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// We require the Buidler Runtime Environment explicitly here. This is optional
// but useful for running the script in a standalone fashion through `node <script>`.
// When running the script with `buidler run <script>` you'll find the Buidler
// Runtime Environment's members available in the global scope.
const bre = require("@nomiclabs/buidler");
const ethers = bre.ethers;
const { utils } = require("ethers");
// CPK Library
const CPK = require("contract-proxy-kit-custom");
// running `npx buidler test` automatically makes use of buidler-waffle plugin
// => only dependency we need is "chaFi"
const { expect } = require("chai");
describe("Transfering ETH out of GnosisSafe", function () {
// No timeout for Mocha due to Rinkeby mining latency
// We use our User Wallet. Per our config this wallet is at the accounts index 0
// and hence will be used by default for all transactions we send.
let myUserWallet;
let myUserAddress;
// 2) We will deploy a GnosisSafeProxy using the Factory, or if we already deployed
// one, we will use that one.
let cpk;
before(async function () {
// We get our User Wallet from the Buidler Runtime Env
[myUserWallet] = await bre.ethers.getSigners();
myUserAddress = await myUserWallet.getAddress();
// Create CPK instance connected to new mastercopy
cpk = await CPK.create({ ethers, signer: myUserWallet });
expect(await cpk.getOwnerAccount()).to.be.equal(myUserAddress);
const codeAtProxy = await bre.ethers.provider.getCode(cpk.address);
const proxyDeployed = codeAtProxy === "0x" ? false : true;
\n Network: ${bre.network.name}\
\n CPK Proxy address: ${cpk.address}\
\n Proxy deployed?: ${proxyDeployed}\n
if (proxyDeployed === false) {
console.error("Need `yarn setup-proxy` first");
it("Transfer funds from GnosisSafe", async function () {
const prevFundsInUserProxy = await ethers.provider.getBalance(cpk.address);
`Current funds in GnosisSafe: ${utils.formatEther(
)} ETH`
if (prevFundsInUserProxy.eq("0")) {
`❌ GnosisSafe ${cpk.address} has no funds on ${bre.network.name}`
`\n Transferring ${utils.formatEther(
)} ETH to ${myUserAddress} on ${bre.network.name}`
try {
const tx = await cpk.execTransactions([
operation: CPK.CALL,
to: myUserAddress,
value: prevFundsInUserProxy,
data: "0x",
// Wait for mining
console.log(`Tx Hash: ${tx.hash}`);
await tx.transactionResponse.wait();
const fundsInUserProxy = await ethers.provider.getBalance(cpk.address);
console.log(`New funds in GnosisSafe at ${cpk.address}`);
console.log(`${utils.formatEther(fundsInUserProxy)} ETH`);
} catch (error) {
console.error("\n GnosisSafe transfer funds error ❌ \n", error);