero, 'User should have aTokens.');
// Partially withdraw native ETH
const partialWithdraw = await convertToCurrencyDecimals(aWETH.address, '2');
// Approve the aTokens to Gateway so Gateway can withdraw and convert to Ether
const approveTx = await aWETH
.approve(wethGateway.address, MAX_UINT_AMOUNT);
const { gasUsed: approveGas } = await waitForTx(approveTx);
// Partial Withdraw and send native Ether to user
const { gasUsed: withdrawGas } = await waitForTx(
await wethGateway.connect(user.signer).withdrawETH(partialWithdraw, user.address)
const afterPartialEtherBalance = await user.signer.getBalance();
const afterPartialATokensBalance = await aWETH.balanceOf(user.address);
const gasCosts = approveGas.add(withdrawGas).mul(approveTx.gasPrice);
'User ETHER balance should contain the partial withdraw'
'User aWETH balance should be substracted'
it('Withdraw WETH - Full', async () => {
const { users, aWETH, wethGateway, pool } = testEnv;
const user = users[1];
const priorEthersBalance = await user.signer.getBalance();
const aTokensBalance = await aWETH.balanceOf(user.address);
expect(aTokensBalance).to.be.gt(zero, 'User should have aTokens.');
// Approve the aTokens to Gateway so Gateway can withdraw and convert to Ether
const approveTx = await aWETH
.approve(wethGateway.address, MAX_UINT_AMOUNT);
const { gasUsed: approveGas } = await waitForTx(approveTx);
// Full withdraw
const { gasUsed: withdrawGas } = await waitForTx(
await wethGateway.connect(user.signer).withdrawETH(MAX_UINT_AMOUNT, user.address)
const afterFullEtherBalance = await user.signer.getBalance();
const afterFullATokensBalance = await aWETH.balanceOf(user.address);
const gasCosts = approveGas.add(withdrawGas).mul(approveTx.gasPrice);
'User ETHER balance should contain the full withdraw'
expect(afterFullATokensBalance).to.be.eq(0, 'User aWETH balance should be zero');
it('Borrow stable WETH and Full Repay with ETH', async () => {
const { users, wethGateway, aWETH, dai, aDai, weth, pool, helpersContract } = testEnv;
const borrowSize = parseEther('1');
const repaySize = borrowSize.add(borrowSize.mul(5).div(100));
const user = users[1];
const { stableDebtTokenAddress } = await helpersContract.getReserveTokensAddresses(
const stableDebtToken = await getStableDebtToken(stableDebtTokenAddress);
// Deposit 10000 DAI
await dai.connect(user.signer).mint(daiSize);
await dai.connect(user.signer).approve(pool.address, daiSize);
await pool.connect(user.signer).deposit(dai.address, daiSize, user.address, '0');
const aTokensBalance = await aDai.balanceOf(user.address);
// Borrow WETH with WETH as collateral
await waitForTx(
await pool.connect(user.signer).borrow(weth.address, borrowSize, '1', '0', user.address)
const debtBalance = await stableDebtToken.balanceOf(user.address);
// Full Repay WETH with native ETH
await waitForTx(
await wethGateway
.repayETH(MAX_UINT_AMOUNT, '1', user.address, { value: repaySize })
const debtBalanceAfterRepay = await stableDebtToken.balanceOf(user.address);
it('Borrow variable WETH and Full Repay with ETH', async () => {
const { users, wethGateway, aWETH, weth, pool, helpersContract } = testEnv;
const borrowSize = parseEther('1');
const repaySize = borrowSize.add(borrowSize.mul(5).div(100));
const user = users[1];
const { variableDebtTokenAddress } = await helpersContract.getReserveTokensAddresses(
const varDebtToken = await getVariableDebtToken(variableDebtTokenAddress);
// Deposit with native ETH
await wethGateway.connect(user.signer).depositETH(user.address, '0', { value: depositSize });
const aTokensBalance = await aWETH.balanceOf(user.address);
// Borrow WETH with WETH as collateral
await waitForTx(
await pool.connect(user.signer).borrow(weth.address, borrowSize, '2', '0', user.address)
const debtBalance = await varDebtToken.balanceOf(user.address);
// Partial Repay WETH loan with native ETH
const partialPayment = repaySize.div(2);
await waitForTx(
await wethGateway
.repayETH(partialPayment, '2', user.address, { value: partialPayment })
const debtBalanceAfterPartialRepay = await varDebtToken.balanceOf(user.address);
// Full Repay WETH loan with native ETH
await waitForTx(
await wethGateway
.repayETH(MAX_UINT_AMOUNT, '2', user.address, { value: repaySize })
const debtBalanceAfterFullRepay = await varDebtToken.balanceOf(user.address);
it('Borrow ETH via delegateApprove ETH and repays back', async () => {
const { users, wethGateway, aWETH, weth, helpersContract } = testEnv;
const borrowSize = parseEther('1');
const user = users[2];
const { variableDebtTokenAddress } = await helpersContract.getReserveTokensAddresses(
const varDebtToken = await getVariableDebtToken(variableDebtTokenAddress);
const priorDebtBalance = await varDebtToken.balanceOf(user.address);
// Deposit WETH with native ETH
await wethGateway.connect(user.signer).depositETH(user.address, '0', { value: depositSize });
const aTokensBalance = await aWETH.balanceOf(user.address);
// Delegates borrowing power of WETH to WETHGateway
await waitForTx(
await varDebtToken.connect(user.signer).approveDelegation(wethGateway.address, borrowSize)
// Borrows ETH with WETH as collateral
await waitForTx(await wethGateway.connect(user.signer).borrowETH(borrowSize, '2', '0'));
const debtBalance = await varDebtToken.balanceOf(user.address);
// Full Repay WETH loan with native ETH
await waitForTx(
await wethGateway
.repayETH(MAX_UINT_AMOUNT, '2', user.address, { value: borrowSize.mul(2) })
const debtBalanceAfterFullRepay = await varDebtToken.balanceOf(user.address);
it('Should revert if receiver function receives Ether if not WETH', async () => {
const { users, wethGateway } = testEnv;
const user = users[0];
const amount = parseEther('1');
// Call receiver function (empty data + value)
await expect(
to: wethGateway.address,
value: amount,
gasLimit: DRE.network.config.gas,
).to.be.revertedWith('Receive not allowed');
it('Should revert if fallback functions is called with Ether', async () => {
const { users, wethGateway } = testEnv;
const user = users[0];
const amount = parseEther('1');
const fakeABI = ['function wantToCallFallback()'];
const abiCoder = new DRE.ethers.utils.Interface(fakeABI);
const fakeMethodEncoded = abiCoder.encodeFunctionData('wantToCallFallback', []);
// Call fallback function with value
await expect(
to: wethGateway.address,
data: fakeMethodEncoded,
value: amount,
gasLimit: DRE.network.config.gas,
).to.be.revertedWith('Fallback not allowed');
it('Should revert if fallback functions is called', async () => {
const { users, wethGateway } = testEnv;
const user = users[0];
const fakeABI = ['function wantToCallFallback()'];
const abiCoder = new DRE.ethers.utils.Interface(fakeABI);
const fakeMethodEncoded = abiCoder.encodeFunctionData('wantToCallFallback', []);
// Call fallback function without value
await expect(
to: wethGateway.address,
data: fakeMethodEncoded,
gasLimit: DRE.network.config.gas,
).to.be.revertedWith('Fallback not allowed');
it('Getters should retrieve correct state', async () => {
const { aWETH, weth, pool, wethGateway } = testEnv;
const WETHAddress = await wethGateway.getWETHAddress();
const aWETHAddress = await wethGateway.getAWETHAddress();
const poolAddress = await wethGateway.getLendingPoolAddress();
it('Owner can do emergency token recovery', async () => {
const { users, weth, dai, wethGateway, deployer } = testEnv;
const user = users[0];
const amount = parseEther('1');
const uniswapRouter = IUniswapV2Router02Factory.connect(UNISWAP_ROUTER, user.signer);
await uniswapRouter.swapETHForExactTokens(
amount, // 1 DAI
[weth.address, dai.address], // Uniswap paths WETH - DAI
(await DRE.ethers.provider.getBlock('latest')).timestamp + 300,
value: amount, // 1 Ether, we get refund of the unneeded Ether to buy 1 DAI
const daiBalanceAfterMint = await dai.balanceOf(user.address);
await dai.connect(user.signer).transfer(wethGateway.address, amount);
const daiBalanceAfterBadTransfer = await dai.balanceOf(user.address);
'User should have lost the funds here.'
await wethGateway
.emergencyTokenTransfer(dai.address, user.address, amount);
const daiBalanceAfterRecovery = await dai.balanceOf(user.address);
'User should recover the funds due emergency token transfer'
it('Owner can do emergency native ETH recovery', async () => {
const { users, wethGateway, deployer } = testEnv;
const user = users[0];
const amount = parseEther('1');
const userBalancePriorCall = await user.signer.getBalance();
// Deploy contract with payable selfdestruct contract
const selfdestructContract = await deploySelfdestructTransferMock();
// Selfdestruct the mock, pointing to WETHGateway address
const callTx = await selfdestructContract
.destroyAndTransfer(wethGateway.address, { value: amount });
const { gasUsed } = await waitForTx(callTx);
const gasFees = gasUsed.mul(callTx.gasPrice);
const userBalanceAfterCall = await user.signer.getBalance();
expect(userBalanceAfterCall).to.be.eq(userBalancePriorCall.sub(amount).sub(gasFees), '');
('User should have lost the funds');
// Recover the funds from the contract and sends back to the user
await wethGateway.connect(deployer.signer).emergencyEtherTransfer(user.address, amount);
const userBalanceAfterRecovery = await user.signer.getBalance();
const wethGatewayAfterRecovery = await DRE.ethers.provider.getBalance(wethGateway.address);
'User should recover the funds due emergency eth transfer.'
expect(wethGatewayAfterRecovery).to.be.eq('0', 'WETHGateway ether balance should be zero.');