const {expect} = require("chai"); const hre = require("hardhat"); const {ethers} = hre; async function enableGelatoConnectorsForFromMaker( userWallet, connectGelatoProviderPaymentAddr, connectGelatoDataAddr, instaMaster, instaConnectors ) { //#region Enable Debt Bridge Connector and Gelato Provider Payment Connector // Debt Bridge Connector is used during refinancing of debt // This Connect help the user to split a position in one protocol. // to 2 protocol in a safe way. Both debt position will be safe. // Gelato Provider Payment Connector is used for paying the provider // for task execution. So when futur task will be executed, through a self financing // transaction (user will pay during the execution of the task) task will // be executed. Improvind user experience. await userWallet.sendTransaction({ to:, value: ethers.utils.parseEther("0.1"), }); await{ method: "hardhat_impersonateAccount", params: [await instaMaster.getAddress()], }); await instaConnectors.connect(instaMaster).enable(connectGelatoDataAddr); await instaConnectors .connect(instaMaster) .enable(connectGelatoProviderPaymentAddr); await{ method: "hardhat_stopImpersonatingAccount", params: [await instaMaster.getAddress()], }); expect(await instaConnectors.isConnector([connectGelatoDataAddr])); expect(await instaConnectors.isConnector([connectGelatoProviderPaymentAddr])); //#endregion } module.exports = enableGelatoConnectorsForFromMaker;