const { expect } = require("chai"); const hre = require("hardhat"); const { deployments, ethers } = hre; const InstaPoolResolver = require("../../../artifacts/contracts/interfaces/InstaDapp/resolvers/IInstaPoolResolver.sol/IInstaPoolResolver.json"); const getGasCost = require("../../integration/debt_bridge/from_maker/full/helpers/services/getGasCost"); const DAI =; describe("FGelatoDebtBridge Unit Tests", function () { this.timeout(0); if ( !== "hardhat") { console.error("Test Suite is meant to be run on hardhat only"); process.exit(1); } let fGelatoDebtBridgeMock; let instaPoolResolver; beforeEach(async function () { await deployments.fixture(); instaPoolResolver = await ethers.getContractAt( InstaPoolResolver.abi, ); fGelatoDebtBridgeMock = await ethers.getContract("FGelatoDebtBridgeMock"); }); it("getFlashLoanRoute should return 0 when dydx has enough liquidity", async function () { // const rData = instaPoolResolver.getTokenLimit(DAI); const daiAmtToBorrow = ethers.utils.parseUnits("1000", 18); expect( await fGelatoDebtBridgeMock.getFlashLoanRoute(DAI, daiAmtToBorrow) ); }); it("getFlashLoanRoute should return 1 when maker has enough liquidity and cheaper protocol didn't have enough liquidity", async function () { const rData = await instaPoolResolver.getTokenLimit(DAI); const daiAmtToBorrow = ethers.utils.parseUnits("1000", 18).add(rData.dydx); expect( await fGelatoDebtBridgeMock.getFlashLoanRoute(DAI, daiAmtToBorrow) ); }); it("getFlashLoanRoute should return 2 when compound has enough liquidity and cheaper protocol didn't have enough liquidity", async function () { const rData = await instaPoolResolver.getTokenLimit(DAI); const daiAmtToBorrow = ethers.utils.parseUnits("1000", 18).add(rData.maker); expect( await fGelatoDebtBridgeMock.getFlashLoanRoute(DAI, daiAmtToBorrow) ); }); // Seems aave has less liquidity than compound, is it always the case? If yes, why we should use this protocol. // it("getFlashLoanRoute should return 3 when aave has enough liquidity and cheaper protocol didn't have enough liquidity", async function () { // const rData = await instaPoolResolver.getTokenLimit(DAI); // console.log(String(rData.dydx)); // console.log(String(rData.maker)); // console.log(String(rData.compound)); // console.log(String(rData.aave)); // const daiAmtToBorrow = ethers.utils.parseUnits("1000", 18).add(rData.compound); // expect(await fGelatoDebtBridgeMock.getFlashLoanRoute(DAI, daiAmtToBorrow)); // }) it("getFlashLoanRoute should revert with FGelatoDebtBridge._getFlashLoanRoute: illiquid", async function () { const rData = await instaPoolResolver.getTokenLimit(DAI); const daiAmtToBorrow = ethers.utils .parseUnits("1000000", 18) .add(rData.aave); // Can fail if the different protocol increase their liquidity await expect( fGelatoDebtBridgeMock.getFlashLoanRoute(DAI, daiAmtToBorrow) )"FGelatoDebtBridge._getFlashLoanRoute: illiquid"); }); it("getGasCostMakerToMaker should return 3142800 gas limit for route 0 (Dydx) and new vault", async function () { const expectedGasCost = await getGasCost(0, true); expect( await fGelatoDebtBridgeMock.getGasCostMakerToMaker(true, 0) ); }); it("getGasCostMakerToMaker should return 3022800 gas limit for route 0 (Dydx)", async function () { const expectedGasCost = await getGasCost(0); expect( await fGelatoDebtBridgeMock.getGasCostMakerToMaker(false, 0) ); }); it("getGasCostMakerToMaker should return 3888600 gas limit for route 1 (maker) and new vault", async function () { const expectedGasCost = await getGasCost(1, true); expect( await fGelatoDebtBridgeMock.getGasCostMakerToMaker(true, 1) ); }); it("getGasCostMakerToMaker should return 3768600 gas limit for route 1 (maker)", async function () { const expectedGasCost = await getGasCost(1); expect( await fGelatoDebtBridgeMock.getGasCostMakerToMaker(false, 1) ); }); it("getGasCostMakerToMaker should return 4885200 gas limit for route 2 (compound) and new vault", async function () { const expectedGasCost = await getGasCost(2, true); expect( await fGelatoDebtBridgeMock.getGasCostMakerToMaker(true, 2) ); }); it("getGasCostMakerToMaker should return 4765200 gas limit for route 2 (compound)", async function () { const expectedGasCost = await getGasCost(2); expect( await fGelatoDebtBridgeMock.getGasCostMakerToMaker(false, 2) ); }); it("getGasCostMakerToMaker should return 5334000 gas limit for route 3 (aave) and new vault", async function () { const expectedGasCost = await getGasCost(3, true); expect( await fGelatoDebtBridgeMock.getGasCostMakerToMaker(true, 3) ); }); it("getGasCostMakerToMaker should return 5214000 gas limit for route 3 (aave)", async function () { const expectedGasCost = await getGasCost(3); expect( await fGelatoDebtBridgeMock.getGasCostMakerToMaker(false, 3) ); }); it("getGasCostMakerToMaker should revert with invalid route index when the inputed route exceed 4", async function () { await expect( fGelatoDebtBridgeMock.getGasCostMakerToMaker(true, 5) ) "FGelatoDebtBridge._getGasCostMakerToMaker: invalid route index" ); }); it("getGasCostMakerToCompound should return 3022800 gas limit for route 0 (Dydx)", async function () { const expectedGasCost = await getGasCost(0); expect( await fGelatoDebtBridgeMock.getGasCostMakerToCompound(0) ); }); it("getGasCostMakerToCompound should return 3768600 gas limit for route 1 (Maker)", async function () { const expectedGasCost = await getGasCost(1); expect( await fGelatoDebtBridgeMock.getGasCostMakerToCompound(1) ); }); it("getGasCostMakerToCompound should return 4765200 gas limit for route 2 (Compound)", async function () { const expectedGasCost = await getGasCost(2); expect( await fGelatoDebtBridgeMock.getGasCostMakerToCompound(2) ); }); it("getGasCostMakerToCompound should return 5214000 gas limit for route 3 (Aave)", async function () { const expectedGasCost = await getGasCost(3); expect( await fGelatoDebtBridgeMock.getGasCostMakerToCompound(3) ); }); it("getGasCostMakerToCompound should revert with invalid route index when the inputed route exceed 4", async function () { await expect( fGelatoDebtBridgeMock.getGasCostMakerToCompound(5) ) "FGelatoDebtBridge._getGasCostMakerToMaker: invalid route index" ); }); it("getRealisedDebt should increase the inputed uint by 0,5%", async function () { const debtToMove = ethers.utils.parseUnits("1000", 18); const expectedRealisedDebt = ethers.utils.parseUnits("1005", 18); expect(await fGelatoDebtBridgeMock.getRealisedDebt(debtToMove)) expectedRealisedDebt ); }); });