// "SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED" pragma solidity 0.7.4; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; import { GelatoProviderModuleStandard } from "@gelatonetwork/core/contracts/provider_modules/GelatoProviderModuleStandard.sol"; import { Task } from "@gelatonetwork/core/contracts/gelato_core/interfaces/IGelatoCore.sol"; import {AccountInterface} from "../interfaces/InstaDapp.sol"; import { DebtBridgeFromMakerForFullRefinance } from "../gelato/DebtBridgeFromMakerForFullRefinance.sol"; import { ConnectGelatoDebtBridge } from "../connectors/ConnectGelatoDebtBridge.sol"; /// @notice Gelato Provider Module for the InstaDapp DSA /// @dev Used by Provider to sanity check any third-party Tasks they pay for /// @author Gelato Network Team contract ProviderModuleDSAFromMakerToCompound is GelatoProviderModuleStandard { /// @dev DSA must have gelatoCore as auth and gelatoCore is emitted as origin of cast address public immutable gelatoCore; /// @notice A trusted Connector to pay Provider for e.g. User's Gelato gas usage. /// @dev Automated InstaDapp Use Cases that rely on a third-party Gelato Provider /// to pay for automation will likely have this Connector in their spells. address public immutable connectGelatoProviderPayment; // TO DO: remove `public` after hardhat file import bugfix // https://github.com/nomiclabs/hardhat/issues/916 constructor(address _gelatoCore, address _connectGelatoProviderPayment) { gelatoCore = _gelatoCore; connectGelatoProviderPayment = _connectGelatoProviderPayment; } // ================= GELATO PROVIDER MODULE STANDARD ================ /// @notice Standard Gelato function for Provider's Task sanity checks /// @dev For more Provider security we should also check: /// - ListInterface(index.list()).accountID(_userProxy) /// - if (shield) connectors.isStaticConnector(targets) /// - connectors.isConnector(targets) /// But we skip those here to save gas /// @param _userProxy The DSA which submitted the Task /// @return whether the Provider is pays for the Task. function isProvided( address _userProxy, address, Task calldata ) public view virtual override returns (string memory) { try AccountInterface(_userProxy).isAuth(gelatoCore) returns ( bool gelatoCoreIsAuth ) { if (!gelatoCoreIsAuth) return "ProviderModuleDSA.isProvided:GelatoCoreNotAuth"; } catch Error(string memory err) { return string(abi.encodePacked("ProviderModuleDSA.isProvided:", err)); } catch { return "ProviderModuleDSA.isProvided:undefined"; } return OK; } /// @notice Gelato Standard Provider function to retrieve payload for the DSA /// @dev This formats the Gelato Task into a DSA compatible payload and /// it also inserts the _provider into the ConnectGelatoProviderPayment payload, /// to make sure that it cannot be spoofed thus e.g. securing Provider payments. /// @param _provider the actual Provider address verified by GelatoCore system. /// @param _task The Task in Gelato format. /// @return The execution payload in DSA format /// @return bool=false because no execRevert checks must be handled on GelatoCore /// because the DSA reverts, if a spell revert is caught during delegatecall. function execPayload( uint256, address, address _provider, Task calldata _task, uint256 ) public view virtual override returns (bytes memory, bool) { require( _task.actions.length == 1, "ProviderModuleDSAFromMakerToCompound.execPayload: Task should 1 action." ); address[] memory targets = new address[](_task.actions.length); targets[0] = _task.actions[0].addr; bytes[] memory datas = new bytes[](_task.actions.length); datas[0] = _replaceProvider(_provider, _task.actions[0].data); return ( abi.encodeWithSelector( AccountInterface.cast.selector, targets, datas, gelatoCore ), false ); } function _replaceProvider(address _provider, bytes calldata _data) internal pure returns (bytes memory) { (address target, ) = abi.decode(_data[4:], (address, bytes)); (uint256 vaultId, address token, ) = abi.decode( _data[104:], (uint256, address, address) ); return abi.encodeWithSelector( ConnectGelatoDebtBridge.computeRefinanceDataAndCast.selector, target, abi.encodeWithSelector( DebtBridgeFromMakerForFullRefinance .execPayloadForFullRefinanceFromMakerToCompound .selector, vaultId, token, _provider ) ); } }