const { expect } = require("chai"); const hre = require("hardhat"); const { deployments, ethers } = hre; const GelatoCoreLib = require("@gelatonetwork/core"); // #region Contracts ABI and Constants const InstaIndex = require("../pre-compiles/InstaIndex.json"); const InstaList = require("../pre-compiles/InstaList.json"); const InstaAccount = require("../pre-compiles/InstaAccount.json"); const ConnectGelato = require("../pre-compiles/ConnectGelato.json"); const ConnectMaker = require("../pre-compiles/ConnectMaker.json"); const ConnectCompound = require("../pre-compiles/ConnectCompound.json"); const ConnectInstaPool = require("../pre-compiles/ConnectInstaPool.json"); const ConnectAuth = require("../pre-compiles/ConnectAuth.json"); const ConnectGelatoFullDebtBridgeFromMakerABI = require("../artifacts/contracts/contracts/connectors/ConnectGelatoPartialDebtBridgeFromMaker.sol/ConnectGelatoPartialDebtBridgeFromMaker.json") .abi; const ConnectGelatoProviderPaymentABI = require("../artifacts/contracts/contracts/connectors/ConnectGelatoProviderPayment.sol/ConnectGelatoProviderPayment.json") .abi; const InstaConnector = require("../pre-compiles/InstaConnectors.json"); const DssCdpManager = require("../pre-compiles/DssCdpManager.json"); const GetCdps = require("../pre-compiles/GetCdps.json"); const IERC20 = require("../pre-compiles/IERC20.json"); const CTokenInterface = require("../pre-compiles/CTokenInterface.json"); const CompoundResolver = require("../pre-compiles/InstaCompoundResolver.json"); const ETH = "0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE"; const GAS_LIMIT = "4000000"; const GAS_PRICE_CEIL = ethers.utils.parseUnits("1000", "gwei"); const WAD = ethers.utils.parseUnits("1", 18); // const ORACLE_MAKER_ETH_USD = "ETH/USD-Maker-v1"; // const ORACLE_MAKER_ETH_USD_ADDR = "0x729D19f657BD0614b4985Cf1D82531c67569197B"; // const PRICE_ORACLE_MAKER_PAYLOAD = "0x57de26a4"; // const MIN_COL_RATIO_MAKER = ethers.utils.parseUnits("3", 18); const MIN_COL_RATIO_B = ethers.utils.parseUnits("19", 17); // TO DO: make dynamic based on real time Collateral Price and Ratios const MAKER_INITIAL_ETH = ethers.utils.parseEther("10"); const MAKER_INITIAL_DEBT = ethers.utils.parseUnits("1000", 18); // #endregion //#region Mock Math Function function wdiv(x, y) { return x.mul(WAD).add(y.div(2)).div(y); } function wmul(x, y) { return x.mul(y).add(WAD.div(2)).div(WAD); } function wCalcCollateralToWithdraw( minColRatioOnMaker, minColRatioOnPositionB, collateralPrice, pricedCollateral, daiDebtOnMaker ) { //#region CALCULATION REPLICATION let expectedColToWithdraw = wmul( wmul(minColRatioOnMaker, minColRatioOnPositionB), daiDebtOnMaker ); // doc ref : c_r x comp_r x d_2 expectedColToWithdraw = expectedColToWithdraw.sub( wmul(minColRatioOnMaker, pricedCollateral) ); // doc ref : c_r x comp_r x d_2 - c_r x e_2 expectedColToWithdraw = wdiv( expectedColToWithdraw, minColRatioOnPositionB.sub(minColRatioOnMaker) ); // doc ref : (c_r x comp_r x d_2 - c_r x e_2)/ (comp_r - c_r) expectedColToWithdraw = pricedCollateral.sub(expectedColToWithdraw); // doc ref : e_2 - ((c_r x comp_r x d_2 - c_r x e_2)/ (comp_r - c_r)) // Extra step to convert back to col type expectedColToWithdraw = wdiv(expectedColToWithdraw, collateralPrice); //#endregion return expectedColToWithdraw; } function wCalcDebtToRepay( minColRatioOnMaker, minColRatioOnPositionB, pricedCollateral, daiDebtOnMaker ) { //#region CALCULATION REPLICATION let expectedBorToPayBack = wmul( wmul(minColRatioOnMaker, minColRatioOnPositionB), daiDebtOnMaker ); // doc ref : c_r x comp_r x d_2 expectedBorToPayBack = expectedBorToPayBack.sub( wmul(minColRatioOnMaker, pricedCollateral) ); // doc ref : c_r x comp_r x d_2 - c_r x e_2 expectedBorToPayBack = wdiv( expectedBorToPayBack, minColRatioOnPositionB.sub(minColRatioOnMaker) ); // doc ref : (c_r x comp_r x d_2 - c_r x e_2)/ (comp_r - c_r) expectedBorToPayBack = wmul( wdiv(ethers.utils.parseUnits("1", 18), minColRatioOnMaker), expectedBorToPayBack ); // doc ref : (1/c_r)((c_r x comp_r x d_2 - c_r x e_2)/ (comp_r - c_r)) expectedBorToPayBack = daiDebtOnMaker.sub(expectedBorToPayBack); // doc ref : d_2 - (1/c_r)((c_r x comp_r x d_2 - c_r x e_2)/ (comp_r - c_r)) //#endregion return expectedBorToPayBack; } //#endregion describe("Debt Bridge with External Provider", function () { this.timeout(0); if ( !== "hardhat") { console.error("Test Suite is meant to be run on hardhat only"); process.exit(1); } // Wallet to use for local testing let userWallet; let userAddress; let gelatoProviderWallet; let gelatoProviderAddress; let gelatoExecutorWallet; let gelatoExecutorAddress; // Deployed instances let connectGelato; let connectMaker; let connectInstaPool; let connectCompound; let instaIndex; let instaList; let dssCdpManager; let getCdps; let DAI; let gelatoCore; let cDaiToken; let cEthToken; let instaMaster; let instaConnectors; let compoundResolver; // Contracts to deploy and use for local testing let conditionMakerVaultUnsafe; let connectGelatoPartialDebtBridgeFromMaker; let connectGelatoProviderPayment; let priceOracleResolver; let dsaProviderModule; // Creation during test let dsa; // Payload Params for ConnectGelatoPartialDebtBridgeFromMaker and ConditionMakerVaultUnsafe let vaultId; // For TaskSpec and for Task let spells = []; before(async function () { // Get Test Wallet for local testnet [ userWallet, gelatoProviderWallet, gelatoExecutorWallet, ] = await ethers.getSigners(); userAddress = await userWallet.getAddress(); gelatoProviderAddress = await gelatoProviderWallet.getAddress(); gelatoExecutorAddress = await gelatoExecutorWallet.getAddress(); instaMaster = await ethers.provider.getSigner( ); // Hardhat default accounts prefilled with 100 ETH expect(await userWallet.getBalance()) ethers.utils.parseEther("10") ); // ===== Get Deployed Contract Instance ================== instaIndex = await ethers.getContractAt( InstaIndex.abi, ); instaList = await ethers.getContractAt( InstaList.abi, ); connectGelato = await ethers.getContractAt( ConnectGelato.abi, ); connectMaker = await ethers.getContractAt( ConnectMaker.abi, ); connectInstaPool = await ethers.getContractAt( ConnectInstaPool.abi, ); connectCompound = await ethers.getContractAt( ConnectCompound.abi, ); dssCdpManager = await ethers.getContractAt( DssCdpManager.abi, ); getCdps = await ethers.getContractAt( GetCdps.abi, ); DAI = await ethers.getContractAt(IERC20.abi,; gelatoCore = await ethers.getContractAt( GelatoCoreLib.GelatoCore.abi, ); cDaiToken = await ethers.getContractAt( CTokenInterface.abi, ); cEthToken = await ethers.getContractAt( CTokenInterface.abi, ); instaConnectors = await ethers.getContractAt( InstaConnector.abi, ); compoundResolver = await ethers.getContractAt( CompoundResolver.abi, ); // instaEvent = await ethers.getContractAt( // InstaEvent.abi, // // ) // ===== Deploy Needed Contract ================== const PriceOracleResolver = await ethers.getContractFactory( "PriceOracleResolver" ); priceOracleResolver = await PriceOracleResolver.deploy(); await priceOracleResolver.deployed(); const ConditionMakerVaultUnsafe = await ethers.getContractFactory( "ConditionMakerVaultUnsafe" ); conditionMakerVaultUnsafe = await ConditionMakerVaultUnsafe.deploy(); await conditionMakerVaultUnsafe.deployed(); const ConnectGelatoPartialDebtBridgeFromMaker = await ethers.getContractFactory( "ConnectGelatoPartialDebtBridgeFromMaker" ); connectGelatoPartialDebtBridgeFromMaker = await ConnectGelatoPartialDebtBridgeFromMaker.deploy( (await instaConnectors.connectorLength()).add(1) ); await connectGelatoPartialDebtBridgeFromMaker.deployed(); const ConnectGelatoProviderPayment = await ethers.getContractFactory( "ConnectGelatoProviderPayment" ); connectGelatoProviderPayment = await ConnectGelatoProviderPayment.deploy( (await instaConnectors.connectorLength()).add(2) ); await connectGelatoProviderPayment.deployed(); const ProviderModuleDsa = await ethers.getContractFactory( "ProviderModuleDsa" ); dsaProviderModule = await ProviderModuleDsa.deploy(, connectGelatoProviderPayment.address ); await dsaProviderModule.deployed(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////// After Contracts Deployement : Setup /////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Gelato Testing environment setup. // Step 1 : Add EUR/USD Maker Medianizer in the PriceOracleResolver // Step 2 : Enable Debt Bridge Connector and Gelato Provider Payment Connector // Step 3 : Executor Staking on Gelato // Step 4 : Provider put some fund on gelato for paying future tasks executions // Step 5 : Provider choose a executor // Step 6 : Provider will add a module // Step 7 : User create a DeFi Smart Account // Step 8 : User open a Vault, put some ether on it and borrow some dai // Step 9 : User give authorization to gelato to use his DSA on his behalf. // Step 10 : Provider should whitelist task //#region Step 1 Add EUR/USD Maker Medianizer in the PriceOracleResolver // PriceOracleResolver is a price feeder aggregator // You will be able to query price from multiple source through this aggregator // For the demo we add the ETH/USD Medianizer to the aggregator // MakerDAO price oracle are called Medianizer // await priceOracleResolver.addOracle( // ORACLE_MAKER_ETH_USD, // ORACLE_MAKER_ETH_USD_ADDR, // PRICE_ORACLE_MAKER_PAYLOAD // ); //#endregion //#region Step 2 Enable Debt Bridge Connector and Gelato Provider Payment Connector // Debt Bridge Connector is used during refinancing of debt // This Connect help the user to split a position in one protocol. // to 2 protocol in a safe way. Both debt position will be safe. // Gelato Provider Payment Connector is used for paying the provider // for task execution. So when futur task will be executed, through a self financing // transaction (user will pay during the execution of the task) task will // be executed. Improvind user experience. await userWallet.sendTransaction({ to:, value: ethers.utils.parseEther("0.1"), }); await{ method: "hardhat_impersonateAccount", params: [await instaMaster.getAddress()], }); await instaConnectors .connect(instaMaster) .enable(connectGelatoPartialDebtBridgeFromMaker.address); await instaConnectors .connect(instaMaster) .enable(connectGelatoProviderPayment.address); await{ method: "hardhat_stopImpersonatingAccount", params: [await instaMaster.getAddress()], }); expect( await instaConnectors.isConnector([ connectGelatoPartialDebtBridgeFromMaker.address, ]) ); expect( await instaConnectors.isConnector([connectGelatoProviderPayment.address]) ); //#endregion //#region Step 3 Executor Staking on Gelato // For task execution provider will ask a executor to watch the // blockchain for possible execution autorization given by // the condition that user choose when submitting the task. // And if all condition are meet executor will execute the task. // For safety measure Gelato ask the executor to stake a minimum // amount. await gelatoCore.connect(gelatoExecutorWallet).stakeExecutor({ value: await gelatoCore.minExecutorStake(), }); expect( await gelatoCore.isExecutorMinStaked(gelatoExecutorAddress) ); //#endregion //#region Step 4 Provider put some fund on gelato for paying future tasks executions // Provider put some funds in gelato system for paying the // Executor when this one will execute task on behalf of the // Provider. At each provider's task execution, some funds (approximatively // the gas cost value) will be transfered to the Executor stake. const TASK_AUTOMATION_FUNDS = await gelatoCore.minExecProviderFunds( GAS_LIMIT, GAS_PRICE_CEIL ); await expect( gelatoCore .connect(gelatoProviderWallet) .provideFunds(gelatoProviderAddress, { value: TASK_AUTOMATION_FUNDS, }) ).to.emit(gelatoCore, "LogFundsProvided"); expect(await gelatoCore.providerFunds(gelatoProviderAddress)) TASK_AUTOMATION_FUNDS ); //#endregion //#region Step 5 Provider choose a executor // Provider choose a executor who will execute futur task // for the provider, it will be compensated by the provider. await expect( gelatoCore .connect(gelatoProviderWallet) .providerAssignsExecutor(gelatoExecutorAddress) ).to.emit(gelatoCore, "LogProviderAssignedExecutor"); expect( await gelatoCore.executorByProvider(gelatoProviderAddress) ); //#endregion //#region Step 6 Provider will add a module // By adding a module the provider will format future task's // payload by adding some specificity like his address to the // Payment connector for receiving payment of User. await expect( gelatoCore .connect(gelatoProviderWallet) .addProviderModules([dsaProviderModule.address]) ).to.emit(gelatoCore, "LogProviderModuleAdded"); expect( await gelatoCore .connect(gelatoProviderWallet) .isModuleProvided(gelatoProviderAddress, dsaProviderModule.address) ); //#endregion //#region Step 7 User create a DeFi Smart Account // User create a Instadapp DeFi Smart Account // who give him the possibility to interact // with a large list of DeFi protocol through one // Proxy account. const dsaAccountCount = await instaList.accounts(); await expect(, 1, userAddress)).to.emit( instaIndex, "LogAccountCreated" ); const dsaID = dsaAccountCount.add(1); await expect(await instaList.accounts()); // Instantiate the DSA dsa = await ethers.getContractAt( InstaAccount.abi, await instaList.accountAddr(dsaID) ); //#endregion //#region Step 8 User open a Vault, put some ether on it and borrow some dai // User open a maker vault // He deposit 10 Eth on it // He borrow a 1000 DAI const openVault = await"abi-encode-withselector", { abi: ConnectMaker.abi, functionname: "open", inputs: ["ETH-A"], }); await dsa.cast([], [openVault], userAddress); const cdps = await getCdps.getCdpsAsc(dssCdpManager.address, dsa.address); vaultId = String(cdps.ids[0]); expect(cdps.ids[0].isZero()); await dsa.cast( [], [ await"abi-encode-withselector", { abi: ConnectMaker.abi, functionname: "deposit", inputs: [vaultId, MAKER_INITIAL_ETH, 0, 0], }), ], userAddress, { value: MAKER_INITIAL_ETH, } ); await dsa.cast( [], [ await"abi-encode-withselector", { abi: ConnectMaker.abi, functionname: "borrow", inputs: [vaultId, MAKER_INITIAL_DEBT, 0, 0], }), ], userAddress ); expect(await DAI.balanceOf(dsa.address)); //#endregion //#region Step 9 User give authorization to gelato to use his DSA on his behalf. // Instadapp DSA contract give the possibility to the user to delegate // action by giving authorization. // In this case user give authorization to gelato to execute // task for him if needed. await dsa.cast( [], [ await"abi-encode-withselector", { abi: ConnectAuth.abi, functionname: "add", inputs: [gelatoCore.address], }), ], userAddress ); expect(await dsa.isAuth(gelatoCore.address)); //#endregion //#region Step 10 Provider should whitelist task // By WhiteList task, the provider can constrain the type // of task the user can submitting. //#region Actions const debtBridgeCalculation = new GelatoCoreLib.Action({ addr: connectGelatoPartialDebtBridgeFromMaker.address, data: await"abi-encode-withselector", { abi: ConnectGelatoFullDebtBridgeFromMakerABI, functionname: "savePartialRefinanceDataToMemory", inputs: [ vaultId, MIN_COL_RATIO_MAKER, MIN_COL_RATIO_B, priceOracleResolver.address, await"abi-encode-withselector", { abi: (await deployments.getArtifcat("PriceOracleResolver")).abi, functionname: "getMockPrice", inputs: [userAddress], }), 0, 0, ], }), operation: GelatoCoreLib.Operation.Delegatecall, }); spells.push(debtBridgeCalculation); const flashBorrow = new GelatoCoreLib.Action({ addr: connectInstaPool.address, data: await"abi-encode-withselector", { abi: ConnectInstaPool.abi, functionname: "flashBorrow", inputs: [, 0, "600", 0], }), operation: GelatoCoreLib.Operation.Delegatecall, }); spells.push(flashBorrow); const paybackMaker = new GelatoCoreLib.Action({ addr: connectMaker.address, data: await"abi-encode-withselector", { abi: ConnectMaker.abi, functionname: "payback", inputs: [vaultId, 0, "601", 0], }), operation: GelatoCoreLib.Operation.Delegatecall, }); spells.push(paybackMaker); const withdrawMaker = new GelatoCoreLib.Action({ addr: connectMaker.address, data: await"abi-encode-withselector", { abi: ConnectMaker.abi, functionname: "withdraw", inputs: [vaultId, 0, "602", 0], }), operation: GelatoCoreLib.Operation.Delegatecall, }); spells.push(withdrawMaker); const depositCompound = new GelatoCoreLib.Action({ addr: connectCompound.address, data: await"abi-encode-withselector", { abi: ConnectCompound.abi, functionname: "deposit", inputs: [ETH, 0, "603", 0], }), operation: GelatoCoreLib.Operation.Delegatecall, }); spells.push(depositCompound); const borrowCompound = new GelatoCoreLib.Action({ addr: connectCompound.address, data: await"abi-encode-withselector", { abi: ConnectCompound.abi, functionname: "borrow", inputs: [, 0, "604", 0], }), operation: GelatoCoreLib.Operation.Delegatecall, }); spells.push(borrowCompound); const flashPayBack = new GelatoCoreLib.Action({ addr: connectInstaPool.address, data: await"abi-encode-withselector", { abi: ConnectInstaPool.abi, functionname: "flashPayback", inputs: [, 0, 0], }), operation: GelatoCoreLib.Operation.Delegatecall, }); spells.push(flashPayBack); const payProvider = new GelatoCoreLib.Action({ addr: connectGelatoProviderPayment.address, data: await"abi-encode-withselector", { abi: ConnectGelatoProviderPaymentABI, functionname: "payProvider", inputs: [gelatoProviderAddress, ETH, 0, "605", 0], }), operation: GelatoCoreLib.Operation.Delegatecall, }); spells.push(payProvider); const gasPriceCeil = ethers.constants.MaxUint256; const connectGelatoFullDebtBridgeFromMakerTaskSpec = new GelatoCoreLib.TaskSpec( { conditions: [conditionMakerVaultUnsafe.address], actions: spells, gasPriceCeil, } ); await expect( gelatoCore .connect(gelatoProviderWallet) .provideTaskSpecs([connectGelatoFullDebtBridgeFromMakerTaskSpec]) ).to.emit(gelatoCore, "LogTaskSpecProvided"); expect( await gelatoCore .connect(gelatoProviderWallet) .isTaskSpecProvided( gelatoProviderAddress, connectGelatoFullDebtBridgeFromMakerTaskSpec ) )"OK"); expect( await gelatoCore .connect(gelatoProviderWallet) .taskSpecGasPriceCeil( gelatoProviderAddress, await gelatoCore .connect(gelatoProviderWallet) .hashTaskSpec(connectGelatoFullDebtBridgeFromMakerTaskSpec) ) ); //#endregion //#endregion }); it("#1: Use Maker Compound refinancing if the maker vault become unsafe after a market move.", async function () { // User Actions // Step 1: User submit a Debt Refinancing task if market move against him // Step 2: Market Move against the user (Mock) // Step 3: Executor execute the user's task //#region Step 1 User submit a Debt Refinancing task if market move against him // User submit the refinancing task if market move against him. // So in this case if the maker vault go to the unsafe area // the refinancing task will be executed and the position // will be split on two position on maker and compound. // It will be done through a algorithm that will optimize the // total borrow rate. const conditionMakerVaultUnsafeObj = new GelatoCoreLib.Condition({ inst: conditionMakerVaultUnsafe.address, data: await conditionMakerVaultUnsafe.getConditionData( vaultId, priceOracleResolver.address, await"abi-encode-withselector", { abi: (await deployments.getArtifact("PriceOracleResolver")).abi, functionname: "getMockPrice", inputs: [userAddress], }), MIN_COL_RATIO_MAKER ), }); // ======= GELATO TASK SETUP ====== const refinanceIfVaultUnsafe = new GelatoCoreLib.Task({ conditions: [conditionMakerVaultUnsafeObj], actions: spells, }); const gelatoExternalProvider = new GelatoCoreLib.GelatoProvider({ addr: gelatoProviderAddress, module: dsaProviderModule.address, }); const expiryDate = 0; await expect( dsa.cast( [connectGelato.address], // targets [ await"abi-encode-withselector", { abi: ConnectGelato.abi, functionname: "submitTask", inputs: [ gelatoExternalProvider, refinanceIfVaultUnsafe, expiryDate, ], }), ], // datas userAddress, // origin { gasLimit: 5000000, } ) ).to.emit(gelatoCore, "LogTaskSubmitted"); const taskReceipt = new GelatoCoreLib.TaskReceipt({ id: await gelatoCore.currentTaskReceiptId(), userProxy: dsa.address, provider: gelatoExternalProvider, tasks: [refinanceIfVaultUnsafe], expiryDate, }); //#endregion //#region Step 2 Market Move against the user (Mock) // Ether market price went from the current price to 250$ const gelatoGasPrice = await"fetchGelatoGasPrice"); expect(gelatoGasPrice); // TO DO: base mock price off of real price data await priceOracleResolver.setMockPrice(ethers.utils.parseUnits("400", 18)); expect( await gelatoCore .connect(gelatoExecutorWallet) .canExec(taskReceipt, GAS_LIMIT, gelatoGasPrice) )"ConditionNotOk:MakerVaultNotUnsafe"); // TO DO: base mock price off of real price data await priceOracleResolver.setMockPrice(ethers.utils.parseUnits("250", 18)); expect( await gelatoCore .connect(gelatoExecutorWallet) .canExec(taskReceipt, GAS_LIMIT, gelatoGasPrice) )"OK"); //#endregion //#region Step 3 Executor execute the user's task // The market move make the vault unsafe, so the executor // will execute the user's task to make the user position safe // by a debt refinancing in compound. //#region EXPECTED OUTCOME const latestPrice = await priceOracleResolver.getMockPrice(userAddress); const gasFeesPaidFromCol = ethers.utils .parseUnits(String(1933090 + 19331 * 2), 0) .mul(gelatoGasPrice); const debtOnMakerBefore = await connectGelatoPartialDebtBridgeFromMaker.getMakerVaultDebt( vaultId ); const pricedCollateral = wmul( ( await connectGelatoPartialDebtBridgeFromMaker.getMakerVaultCollateralBalance( vaultId ) ).sub(gasFeesPaidFromCol), latestPrice ); const expectedColWithdrawAmount = wCalcCollateralToWithdraw( MIN_COL_RATIO_MAKER, MIN_COL_RATIO_B, latestPrice, pricedCollateral, debtOnMakerBefore ); const expectedBorAmountToPayBack = wCalcDebtToRepay( MIN_COL_RATIO_MAKER, MIN_COL_RATIO_B, pricedCollateral, debtOnMakerBefore ); //console.log(String(wdiv(pricedCollateral.sub(wmul(expectedColWithdrawAmount, latestPrice).add(gasFeesPaidFromCol)),debt.sub(expectedBorAmountToPayBack)))); //#endregion const providerBalanceBeforeExecution = await gelatoProviderWallet.getBalance(); await expect( gelatoCore.connect(gelatoExecutorWallet).exec(taskReceipt, { gasPrice: gelatoGasPrice, // Exectutor must use gelatoGasPrice (Chainlink fast gwei) gasLimit: GAS_LIMIT, }) ).to.emit(gelatoCore, "LogExecSuccess"); // 🚧 For Debugging: // const txResponse2 = await gelatoCore // .connect(gelatoProviderWallet) // .exec(taskReceipt, { // gasPrice: gelatoGasPrice, // gasLimit: GAS_LIMIT, // }); // const {blockHash} = await txResponse2.wait(); // const logs = await ethers.provider.getLogs({blockHash}); // const iFace = new ethers.utils.Interface(GelatoCoreLib.GelatoCore.abi); // for (const log of logs) { // console.log(iFace.parseLog(log).args.reason); // } // await GelatoCoreLib.sleep(10000); expect(await gelatoProviderWallet.getBalance()) providerBalanceBeforeExecution ); // compound position of DSA on cDai and cEth const compoundPosition = await compoundResolver.getCompoundData( dsa.address, [cDaiToken.address, cEthToken.address] ); // // calculate cEth/ETH rate to convert back cEth to ETH // for comparing with the withdrew Ether to the deposited one. const exchangeRateCethToEth = (await cEthToken.getCash()) .add(await cEthToken.totalBorrows()) .sub(await cEthToken.totalReserves()) .div(await cEthToken.totalSupply()); // Estimated amount to borrowed token should be equal to the actual one read on compound contracts expect(expectedBorAmountToPayBack) compoundPosition[0].borrowBalanceStoredUser ); // Estimated amount of pricedCollateral should be equal to the actual one read on compound contracts expect( expectedColWithdrawAmount.sub( compoundPosition[1].balanceOfUser.mul(exchangeRateCethToEth) ) )"1", 12)); const debtOnMakerAfter = await connectGelatoPartialDebtBridgeFromMaker.getMakerVaultDebt( vaultId ); const collateralOnMakerAfter = await connectGelatoPartialDebtBridgeFromMaker.getMakerVaultCollateralBalance( vaultId ); // in Ether. // Total Borrowed Amount on both protocol should equal to the initial borrowed amount on maker vault. expect( debtOnMakerAfter .add(compoundPosition[0].borrowBalanceStoredUser) .sub(MAKER_INITIAL_DEBT) )"1", 0)); // Total Ether col on Maker and Compound (+ gasFeesPaidFromCol) should equal to the initial col on maker vault expect( compoundPosition[1].balanceOfUser .mul(exchangeRateCethToEth) .add(gasFeesPaidFromCol) .add(collateralOnMakerAfter) .sub(ethers.utils.parseEther("10")) )"1", 12)); // Check Collaterization Ratio of Maker and Compound expect( wdiv( wmul( compoundPosition[1].balanceOfUser.mul(exchangeRateCethToEth), latestPrice ), compoundPosition[0].borrowBalanceStoredUser ).sub(MIN_COL_RATIO_MAKER) )"1", 12)); expect( wdiv( wmul( collateralOnMakerAfter, await priceOracleResolver.getMockPrice(userAddress) ), debtOnMakerAfter ).sub(MIN_COL_RATIO_MAKER) )"1", 1)); // DSA contain 1000 DAI expect(await DAI.balanceOf(dsa.address)); //#endregion }); });