
34 lines
8.0 KiB

"language": "Solidity",
"sources": {
"contracts/contracts/gelato/ProviderModuleDSA.sol": {
"content": "// \"SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED\"\npragma solidity 0.7.4;\npragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;\n\n// solhint-disable\n\nenum Operation {Call, Delegatecall}\n\nenum DataFlow {None, In, Out, InAndOut}\n\ninterface IGelatoCondition {\n /// @notice GelatoCore calls this to verify securely the specified Condition securely\n /// @dev Be careful only to encode a Task's as is and not with the\n /// \"ok\" selector or _taskReceiptId, since those two things are handled by GelatoCore.\n /// @param _taskReceiptId This is passed by GelatoCore so we can rely on it as a secure\n /// source of Task identification.\n /// @param _conditionData This is the field developers must encode their\n /// Condition's specific parameters in.\n /// @param _cycleId For Tasks that are executed as part of a cycle.\n function ok(\n uint256 _taskReceiptId,\n bytes calldata _conditionData,\n uint256 _cycleId\n ) external view returns (string memory);\n}\n\nstruct Condition {\n IGelatoCondition inst; // can be AddressZero for self-conditional Actions\n bytes data; // can be bytes32(0) for self-conditional Actions\n}\n\nstruct Action {\n address addr;\n bytes data;\n Operation operation;\n DataFlow dataFlow;\n uint256 value;\n bool termsOkCheck;\n}\n\nstruct Task {\n Condition[] conditions; // optional\n Action[] actions;\n uint256 selfProviderGasLimit; // optional: 0 defaults to gelatoMaxGas\n uint256 selfProviderGasPriceCeil; // optional: 0 defaults to NO_CEIL\n}\n\ninterface IGelatoProviderModule {\n /// @notice Check if provider agrees to pay for inputted task receipt\n /// @dev Enables arbitrary checks by provider\n /// @param _userProxy The smart contract account of the user who submitted the Task.\n /// @param _provider The account of the Provider who uses the ProviderModule.\n /// @param _task Gelato Task to be executed.\n /// @return \"OK\" if provider agrees\n function isProvided(\n address _userProxy,\n address _provider,\n Task calldata _task\n ) external view returns (string memory);\n\n /// @notice Convert action specific payload into proxy specific payload\n /// @dev Encoded multiple actions into a multisend\n /// @param _taskReceiptId Unique ID of Gelato Task to be executed.\n /// @param _userProxy The smart contract account of the user who submitted the Task.\n /// @param _provider The account of the Provider who uses the ProviderModule.\n /// @param _task Gelato Task to be executed.\n /// @param _cycleId For Tasks that form part of a cycle/chain.\n /// @return Encoded payload that will be used for low-level .call on user proxy\n /// @return checkReturndata if true, fwd returndata from to ProviderModule\n function execPayload(\n uint256 _taskReceiptId,\n address _userProxy,\n address _provider,\n Task calldata _task,\n uint256 _cycleId\n ) external view returns (bytes memory, bool checkReturndata);\n\n /// @notice Called by GelatoCore.exec to verifiy that no revert happend on userProxy\n /// @dev If a caught revert is detected, this fn should revert with the detected error\n /// @param _proxyReturndata Data from\n function execRevertCheck(bytes calldata _proxyReturndata) external pure;\n}\n\nabstract contract GelatoProviderModuleStandard is IGelatoProviderModule {\n string internal constant OK = \"OK\";\n\n function isProvided(\n address,\n address,\n Task calldata\n ) external view virtual override returns (string memory) {\n return OK;\n }\n\n /// @dev Overriding fns should revert with the revertMsg they detected on the userProxy\n function execRevertCheck(bytes calldata) external pure virtual override {\n // By default no reverts detected => do nothing\n }\n}\n\n/// @dev InstaDapp Index\ninterface IndexInterface {\n function connectors(uint256 version) external view returns (address);\n\n function list() external view returns (address);\n}\n\n/// @dev InstaDapp List\ninterface ListInterface {\n function accountID(address _account) external view returns (uint64);\n}\n\n/// @dev InstaDapp Connectors\ninterface ConnectorsInterface {\n function isConnector(address[] calldata logicAddr)\n external\n view\n returns (bool);\n\n function isStaticConnector(address[] calldata logicAddr)\n external\n view\n returns (bool);\n}\n\n/// @dev InstaDapp Defi Smart Account wallet\ninterface AccountInterface {\n function version() external view returns (uint256);\n\n function isAuth(address user) external view returns (bool);\n\n function shield() external view returns (bool);\n\n function cast(\n address[] calldata _targets,\n bytes[] calldata _datas,\n address _origin\n ) external payable returns (bytes32[] memory responses);\n}\n\ncontract ProviderModuleDSA is GelatoProviderModuleStandard {\n IndexInterface public immutable index;\n address public immutable gelatoCore;\n\n constructor(IndexInterface _index, address _gelatoCore) {\n index = _index;\n gelatoCore = _gelatoCore;\n }\n\n // ================= GELATO PROVIDER MODULE STANDARD ================\n function isProvided(\n address _userProxy,\n address,\n Task calldata\n ) external view override returns (string memory) {\n // Verify InstaDapp account identity\n if (ListInterface(index.list()).accountID(_userProxy) == 0)\n return \"ProviderModuleDSA.isProvided:InvalidUserProxy\";\n\n // Is GelatoCore authorized\n if (!AccountInterface(_userProxy).isAuth(gelatoCore))\n return \"ProviderModuleDSA.isProvided:GelatoCoreNotAuth\";\n\n // @dev commented out for gas savings\n\n // // Is connector valid\n // ConnectorsInterface connectors = ConnectorsInterface(index.connectors(\n // AccountInterface(_userProxy).version()\n // ));\n\n // address[] memory targets = new address[](_task.actions.length);\n // for (uint i = 0; i < _task.actions.length; i++)\n // targets[i] = _task.actions[i].addr;\n\n // bool isShield = AccountInterface(_userProxy).shield();\n // if (isShield)\n // if (!connectors.isStaticConnector(targets))\n // return \"ProviderModuleDSA.isProvided:not-static-connector\";\n // else\n // if (!connectors.isConnector(targets))\n // return \"ProviderModuleDSA.isProvided:not-connector\";\n\n return OK;\n }\n\n /// @dev DS PROXY ONLY ALLOWS DELEGATE CALL for single actions, that's why we also use multisend\n function execPayload(\n uint256,\n address,\n address,\n Task calldata _task,\n uint256\n ) external view override returns (bytes memory payload, bool) {\n address[] memory targets = new address[](_task.actions.length);\n for (uint256 i = 0; i < _task.actions.length; i++)\n targets[i] = _task.actions[i].addr;\n\n bytes[] memory datas = new bytes[](_task.actions.length);\n for (uint256 i = 0; i < _task.actions.length; i++)\n datas[i] = _task.actions[i].data;\n\n payload = abi.encodeWithSelector(\n AccountInterface.cast.selector,\n targets,\n datas,\n gelatoCore\n );\n }\n}\n"
"settings": {
"optimizer": {
"enabled": true,
"runs": 200
"outputSelection": {
"*": {
"*": [
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"metadata": {
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