
249 lines
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// // running `npx hardhat test` automatically makes use of hardhat-waffle plugin
// // => only dependency we need is "chai"
// const { expect } = require("chai");
// const hre = require("hardhat");
// const { ethers } = hre;
// const GelatoCoreLib = require("@gelatonetwork/core");
// //const { sleep } = GelatoCoreLib;
// // Constants
// const ETH = "0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE";
// // Contracts
// const InstaIndex = require("../../pre-compiles/InstaIndex.json");
// const InstaList = require("../../pre-compiles/InstaList.json");
// const InstaConnectors = require("../../pre-compiles/InstaConnectors.json");
// const InstaAccount = require("../../pre-compiles/InstaAccount.json");
// const ConnectAuth = require("../../pre-compiles/ConnectAuth.json");
// const ConnectBasic = require("../../pre-compiles/ConnectBasic.json");
// const ProviderModuleDSA_ABI = require("../../pre-compiles/ProviderModuleDSA_ABI.json");
// describe("DSA setup with Gelato Tests", function () {
// this.timeout(50000);
// if ( !== "hardhat") {
// console.error("Test Suite is meant to be run on hardhat only");
// process.exit(1);
// }
// // Wallet to use for local testing
// let userWallet;
// let userAddress;
// let dsaAddress;
// // Deployed instances
// let instaIndex;
// let instaList;
// let instaConnectors;
// let instaAccount;
// let gelatoCore;
// let providerModuleDSA;
// // Contracts to deploy and use for local testing
// let dsa;
// // Other variables
// let dsaVersion;
// let dsaID;
// before(async function () {
// // Get Test Wallet for local testnet
// [userWallet] = await ethers.getSigners();
// userAddress = await userWallet.getAddress();
// // ===== DSA LOCAL SETUP ==================
// instaIndex = await ethers.getContractAt(
// InstaIndex.abi,
// );
// instaList = await ethers.getContractAt(
// InstaList.abi,
// );
// instaConnectors = await ethers.getContractAt(
// InstaConnectors.abi,
// );
// instaAccount = await ethers.getContractAt(
// InstaAccount.abi,
// );
// dsaVersion = await instaAccount.version();
// dsaID = await instaList.accounts();
// // Deploy DSA and get and verify ID of newly deployed DSA
// await expect(, 1, userAddress)).to.emit(
// instaIndex,
// "LogAccountCreated"
// );
// await expect(await instaList.accounts());
// dsaID = dsaID.add(1);
// // Instantiate the DSA
// dsaAddress = await instaList.accountAddr(dsaID);
// dsa = await ethers.getContractAt(InstaAccount.abi, dsaAddress);
// // ===== GELATO LOCAL SETUP ==================
// gelatoCore = await ethers.getContractAt(
// GelatoCoreLib.GelatoCore.abi,
// );
// providerModuleDSA = await ethers.getContractAt(
// ProviderModuleDSA_ABI,
// );
// });
// it("#1: Forks InstaDapp Mainnet config", async function () {
// expect(await instaIndex.list());
// expect(dsaVersion);
// expect(await instaIndex.connectors(dsaVersion))
// instaConnectors.address
// );
// expect(await instaConnectors.connectors(
// .be.true;
// expect(await instaConnectors.connectors(
// .be.true;
// expect(await instaConnectors.connectors(
// .be.true;
// expect(await instaConnectors.connectors(
// });
// it("#2: Deploys a DSA with user as authority", async function () {
// expect(await dsa.isAuth(userAddress));
// });
// it("#3: Let's User deposit and withdraw funds from DSA", async function () {
// // Send withdraw TX via DSA.cast delegatecall
// const gasLimit = ethers.BigNumber.from(1000000);
// const gasPrice = ethers.utils.parseUnits("20", "gwei");
// const gasCostMax = gasLimit.mul(gasPrice);
// // Deposit funds into DSA
// const initialWalletBalance = await userWallet.getBalance();
// expect(await ethers.provider.getBalance(dsaAddress));
// await userWallet.sendTransaction({
// to: dsaAddress,
// value: ethers.utils.parseEther("1"),
// gasLimit,
// gasPrice,
// });
// expect(await userWallet.getBalance())
// initialWalletBalance.sub(ethers.utils.parseEther("1"))
// );
// expect(await ethers.provider.getBalance(dsaAddress))
// ethers.utils.parseEther("1")
// );
// // Encode Payloads for ConnectBasic.withdraw
// const withdrawData = await"abi-encode-withselector", {
// abi: ConnectBasic.abi,
// functionname: "withdraw",
// inputs: [ETH, ethers.utils.parseEther("1"), userAddress, 0, 0],
// });
// await expect(
// dsa.cast([], [withdrawData], userAddress, {
// gasLimit,
// gasPrice,
// })
// )
// .to.emit(dsa, "LogCast")
// .withArgs(userAddress, userAddress, 0);
// expect(await ethers.provider.getBalance(dsaAddress));
// expect(await userWallet.getBalance())
// initialWalletBalance.sub(gasCostMax.mul(2))
// );
// });
// it("#4: Enables GelatoCore as a User of the DSA", async function () {
// expect(await dsa.isAuth(gelatoCore.address));
// // Encode Payloads for ConnectAuth.addModule
// const addAuthData = await"abi-encode-withselector", {
// abi: ConnectAuth.abi,
// functionname: "add",
// inputs: [gelatoCore.address],
// });
// await expect(
// dsa.cast([], [addAuthData], userAddress)
// )
// .to.emit(dsa, "LogCast")
// .withArgs(userAddress, userAddress, 0);
// expect(await dsa.isAuth(gelatoCore.address));
// });
// it("#5: ConnectGelato is deployed and whitelisted on mainnet", async function () {
// expect(
// await instaConnectors.isConnector([])
// );
// });
// it("#6: Gelato ProviderModuleDSA returns correct execPayload", async function () {
// // Deposit 1 ETH into DSA
// await userWallet.sendTransaction({
// to: dsaAddress,
// value: ethers.utils.parseEther("1"),
// });
// expect(await ethers.provider.getBalance(dsaAddress))
// ethers.utils.parseEther("1")
// );
// // We withdraw to otherWallet to ignore gasUsed during test
// const { 1: otherWallet } = await ethers.getSigners();
// // Instantiate Gelato ConnectBasic.withdraw Task
// const withdrawFromDSATask = new GelatoCoreLib.Task({
// actions: [
// new GelatoCoreLib.Action({
// addr:,
// data: await"abi-encode-withselector", {
// abi: ConnectBasic.abi,
// functionname: "withdraw",
// inputs: [
// ETH,
// ethers.utils.parseEther("1"),
// await otherWallet.getAddress(),
// 0,
// 0,
// ],
// }),
// operation: GelatoCoreLib.Operation.Delegatecall, // placeholder
// }),
// ],
// });
// // otherWallet needs to be an authority to qualify as withdraw to address.
// const addAuthData = await"abi-encode-withselector", {
// abi: ConnectAuth.abi,
// functionname: "add",
// inputs: [await otherWallet.getAddress()],
// });
// await dsa.cast(
// [],
// [addAuthData],
// userAddress
// );
// const [execPayload] = await providerModuleDSA.execPayload(
// 0, // placeholder
// ethers.constants.AddressZero, // placeholder
// ethers.constants.AddressZero, // placeholder
// withdrawFromDSATask,
// 0 // placeholder
// );
// await expect(() =>
// userWallet.sendTransaction({
// to: dsaAddress,
// data: execPayload,
// })
// ).to.changeBalance(otherWallet, ethers.utils.parseEther("1"));
// expect(await ethers.provider.getBalance(dsaAddress));
// });
// });