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synced 2024-07-29 22:47:45 +00:00
Started InstaDApp v2.
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
pragma solidity 0.4.24;
library SafeMath {
function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
if (a == 0) {
return 0;
uint256 c = a * b;
require(c / a == b, "Assertion Failed");
return c;
function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
require(b > 0, "Assertion Failed");
uint256 c = a / b;
return c;
interface IERC20 {
function balanceOf(address who) external view returns (uint256);
function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool);
function approve(address spender, uint256 value) external returns (bool);
function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool);
interface AddressRegistry {
function getAddr(string name) external view returns(address);
interface MakerCDP {
function open() external returns (bytes32 cup);
function join(uint wad) external; // Join PETH
function exit(uint wad) external; // Exit PETH
function give(bytes32 cup, address guy) external;
function lock(bytes32 cup, uint wad) external;
function free(bytes32 cup, uint wad) external;
function draw(bytes32 cup, uint wad) external;
function wipe(bytes32 cup, uint wad) external;
function per() external view returns (uint ray);
function lad(bytes32 cup) external view returns (address);
interface PriceInterface {
function peek() external view returns (bytes32, bool);
interface WETHFace {
function deposit() external payable;
function withdraw(uint wad) external;
interface InstaKyber {
function executeTrade(
address src,
address dest,
uint srcAmt,
uint minConversionRate,
uint maxDestAmt
) external payable returns (uint destAmt);
function getExpectedPrice(
address src,
address dest,
uint srcAmt
) external view returns (uint, uint);
contract Registry {
address public addressRegistry;
modifier onlyAdmin() {
msg.sender == getAddress("admin"),
"Permission Denied"
function getAddress(string name) internal view returns(address) {
AddressRegistry addrReg = AddressRegistry(addressRegistry);
return addrReg.getAddr(name);
contract GlobalVar is Registry {
using SafeMath for uint;
using SafeMath for uint256;
bytes32 blankCDP = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
address cdpAddr; // cups
mapping (address => bytes32) cdps; // borrower >>> CDP Bytes
bool public freezed;
contract IssueLoan is GlobalVar {
event LockedETH(address borrower, uint lockETH, uint lockPETH, address lockedBy);
event LoanedDAI(address borrower, uint loanDAI, address payTo);
event NewCDP(address borrower, bytes32 cdpBytes);
function pethPEReth(uint ethNum) public view returns (uint rPETH) {
MakerCDP loanMaster = MakerCDP(cdpAddr);
rPETH = (ethNum.mul(10 ** 27)).div(loanMaster.per());
function borrow(uint daiDraw, address beneficiary) public payable {
if (msg.value > 0) {lockETH(msg.sender);}
if (daiDraw > 0) {drawDAI(daiDraw, beneficiary);}
function lockETH(address borrower) public payable {
MakerCDP loanMaster = MakerCDP(cdpAddr);
if (cdps[borrower] == blankCDP) {
require(msg.sender == borrower, "Creating CDP for others is not permitted at the moment.");
cdps[msg.sender] = loanMaster.open();
emit NewCDP(msg.sender, cdps[msg.sender]);
WETHFace wethTkn = WETHFace(getAddress("weth"));
wethTkn.deposit.value(msg.value)(); // ETH to WETH
uint pethToLock = pethPEReth(msg.value);
loanMaster.join(pethToLock); // WETH to PETH
loanMaster.lock(cdps[borrower], pethToLock); // PETH to CDP
emit LockedETH(
borrower, msg.value, pethToLock, msg.sender
function drawDAI(uint daiDraw, address beneficiary) public {
require(!freezed, "Operation Disabled");
MakerCDP loanMaster = MakerCDP(cdpAddr);
loanMaster.draw(cdps[msg.sender], daiDraw);
IERC20 daiTkn = IERC20(getAddress("dai"));
address payTo = msg.sender;
if (payTo != address(0)) {
payTo = beneficiary;
daiTkn.transfer(payTo, daiDraw);
emit LoanedDAI(msg.sender, daiDraw, payTo);
contract RepayLoan is IssueLoan {
event WipedDAI(address borrower, uint daiWipe, uint mkrCharged, address wipedBy);
event UnlockedETH(address borrower, uint ethFree);
function repay(uint daiWipe, uint ethFree) public payable {
if (daiWipe > 0) {wipeDAI(daiWipe, msg.sender);}
if (ethFree > 0) {unlockETH(ethFree);}
function wipeDAI(uint daiWipe, address borrower) public payable {
address dai = getAddress("dai");
address mkr = getAddress("mkr");
address eth = getAddress("eth");
IERC20 daiTkn = IERC20(dai);
IERC20 mkrTkn = IERC20(mkr);
uint contractMKR = mkrTkn.balanceOf(address(this)); // contract MKR balance before wiping
daiTkn.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), daiWipe); // get DAI to pay the debt
MakerCDP loanMaster = MakerCDP(cdpAddr);
loanMaster.wipe(cdps[borrower], daiWipe); // wipe DAI
uint mkrCharged = contractMKR - mkrTkn.balanceOf(address(this)); // MKR fee = before wiping bal - after wiping bal
// claiming paid MKR back
if (msg.value > 0) { // Interacting with Kyber to swap ETH with MKR
eth, mkr, mkrCharged, msg.value
} else { // take MKR directly from address
mkrTkn.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), mkrCharged); // user paying MKR fees
emit WipedDAI(
borrower, daiWipe, mkrCharged, msg.sender
function unlockETH(uint ethFree) public {
require(!freezed, "Operation Disabled");
uint pethToUnlock = pethPEReth(ethFree);
MakerCDP loanMaster = MakerCDP(cdpAddr);
loanMaster.free(cdps[msg.sender], pethToUnlock); // CDP to PETH
loanMaster.exit(pethToUnlock); // PETH to WETH
WETHFace wethTkn = WETHFace(getAddress("weth"));
wethTkn.withdraw(ethFree); // WETH to ETH
emit UnlockedETH(msg.sender, ethFree);
function swapETHMKR(
address eth,
address mkr,
uint mkrCharged,
uint ethQty
) internal
InstaKyber instak = InstaKyber(getAddress("InstaKyber"));
uint minRate;
(, minRate) = instak.getExpectedPrice(eth, mkr, ethQty);
uint mkrBought = instak.executeTrade.value(ethQty)(
eth, mkr, ethQty, minRate, mkrCharged
require(mkrCharged == mkrBought, "ETH not sufficient to cover the MKR fees.");
if (address(this).balance > 0) {
contract BorrowTasks is RepayLoan {
event TranferCDP(bytes32 cdp, address owner, address nextOwner);
event CDPClaimed(bytes32 cdp, address owner);
function transferCDP(address nextOwner) public {
require(nextOwner != 0, "Invalid Address.");
MakerCDP loanMaster = MakerCDP(cdpAddr);
loanMaster.give(cdps[msg.sender], nextOwner);
cdps[msg.sender] = blankCDP;
emit TranferCDP(cdps[msg.sender], msg.sender, nextOwner);
function claimCDP(uint cdpNum) public {
bytes32 cdpBytes = bytes32(cdpNum);
MakerCDP loanMaster = MakerCDP(cdpAddr);
address cdpOwner = loanMaster.lad(cdpBytes);
require(cdps[cdpOwner] == blankCDP, "More than 1 CDP is not allowed.");
cdps[cdpOwner] = cdpBytes;
emit CDPClaimed(cdpBytes, msg.sender);
function getETHRate() public view returns (uint) {
PriceInterface ethRate = PriceInterface(getAddress("ethfeed"));
bytes32 ethrate;
(ethrate, ) = ethRate.peek();
return uint(ethrate);
function getCDP(address borrower) public view returns (uint, bytes32) {
return (uint(cdps[borrower]), cdps[borrower]);
function approveERC20() public {
IERC20 wethTkn = IERC20(getAddress("weth"));
wethTkn.approve(cdpAddr, 2**256 - 1);
IERC20 pethTkn = IERC20(getAddress("peth"));
pethTkn.approve(cdpAddr, 2**256 - 1);
IERC20 mkrTkn = IERC20(getAddress("mkr"));
mkrTkn.approve(cdpAddr, 2**256 - 1);
IERC20 daiTkn = IERC20(getAddress("dai"));
daiTkn.approve(cdpAddr, 2**256 - 1);
contract InstaMaker is BorrowTasks {
event MKRCollected(uint amount);
constructor(address rAddr) public {
addressRegistry = rAddr;
cdpAddr = getAddress("cdp");
function () public payable {}
function freeze(bool stop) public onlyAdmin {
freezed = stop;
// collecting MKR token kept as balance to pay fees
function collectMKR(uint amount) public onlyAdmin {
IERC20 mkrTkn = IERC20(getAddress("mkr"));
mkrTkn.transfer(msg.sender, amount);
emit MKRCollected(amount);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user